The pet king of the city

Chapter 029 Chaos

Luoji was surprised: "This is a big defense treasure."

"That is before, I am better now."

Chen Lie is too lazy to explain too much.

"Long live."

"The old big is the most thoughtful."

Luo Ji is a woman, and it is super fast.

With the strongest version of the eight-door lock, the whole tiger, ghost and Luo Ji are three people travel, and there is really a small guarantee.

Even if you encounter a group of 8-level energy-free encirclement, they can also support their arrival.


The magical spirit suddenly flew over, full of excitement.

"what's happenin?"

Chen Lie is wonderful.

The magic spirit is what again is the 8th summoned beast.

Although it is just an illusion, the combat power is still awkward, at least 8 levels of magnitude 8 is not a problem.

I can make him so lost, afraid of a good thing.


I saw the devil sacrificed 36 beads and asked excited: "The master, what is this?"

"It is not the 7th Swallows, nothing is nothing."

Luo Ji took the town in the park for a long time, and the knowledge will not be low.

The magic spirit urged: "You look at it again !?"

Luoji has studied for a long time, and finally shook his head.

Chen Lie had seen a long time, there has been no special feeling. But he knows that the magic spirit is not a bragging, so he uses a higher-end world Linglong Pagoda to feel, and the results should feel a little taste.

Chen Lie asked excitedly: "Is this 36 pearls nourished by the world?"


"They are the famous chaotic pearls."

The magic spirit said: "The legend is born in chaos, but because no one refines, it has been plundered early, so only the chaotic foundation, there is no power of chaos."

Simple point is that these 36 chaotic pearls are only 7 levels, but the highest can be cultivated to chaos to treasure, the potential is endless.

Chen Lie said: "Who is so bad?"

The magic spirit replied: "I am not very clear, I only know that this is something that trials give us. He is a 7-level trial, has a 7-level treasure hunt type super pet, the result is fragment Find these 36 sets of big hides. "

Luo Ji asked: "How much is the fool that mortgage this set of things?"

Devil replied: "He exchanged a resource with this set of things, as well as a set of 8 defensive runes."


"I didn't expect to have such a gain."

Chen Lie did not expect to open the store and there is such an advantage.

No wonder that many giants, each will arrange the industry.

It turned out to have such potential benefits.

Such a transaction.

There is a one in ten years.

"Very good, this 36 chaotic pearls I want."

Chen Lie is very happy, saying: "The magic spirit, you are very wit, wait for me to refine your housing to refine your Qi Bao as a reward."

"Thank you."

The magic spirit is happy to die.

Because only the core talent knows, now Chen Lie is already a super refiner.

It may even be a high level than the refining peak.

Can get Chen Lie's compensation, with exclusive magic weapon, this is what they dream of.

Luo Ji Yuba looked at Chen Lie.

"you think?"

Chen Lie looked at Luoji.

"Don't want it."

"I will use merits to fight."

Luoji's face is not so thick, and the vows is decisive.

She felt that she was not as good as the magic spirit, but the deal talent, it was definitely better than the magic spirit.

Perhaps it is impossible to be so lucky like the magic spirit, but taking more treasures is never a problem.


Chen Lien said: "I don't ask you how much contribution, you can find 8-level materials, if you win, I will also give you a exclusive 7-level method."

"Level 7."

Luo Ji is a little disappointment.

However, I think that the magic spirit is at least equal to the 10-level potential, but it also gets a special 8-level magic, she extinguished her dissatisfaction.

Everything in the paradise, in addition to relying on feelings, the rest is to contribute.

This is an invisible tacit understanding.

Don't say it, everyone will consciously abide by.



"The world has 36 , can evolve 36 days."

"The quality of chaotic pearls is completely below the sea, but the effect is not the same."

Chen Lie was grinding chaotic swallowing, and the comparison of the sea god beads, began to design the next refining route.

Refinery in the refining days.

Chen Lie can make a 9-level treasure for the chaotic swallowing beads within 3 years.

But this is not Chen Lie.

Because he is higher.

Chaos Pengzhu will be with the refining heaven, the world Linglong Pagoda, accompanied by Chen Lie to the ultra-off realm.

"The refining is specifically used to refine the items, and it can also be used to swallow some unique attacks if necessary."

"And the world's Linglong Pagoda is a pure defensive treasure."

"I will lack the right attack means, this chaotic pearl must go to this route."

Chen Lie confessed the route, and then began to make planning and positioning to chaotic swallowing beads.

There are many kinds of attacks.

The quality of the design will directly affect the future of treasures.

The potential is just the potential.

Level 10 potential, even if it is advanced, it is not good, it is garbage.

This chaotic swallowing bead is made in this way, isn't it the best explanation?


Chen Lie also doubts this so-called energy, I don't know the true potential of chaotic pearls.

"Forget it, I will ignore this."

"Chaotic penetration beads can swallow thousands of things and convert them into bulk power."

"If it deviates the fire attribute, then it has the burst of fire properties; if it deviates the ice belonging, then it has the power of frozen. If you push it ..."

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