The pet king of the city

Chapter 059 Blood Royal Treasure

"Indeed, how to say that the blood is, it is this independent giant, which is equal to the world. I killed him, definitely not to be heaven, naturally should be suppressed."

"9-level killing rules, I am afraid that there is no level of the same level to resist, I will lose myself here, I will see all the souls will kill."

"No, I can't stay."

Chen Lie scored the void next time, and the 8-level trials who had just killed the law and injured the body and the soul were all arrested.

"The blood is mine."

"Don't think about it."

Chen Lie took the hell shadow hillion carried by the blood emperor, and even these level 8 trials were all impressed into the world's exquisite treasure tower.

However, they are still dead, and there is a great utilization value, so Chen Lie gives them a layer of protection, so that they will not be killed.

"Look at the first level 9 organization collection."

Chen Lie returned to his hometown.

Open the blood of the blood in the first time.

At this time, Chen Lie is very leisure, but things are his collection. When did he want to play, even if you throw it, no one says him.


Chen Lie saw a lot of treasures.

Not only is Jinshan Yinshan, but also a few views that look like a pear of pearls.

If this is the case.

The sky is all gem and night pearl.

Have to say, this blood emperor is really evil, actually has such a collection.

To know that other people have arrived at this point, the secular money is a number, and it is not worth a little.

But Chen Lie quickly laughed.

Because he saw the massive material, Cheng Mountain's Xuan Iron blood copper, Chenghai's spirit beast body, countless spiritual abdomen, which is enough to mention all the library before Chen Lie.

"It is the strongest of three killers."

Chen Lie is cloudy and smile, all smiled.

The sky is suddenly black, a radiated flesh, and the ripple of the soul, symbolizing the closure of the secret.

But Chen Lie did not pay attention to continue to harvest.

a long time.

Chen Lie stopped, porn: "No, although there are many good things, there is no kind of level 7 or above, it does not match a 9-level identity."

Chen Lie said that others said that others did not say they.

Look at him now, in addition to those finished products, the materials in the equipment are more than people.

"Is it ..."

Chen Lie wanted to launch a wide range of search, but did not work, let him wonder.

If you don't die, Chen Lie continues to search, can consume a lot of soul, still do nothing.

Finally, Chen Lie shifted the target to the other place, and the result is only a relatively reasonable collection, and the Tianshu Di Bao does not see it.

"Strange, is there a hobny shadow?"

The wonderful Chen Lie looks at the sky.

But suddenly, Chen Lie fiders flying to the high altitude and conduct a wide range of searches in the high altitude.

The eyes are bright.

Chen Lie took a hand, and a storage bracelet hidden in the air instantly grabbed.

In the first time, I saw it in the heart of God. At the next moment, Chen Lie laughed.

This is the best trophy.


Chen Lie broke the secret in the way of torn space and left this independent place.



Heju began to impact higher realms.

Its super-pet brothers are dedicated, and Chen Lie is the secret of the town park, ensuring that there is no loss.

For Chen Lie, this day is more comfortable.

"the host!"

Wisdom squirrels respectfully stood one side and waited for Chen Lie's instructions.

Chen Lie didn't like hypocritical etiquette, so there was absolutely no worship here.

He gave a little bit of wisdom squirrel, very satisfied, nodded, set up the recent Earth information, praise: "Smart squirrel, you also grow up!"

Smart squirrel smiles, replies: "The master, this is your credit!"

Chen Lie did not touch the temper: "Stinky boy, don't give me a high hat, I know that I am unqualified master, I have not fulfilled the point of guidance."

I don't want to think about the squirrel. "The owner, you are wrong, and it is wrong with it! Your deed is to give us the best incentives, your wealth is to give us the best pointing, there is such a cultivation environment, if We can't figure it out, that is, the fool of the big. "

Chen Lie is not so forth.

The wisdom squirrel saw Chen Lie and did not speak, knowing that his words didn't work, and said directly: "The owner, I am excited is the soul of the martial arts. I don't know if I can be promoted to the 9th giant in this way?"

Chen Lie was serious, carefully replied: "Some Wu Sheng's power is purely rely on the power, which is difficult to condense into a martial art. But some Wu soul is from the help of blood, but It is completely hanging on the blood, and there is not much sense to the martial arts you feel, no wonder you will be fascinated. "

Wisdom squirrels can not stand.

It is now a super-war favorite of the 7th level, but because of the fusion of dragon blood, it is a blood route as the blue crown.

So it is also fascinated, I can't see my breakthrough path.

It wants to give up the road that has been famous, but the heart is reluctant, how can I choose.

If you let it continue, it is easy to cause indulgence, but fortunately he has a question today.

Chen Lie continued to analyze the road: "Dragon blood is condensed with your talent attributes very precise. If you take this way to understand the rules of the affiliated rules, you can evolve the power of Wuhun to the extreme, promotion of magnitude 8 Not a problem; if there is, the dragon is the beast is a fierce beast. It represents killing in the ancient times. You can also condense the powerful killing rules, but I don't recommend you to choose this direction. "

Smart squirrels seriously replied: "The master, I know how to choose."

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