The pet king of the city

Chapter 058 Evolutions

Chen Lie thought of a wonderful idea:

Use chaotic pearly beads, soul native beads, heaven and earth homepad, etc.

"Anyway, the role of opening a hole is to dig the potential of human body and build a self-world in the body."

"Thirty-six Dinghai Pearl of the flood world can evolve 36 days, then why can't I imitate?"

Chen Lie is a thunderstorm, and Chen is tried immediately.

Chaos pearly beads have been practiced, they are around; the soul of the beads is a lot, even if it is not enough, it can be done by trading; and the heaven and earth from the heavens and local origin can be condensed, almost no restrictions.


Chen Lie began to start with the heaven and earth.

Anyway, the spirit he has now mastered is enough.

Single Earth in the underwater world of the Pacific Ocean, the scale that has been constructed is larger than other spiritual sites.

And the area is still expanding.

It is expected to build a terrorist area that transcends the land area of ​​Australia.

And the gloom of the earth is fully recovered, and the cream can be swallowed every day.

As long as Chen Lie is willing, he can build Zhou Tianxing Big Array with heaven and earth.


"I am afraid that the heavens and the earth are not replaced, but there are other huge purposes."

Chen Lie has begun to turn off.


One person comes in.

I am very angry, and the peaks are eager to shout: "Boss, the blood is there. This guy is found by hostile giants. After hitting it, it is now full of chasing him!"

"it is good!"

Chen Lie did not say it.



Separate plane of hell shadow.

There is a world gap.

"It's coming!"

"As long as I can cross the world gap, I have a way to go to chaos or Wu gods."

"In short, as long as it is not a pet big world."

The blood is crazy.


A group of Guanghua brushed.

The blood of the blood can't prevent it, it is directly in the ground.

The opportunity is coming, Chen Lie has suddenly blown a touch of dwelling gods, and the space of the blood is instantly imprisoned.

Even if only one second time, but it is enough, because the endless Jiuqian's gas is wrapped around, you must know that this can turn the Jiu Houxian into a fool.

Although these Jiujing is basically a normal atmosphere, this time the number is too horrible, even if the quality is not good, it can give the blood emperor a non-small lesson.


The body is imprisoned, the soul is from the nine gas. This pain is not bare.

I have to say that Chen Lie is really too poisonous, it is the most tragic torture.

Harvesting red blood!

A bloody moon arc that consists of countless fires.

This is not only the extreme of the demon knife, and the first one with the power of the creation, but also attached to the heat of the fire.

It is such a simple knife, but you can break all secluded martial arts, where the tricks, vague, the blood of the blood begins to burn.

Although the blood is very strong, it is almost equal to the general existence in the eyes of ordinary trials.

But even God will fall, because this realm is not the limit, but a temper.

The gods dusk!

The blood emperor is the strongest, and the last move is coming out.

Jiu Jing's gas makes him unable to tear the space to escape, eight door locks and the world Linglong Pagoda's two boxes of blockade let him pass the passive.

In the face of death, he can only have helpless, sacrifices the final card; and he is not hard, but exchange life and death.

He is to gamble Chen Lie cherish his life, not dare to give his life.


Chen Lie's body suddenly trembled, his eyes, nose, mouth, etc. have a hole in a hole.

But the blood emperor lost the first hand is even more miserable, the body is like a broken kite, and it is still bloody.

Chaos swallowing!

There is no blank sound, no light, there is no power to swumming, but this power can avoid all the fleshy defense of the blood emperor, directly on the blood emperor's heart.

At this moment, the blood emperor feels that Chen Lie is stunned, and the soul is the taste of the moment.

The first attack after refining chaotic penetration beads.

The attack is more powerful than the normal 9-level giants.

The entire heart of the blood is disorderly, all rules, the rules began to crash, mutual erosion.

This is the mystery of chaotic swallowing.

Life and death!

The shocking knife with a murder of the sky, accompanied by the emergence of blood color.

Piercing, integration.

The blood of the blood is solidified in the desert, and it does not move.

Chen Lie looked at himself, helplessly sigh: "A pseudo giant that relies on external force, reluctant to promote 9-level pseudo giants so hard, forcing me that most of the base cards, it seems that 9 levels are really bad Make a fool! "

Chen Lie sighed, aiming the eye to the peekeeper hidden around the surrounding.

There are a lot of people who have a bloody idea, but it is basically magnitude 8 on the edge of the world.

The real giant will not be held to be rabbit, they choose more to encircle.

"Is it not extinguished?"

Just when Chen Lie had actions, it was found that the whole space suddenly gray, and he was full of strong killing desires by his head.


Chen Lie sent a breath, one more than ten times more than the original.

Although this secret is combined with this world, it is not a real original rule of rules after all, so Chen Lie has clearly felt a closed neighborhood.

"Is it compressed by the world?"

"Indeed, how to say that the blood is, it is this independent giant, which is equal to the world. I killed him, definitely not to be heaven, naturally should be suppressed."

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