The pet king of the city

Chapter 030 is robbed

"Chaotic penetration beads can swallow thousands of things and convert them into bulk power."

"If it deviates the fire attribute, then it has the burst of fire properties; if it deviates the ice belonging, then it has the power of frozen. If you push it ..."

Chen Lie wants to go, and finally ordered.

Because of the power of a single property, it is easy to cause malformations, and ultimately only stays level 9, at most 9 peaks.

"And if the chaotic swallowing bead is swallowing the heavens and the atrial, then the world's route, although it will be higher, but the attacker is far less than other routes."

"Hey, headache."

Chen Lie took a blind eyebrow, why: "What is the potential of power is huge, and it has a strong killing force? And these have to be a lot of it."

I can't think of how to cultivate Chen Lie, who has cultivated chaotic swallowthrough, and began to take a walk.


When he saw the Tiansi, his eyes suddenly looked up.

If the insidious and evil, what is the source of power?

The most important thing is that Chen Lie is not lacking in nine.

If it's possible.

Chen Lie can even ran to the crushing plane of the imprisoned Jiu Himian, directly cultivated this in the world, and then integrated into the chaotic pearl.

In this way, the potential of chaotic swallowing beads can excavate and also have terrible aggressive.

As for the hen.

Ha ha.

This thing is in time, single refining a few silk Jiujing takes a few months.

If you refine, you don't know if you want to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

"Xi Tiao is only 8th things, it is difficult to refine too high."

"It seems that I will use the external objects, and I will refine the nine."

Not so much time, Chen Lie, decisive to transfer Tiansi.

Where is the transfer?

Part of the part to suppress the evil spirits, partly use to improve the defense of the paradise and shop, avoiding some people with poisonous gas types to raise, the remaining points to all places, allowing them to grow while cracking.

As for what is growing, then look at their own creation.

Just Chen Lie can't think of it.

When it gives the Tuanyu, the Tians is miraculous.

But this is after.

At this time, Chen Lie is dealing with these Tians.

"Tiansi is finished, this group of Jiuqi can also be used."

Chen Lien smiled without stopping.

He wants to see the chaotic swallowthal beads that swallowed the gas of Jiuqi, what will be overbearing.



Help with refining a flavor.

The refining process is super smooth.

I thought at least a few decades of Kung Fu, I didn't think of dozens of days, Chen Lie was cleared.

And for Chen Lie who has time house, what do you do?

"This is a good risk."

"I didn't expect the heavens and the earth to extract the heavens and the earth, almost given the aura of time house."

After Chen Lie, I was afraid: "The aura is exhausted, everything is exhausted, it takes so many time the world that builds so much. The world has to collapse, that is, no one is willing to see."

"No, I have entered a lot of heaven and earth."

"The development of the earth must speed up the steps."

"I don't have time to mushroom with some people, I am going to have a big fist."

Chen Lie was too lazy.

Under the aid of Sunday, after the fastest speed, a very crazy plan began to buy a large number of high-tech items in the future.

There is a people's livelihood, there is war.

But all are based on the construction of the underwater world.

As for those weapons.

Naturally, it is to prevent the countermeasures to be perceived by the Government of the Bank of the Underwater World.

Chen Lie didn't want to war, but not afraid of war.

He wants to build a thousand times of ordinary spiritual land world in the Pacific Ocean without the territorial dispute.

He wants to collect fairyling condensation at a thousand times, transforming into a campaign and heaven and earth origin.

As for others.

He has no heart thought.

after all.

The pattern of the earth is too small.

It is simply a ratio of the pet planes that have been on other planes, which is simply in the mountains.

Let Chen Lie even if you want to play, there is no place to play.

This is not.

There is a program to find him soon.

But not him.

It is whipped to them.

The .

A large group of 7-level trials included in a few levels were enclosed in half.

"Hand out of things."

Mara Ot looked at the .

Mara Ort, a 9th giant son.

Garbage in the mainland in the system.


This 9-level giant is purely at 9, and the strength is the weakest in the giant.

But weak giants are also giants.

It is never possible to fight 8th.

So Mala Ott is very proud, it is very rampant, it is also greedy.

It must be restrained in the system mainland.

But I came to the plane battlefield, he didn't have so much suppression, and everything broke out.

And when he saw the baby's body, and after Luo Ji, he quietly surrounded.

"Ha ha."

Heju tiger, but it is hard to eat hard.

Mala Ot is not a little bit, and laughs: "Don't think that it is possible to promote 8 levels, we have 3 levels here, everyone is promoted for 10 years, and you can't live with a person. Hand it out, leaving your fox female battle, I will let you go. "

Almost immediately, the heart of the tiger seems to have an anger that is not suppressed, let him all people feel, the body seems to be burned.

"It seems that you don't want to cooperate."

Mala Ot saw the expression of the treasure tiger and suddenly laughed.

The work of the surface has been made enough, since ,,,,,,

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