The pet king of the city

Chapter 014 Xuanhuang Erqi

"Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda imitation products!"

Chen Lie saw the hot: "Which guy is so violent, actually refining the initial Xuanhuang two qi in Hongmeng? Stupid, it is too stupid, actually put the Xuanhuang two gas into the 6-level material, shaping this piece Level 8 items. No eye, I really didn't look at it! "

Chen Lie is very excited.

I even want to kill.

He didn't say anything wrong.

In front of this fake chaotic magic, its ultimate essence is the Xuanhuang Etiqi.

You know this is a Xuanhuang Eti.

Transcending system level of Xuanhuangqi.

Look at the refining creation.

Single is a simple refining, the 6-level taste is made of 8.

If is the 8 item item?

"Although there are only two, it is also a super treasure."


Chen Lie said: "You refine refine, actually use blood. I have to refine the Xuanhuang two gas, I don't know how much time to spend."

But no matter how much time is spent.

Chen Lie will also put into action.

After all, the Tiandi Xuan Huang Linglong Tower can be mixed with the big Luo Jinxian - Tai Shang Lao's self-defense magic weapon, once the sacrifice will be unbeaten.

Even if the saint is not broken.

Even if there is only two mysterious temperament.

But it is also enough.

Because the two of these two origins from chaotic, as long as the refining is appropriate, the 9-level artifact is definitely not a problem.

Chen Lie can not be extravagant.

"First, put this gum, other people give you."

"In the next time, there is no big thing, don't quarrel me."

Chen Lie can now be said that it is determined to be close.

For these two mysterious temperament.


Chen Lie still wants to be of course.

When he found that he should refine two angles from the 8th-level blood refining items, it is not to contaminate it, and its difficulty is completely exceeded.

According to his estimate.

Even if he can do it, then at least 30 years.

Have Chen Lie how much time wasted?

Naturally impossible.

So he must take an external force.

After spending millions of fans, Chen Lie finally knows what kind of external power can help himself.

Only he wants to use the external force on a certain madman.

and so.

Chen Lie had to fight his head.

Because I want to trade with this madman, I must first play with him first.

Can win him, everything is good.

If you don't win, it doesn't matter, as long as you perform excellent, you can talk.

But pure perfunctory.

Then don't want to make a deal, it may be disgusted by him.

Because this person is a sword.



Trial field.

Chen Lie is the lead.

This is a secret meeting without any viewers.

Closed, even the people don't give you.

At this time, Chen Lie stood in the middle of the trial field and closed his eyes.


Chen Lie felt what, suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, the swords of the sword were coming, Huaguang's sword is like a waterfall, and there is a meaning of a sucking.

If there is a spectator now, you will definitely look.

Unfortunately, the dead atmosphere has put this sword more cold.

And Chen Lie in swordsman has another reappearance. The sword light looks very intensive, but it is very powerful, and everything is really unreal, and there is a possibility It is the sum of the strength added by the remaining number.

Such a sword method is no wonder that there will be a sword.

I don't want Chen Lie to don't have a slightest wave. The hands are stirred in a circular track, and the crazy rotation instantly forms an invisible power whirlpool. It is also a terrible pulling force, instantly gives the sword. Eat.

This trick has appeared once in dealing with magnitude 8, and it is also the fundamental of the instant secondary level.

This time is not used to attack, but it is used to defense, and the role is still outstanding.

The meteor tiger emperor drifted with red blood!

This is an innovative way of use.

The meteor tiger emperor broke the smugness of the tiger, and the Tiger is to break the defense of many intensity at the time.

Now, Chen Lie has been modified, which can be fired, and the effect is more simple to change.

However, the change of this trick is not a transformation of countless times, just Chen Lie's temporary, so it is still not mature.

At least the full defense of the eight-door locks.

Therefore, Chen Lie has given a little price.

Just when he thought that he had a full sword, the knowledge exploded in an instant, just like a wild beast.

Almost at the same time, after the sword is light, suddenly, a brilliant golden sword is suddenly smashed, and the target is the heart of Chen Lie.

This is the body of the Sword, and all broken swords are added and there is no such sword.

The sword is worthy of the characters who can compare with the wine sword.

Such a sword method is definitely not a hard work, it can be cultivated. I don't know how much bloody.

The technique of this sword has long been surpassing most of the 8-level large-purpose understanding.


Chen Lie had a boring, and he retired a few steps.

The gorgeous sword light broke Chen Lie's whirlpool.

But this is only the beginning, the killing of the sword is not only, with a weird sorrow, killing Chen Lie's heart.

If Chen Lie finally took a point with a Tiangong knife, he has been worn now.

Perhaps this is Chen Lie's first frustrated, and may be the fact that the swordsman showed a great expectation of Chen Lie.

Chen Lie has retired.

Through the shock, it is then jumped, and the distance between the two sides directly to nearly 100 meters.

"The top 8 top of the full state is really not very caught."

In the sigh, Chen Lie Xu Xu took out the knife.

At this time, Chen Lie is no longer light, a full of god, and the red blood of the whistle is reminded to the peak, just like the devil.

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