Even if the system mainland is located in another large plane, it is not surprising.

After all, no one will pay more than this.

"In this case, you can play at will."

"Of course, it is limited to this, you can't go on the battlefield."

Chen Lie final board.

Everyone scattered.

But the refining, the fighters, etc., but did not leave.

Chen Qi: "Do you still have something?"

Heji Tiger pointed to the refining and said: "The owner, he wants to know how to take the road 9."

He Tiger has the road to the martial arts.

But others have not found it.

Chen Lie said: "Level 9, said that it is perfectly integrated into the body, or it is more powerful, then condenses the world awareness, self-contained world. Avenue countless, you will see how you choose. "

Refindeng offers his strongest magic weapon, asked: "Boss, if I refine this mountain into a small world, is there a chance 9?"

"That's a must."

"When you refine this mountain into a world-class spirit, it is OK."

Chen Lie said that he nodded: "Of course, if you want to go to the Wardao Holy Body route, then you will have a link."

Refindeng asked: "Is it integrated with mountain peaks?"

Chen Lien.

The refining is on the feeling of changing the clouds.

at least.

He knows how to get the next path.

The magical spirit asked urgently: "That master, I am? I can make it feel free now, but I can't see the front road."

"You are more simple."

"Put the body with a level 9 artifact, evolve the way of the perfect law."

Chen Lie has seen so many information, especially in the road, the road of 9 levels of the zone can touch bypass.

Leisure time, there is a lot of performances.

This is better than a mountain water painting, you want him to think about the overall style of Putong's drawings, is not a difficult thing.

"It's really simple!"

The magical spirit suddenly stunned.

It is a big big thing for others.

It seems that it is difficult to say for the paradise.

after all.

There are many potential items now, as long as they give enough time, in need of sufficient heaven or earth, it is a 9th person.

Ghosts are also happy: "Congratulations, at least the way of breaking through."

Luo Ji asked excited: "Boss, then? I am now, I don't know what I should go!"


"Then it is adjusted to seek breakthroughs like []."

Luo Ji stunned.

The path of blood is too demanding.

Because the limits of the dragon fruit are 8 levels.

And the dragon, the effect is getting weaker than Luoji.

For so long, she did not promote level 8, this is the best explanation.

But put the blood in congenital magic, with the law of the corpse, there is no problem.

Because the promotion of the blood pulse is no longer a dragon, it can be said to be another road by swallowing the heavens and the earth.

The ghosts and other people heard here, and they looked at Chen Lie.

"You don't look at me with this eye."

"All have."

Chen Lie said very seriously: "In fact, you can go to the route of the martial arts, just a little modification. For example, the ghost can be similar to Lu Ji; , Tempering spirit, use mental anti-cooking, seeking breakthroughs ... "


Chen Lie is like a time to pass the mission, everyone is like the top, such as the dream to wake up.


Everyone has found it is also the best way.


This everyone includes a super-war pet.




A marine abyss.

This dark place suddenly ushered in a uncomposed ray.

This rays stimulate countless creatures.

Among them, there is a strong species.

Unfortunately, these species are all over.

Because this group is extremely intricular, it occasionally, it makes them can't afford the consciousness of struggle.

But a huge object is exception.


Sleeping here, refining the tyrant of the world of the world, suddenly opened his eyes.

Atmosphere broke out.

This is its resistance.

"Yes, you have come to this point."

It is Chen Lie to come to the extreme body of the hegemony.

He is the master of rays.

It is actually replied with the standard human reputation: "The owner is faster than me."

Chen Lie laughed: "I have a nearly unlimited resource, and there is time to bless. In this year, I am equal to others for ten years; but you are just a year, the speed is not what I can imagine."

"I can have such a achievement, but also because the owner is given to the origin."

"And here."

After the hegemony, the bottom is actually a huge juncture, while the ripples are rippled.

This is the underwater world of Chen Lie to take some resources and secretly established.

This place, the whole paradise did not know.

Even in the file records in Sunday.

It is Chen Lie and the secret.

Why did you do this?

Very simple.

The rabbit three caves.

How did Chen Lie have to give himself a little old?

Chen Qi: "How long does you need to break through?"

It is now devocytorating simple blood, almost no effect.

Unless it deviates all the earth's creatures, it can be accepted 9.

But Chen Lie is allowed?

Is this the best level 9?

So I chose another way:

Refining Tiandi's origin.

This is the most foundation, and the road of the most hydrocomputer.

After all, there is not much person to work with the same work, and it is directly for several years, or even decades.

It can stick to the machine is mechanical, not a creature.

Under the choice of this most bitter is also the oldest road, see its perseverance.

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