The argument is that the ghost should be lower as a big realm; the tricks of the merits, even if the ghost has a lot of powerful skills, he is only strong.

It can be this contact. He found that it was an underestimated ghost, as if a breakthrough between the ghosts between the moment, actually blended the red blood fusion to the end of the day, and this red blood seems to be in the information. It is still a little bit.

It is this little accident, so that the ghost is lucky to escape.

However, the assassin is existence of magnitude 8, and there is countless refers to the ghost, each means a condensed goddess, as the bullet is generally string, and the ghost did not expect this world to have such a strange trick. I can only sacrifice Chen Lie to the bearing runes.


Dareful sound comes.

Every attack is shocked, and the face is shackled, pale, and the mouth also gradually appears new blood.

After connecting more than 100 yuan, the ghost finally can't resist the shock.

Losing a balanced ghost is like the lamb to be killed, there is no resistance to the power.


The order team finally broke out, all of the warfare directly burned the blood of this life, and bored them with the most peak combination.


The favorite vocabulary of the blue crown is broken.

It only felt a powerful forceful force hit, bombing it in an instant.

At the next moment, Xiao Black flew, and heard the crushing of order.

Silver Leopard is not there, and the bloody mouth is cut out.

A trick, the level of enjoys the 7th level of the team, even the other party is also resistant to the whole army.

At this time, there is only one thought in my mind, and the ghost is anti-digital, what is the monster?

However, the assassin's goal is obviously a ghost, no chasing order team, but close.

He knows that the ghost is a genius, and Chen Lie has a large number of pinesides, so it is possible to resume combat effectiveness even if the visceral shock of the ghost.

He must ensure that the death of ghosts, at least make sure ghosts can't participate in the next battle.


However, it is such a delay, and the ghost actually does not escape, and he is against him, he is out of his accident.

Nine days of Xunmei flash.

The level is increasingly could not keep the rhythm of nine days. Thunder flakes played in the critical moment, and the assassin's action is slightly constrained, and the body has subtle slow.

Although in the eyes of all members of the Order, the speed of the assassin is still very fast, but it is enough for the ghost.

A chance, the knife of the ghost has killed the past, and the pure knife locks each other:

life and death!

The ghost is a strongest knife who came over from Chen Lie.


The assassin took a shot, directly hit the knife, and the ghost was once again sent to the blood, and his face was also brushing.

He is still underestimating the ghost, the power of the knife is completely exceeded, even if he is the existence of 8 levels.

"court death!"

The magical spirit is coming.

From the ghost, it shouted to now, just the three breathing of the district, but the magic spirit killed the scope of the half city, visible to his speed.

And others are no one, the pressure of , the territory of the world seems to solidify the assassin to die.


The assassin has no helves, and the first time is burning the blood, and a burning is massive, not cost.

Such power condenses the terrible god of surpassing limits, and there is this to break down the imprisonment of the magic spirit.

This punch is different from all the martial arts before, and the terrible gods instantly stuffed the space of the square, making the assassin 's image suddenly, if the king comes, from the body and mental back pressure.

"sucker Punch!"

Under the simple slap in the magical spirit, the so-called king is just a nonsense, instant is flying ash.

As for a punch that burned countless my life, I was completely collapsed under this.


The assassin is as broken, and it will not move.

The two are completely different, just like adults are lesson.

The small black is hard to stand up, just said that the word "magic spirit" was shocked by the distant conditions of the ghost.

At this time, the ghosts, eyes, nose, mouth all overflows blood, appearance is quite embarrassing, and the eyes began to have a weak scatter, and there is a sign of signs.

The magic spirit took the hand, then the breath was moved, and the ghost was sprayed out of the blood, but he was relieved: "Fortunately, he timely takes the renewal of the Master's refining, otherwise, even if I personally shoot it. Use. Now I have expelled the god of his body, and the remaining is just relying on his self-recovery. "


Small blacks swallowed in the Ling Dan.

God, almost the same as the fairy.

But it is more difficult to condensed because it must have a law nature.

That is to say, this assassin is not only 8 levels, but also the strong in Level 8.

The 8th-level big can actually assassinate a level 7 super battle, is this not extremely ridiculous?

It can be biased, and it is also because of the dying of the ghost, struggle to go to a valuable time, but in turn, the magnitude 8 can be buried.

The devil is awkward: "This person does not hesitate to burn all the blood of all the life, and it is definitely not an ordinary assassin. The only one can attach this condition."

"8-level dead!"

The blood of the blue crown is almost stopped.

Unless the level of the super organization, a slightly weak tissue has cultivated the 8-level death.

How much hatred is, how much interest will make such a huge giant hope to sacrifice a magnitude 8 killer to achieve the purpose.

Everyone really can't think about it.

"Let's go."

The magical spirit is also a heavyweight, picked up the ghost, and Xiao Black is the body of the 8-level death, so that this is rushing to the store with a strong sigh.

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