The pet king of the city

Chapter 015 Sword Instruction

In the face of a strong sword, Chen Lie is no longer light, and the whole god is always concentrated. The red blood of the whisper is reminded to the peak, just like the magic god.

Although Chen Lie suffered the first setback since the ring, his inner heart was blank, the Lingtai was invincible, as if there was no matter to affect him.

The excident of the gas machine, the sword of the unfained, feels a non-conditioned pressure.

This pressure is not the kind of power, but a warning from the soul, as if any terrible thing is about to endanger him.

Sword idiots don't like this feeling, extremely don't like it, so he chose first.

He is an unfinitely close to the super big energy, from a simple cultivation, far beyond Chen Lie.

So as a "senior", he feels more active.

Huangguang is a little sword, and the heart of Chen Lie:

Infatuated sword!

This time, I just killed the heart of Chen Lie, I just got it, and I was quite inferior to the most famous swords in the wine Jockery.


Can Chen Lie did not have a horror, and the shocking knife looked two in the sword.

At that time, the last moment of the most critical, shocking the top, just hitting the sword light.

Three attacks, the result is naturally clear.

The sword is scattered again.

But the sword of the sword is not so simple, the second sword came out.

This sword is not so fast, but there is an unparalleled overbearing. It seems that a fighter who has gathered to the meaning of Wan people, and thousands of winds are attributed to a sword, and they come to Chen Lie.

This sword completely transcends Chen Lie's imagination.

Such a sword has a king's gesture, giving a pressure that cannot breathe.

It is even a terrible three points compared to the previous infatuation.

At least Chen Lie felt that even the eight-door lock of the proud of himself did not necessarily hard work.

Cocoa's face is like a pool, and there is no feeling of emotional fluctuations.


I saw his physical development as a residue, condensed the most upset shocking knife from a strange angle, with the arc and spiral "" Chinese light.

Overbearing the sword with floods passed through the impact of the weapon, eroding the body of Chen Lie, and Chen Lie is unlimited close to the perfect red bloody fairy.

The sword is faded-like.

And Chen Lie's face also poured a bright flush, but his knife did not stagnate, from the top to bottom, a bloody knife, rushing.

At this moment, the sword felt the death warning of a needle, such as the sword, as if there was a knife to stab in his own heart, and you can wear your own heart anytime, anywhere.

This feeling makes him uncomfortable, and even let him taste the taste of death.


The blood knife finally missed.

This is not Chen Lie, but Chen Lie is deliberate.

Give the sword.

"You still have to be better than the legend."

The sword invitation did not continue to be entangled, and he didn't hesitate. He took out a dagger and threw it to Chen Lie.

Chen Lie took a dagger, and I asked: "I want chaotic thunder, not dagger."

Chaos thunder, the first quenching of the world.

Unfortunately, chaotic thunder is born in the power of chaos, don't say it, many people have heard it.

The sword is replied: "I got the chaotic lightning in the dagger, if not the case, do you think I have to save the super 9 chaotic thunder?"

"That is also."

Chen Lie looked at the dagger and said: "It seems that this is not a general thing."

The sword didn't hide, replied: "This is the congenital gold, so it can store chaos thunder, which is the coincidence of my opportunity."

"Your luck is good."

Chen Lie is a bit envious.

The sword is said: "I will remember me."

Chen Lie also wanted to acquire.

However, the swordsman have already said the topic: "You don't want to buy me, this thing is rich and can't buy. There are several giants to buy me, one of them even wants to acquire, but they are all Pick up. "

Chen Lie suddenly understood why he didn't go to chaotic appearance. It turned out that there were too many 9-level giants who were sinned. I didn't dare to pass.

However, Chen Lie did not say it, so he was soaring that he was got up.

With chaotic thunder, what is the 8-level blood refining artifact, all do not speak.

Sword turned.

But I don't know what he thinks, suddenly said: "Mr. Chen, don't know if you are not to accept a commission?"

Chen Qian asked: "What kind of principal is delegated, and what is it. You have to know, I can touch my things now, it is too little."

"Remuneration is guaranteed to be satisfied."

The sword is also not said to be entrusted.

Chen Lie laughed.

He is not the kind of person who will open the money, but it is not the kind of person who can make the moving.

Although he wants to make a sword, you have to look at the environment.

What should I do if the sword is slightly evil?

It is necessary to know that people who can make swords are all the giants.

The sword is saying that the content: "I hope you will help me go to a place, still a person."


Chen Qi: "Why don't you go yourself?"

The sword was represented: "The plane is a public side, and my enemy is known."


Chen Qian: "Other?"

The sword is known that Chen Lie is asking, refreshing: "After the event, I told you the secret of chaotic thunder."

"not enough."

Chen Lie shook his head: "And I don't know if there is any chaotic thunder."

The sword is very affirmatively: "There is also some, I just secretly steal a trace. If you don't believe, I can request the system notary."


This is this.

After all, as long as there is no super level 9, it is necessary to live under the mechanism of the system.

Why is there so many big giants, desperately desperate for a trace of world?

It's going to get off.

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