The pet king of the city

Chapter 040 ghost

The 9th level of the hegemony is the most bitter is also the most boring road, and it can be seen that it is the heads.

Chen Qian asked: "Let's talk about your current situation, I feel that you have stepped on the edge."

"It's stepping on the edge, but unfortunately, it is no longer able to meet my needs."

"Unless I can continue to refine 30 years."

The most pertural answer is given.

"I have been 30 years."

Chen Lie thought about it and asked: "What do you need?"

Protes: "World's source, or 9 artifacts."

"I will help you."

Chen Lie immediately sat down.

It is always the first battle of the park.

Before the prestige once, I was afraid that I was notified, so I stayed in the mainland of the system for a short period of time. I returned to build secrets.

Chen Lie said: "At present, I will build a super-aura mainland in the sea. Once I succeed, I will use the endless heaven and earth. When I arrive, I may not be able to borrow the 9-level artifact."

It's a huge head.

Nowadays have more than 90 meters of length.

Once it breaks through, the body type will explode.

It will definitely not stay in the earth.

Unless there is a super large array cover.

"Thank you."

Hegee closed his eyes.

Not it is proud, but it knows the end of the chat.

Chen Lie did not continue to speak, and the light is going.

Back to the park.

Chen Lie is quiet.

at the same time.

They don't dare to go to the face of the battlefield.

Some have chosen to avoid, have chosen to hit the luck, and some continue to the trials challenge.

Such as ghosts, small black, silver leopards and blue crown them.

They are just 7 levels.

The trial field is not small for them.


Also resolve a opponent.

"Let's go."

Ghosts don't think much, go down a goal.

It is very relaxed now, as if I feel that my opponent is general.

Just I don't know if it is really relaxed, or the surface of the face.

The ghostless heart god just relaxed, did not got a few steps, the cold hair was blown up, Chen Lie helped its specially refined 8-level rune knife without smashing, straight, directly stabbed a while Minute.

This knife is simple, overbearing, is also a ruthless one knife.

The throughput is sufficient to wear any of the Label 8 below.


A paw appeared.

In the face of the ghost, there is such a knife, actually use the claw to resist, such a person is not confident, it is a madman.

Obviously, it is absolutely not a cheap person who can seize such a chance to assassinate the ghost.


The ghost talents hegemony, a knife actually made the other party easily, but it is not allowed to move in the palm, which is like a probe.

The end of the day!

The pure end of the fire is interpreted by the meteor tiger emperor, and the opponent's eyebrows.

But the beginning of the world, but arrogant to even the killer who didn't do the most basic camouflage, it is easy to wave your hands, just like usually to refuse the monks.

It can be such a trick, let the ghost feel a suffocation of death.

This wavars lies in the attack of the ghosts, and the point of the end of the day is like sending the door to make people play trends.

Such eye movement is definitely not bad.


The end of the ghost is stopped, but the captured level 8 rune knife has once again burst.

On the end of the day, the violent fire scared the other's tiger claws, and then a penetration power suddenly rotated, turned into a general attack, actually to flock the enemy's big hand, and also put the enemy The heart is joined.

The spiral of overbearing is like a hole in the world, even if the other victory is in the face, face this god-like a knife has to change the color.

One finger.

Assassin is also used.

This fingertip condenses the finger of unknown power, it seems fast and slow, but it is necessary to grasp the core of the ghost, leisurely.

Recycling, then slowly finger, but directly point the strength of the ghost.

Have to say, this arrogant assassin is really strong, completely exceeds the level of ordinary 8 levels.

The ghost can swear, no 7-level trial is dare to treat himself, and only 8 levels of energy have such qualifications.


The ghost is a blood and fierce, and the trembling body retreats quickly.

He clearly felt that the top 8 rune knife of the spiral attack was in contact with the other party. The other's fingertips came into a terrible force that transcending normal power.

It is a simple point, but it is precisely the attack of ghosts, as if the strongest point is the weakest point.


The blue crown finally wake up, but he didn't train to die, but screamed for the sky.

The Assassue did not pay attention to the blue crown, and did not let go of the ghost. He changed the way before, and he took the initiative to kill. The potential.

The ghost knows that the other party has no mercy, and it doesn't mean luck. When I want to get thin up in the second blood, I still have a strong pressure, or that one finger, with the end of the fire of the end of the day.

But the assassin is not happy.

Because he clearly detected that the end of the ghost is different from before, it seems to be much more overbearing than before, it is a lot of horrible, as if the end of the end of the day has a differential devastating force.


The assassin's face is exposed.

The argument is that the ghost should be lower as a big realm; the tricks of the merits, even if the ghost has a lot of powerful skills, he is only strong.

It can be this contact. He found that it was an underestimated ghost, as if a breakthrough between the ghosts between the moment, actually blended the red blood fusion to the end of the day, and this red blood seems to be in the information. It is still a little bit.

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