The pet king of the city

Chapter 063, bait

The Qingqiuyi family has a label living in Angqiang since ancient times.

This time I changed my master, and some people naturally obeyed.

The most sad thing is a lot of gogging in the green feil, and they all distinguish between Loculo Snow.

However, Chen Lie has a little bit understanding for the resentment of Luo Xue, but this does not become her critical conditions.

If it is betrayed because of this, the personal morality of Luo Xue is worthy of promotion.

"Don't look at me with such eyes!"

Luo Xue obviously realized the meaning of Chen Lie's eyes, very angry, said straight: "It is estimated that you still don't know? There is a vicious practice called" Xuanzhu Secret to the Secrets ", specializing in high-level women The martial arts of the war is to improve the cultivation of the cultivation. However, in order to take care of the reputation of the Zongmen, there is no predation, but a batch of qualified female disciples supply them to cultivate, and when the glasses After the occupation of our plane, we became the materials they cultivated, and I was the cultivation of the genius in the future. "

Xuanzang: The meaning of inemorrhage is to say that there are thousands of things that are alive and will not see them, so it will be more than a female genital.

With a huge far-reaching, mysterious, it can produce genital genitals as a "road" symbol.

In the eyes of some people, women's hitting Yinyuan is Xuanzang, a lot of double repair methods are this route.

Chen Lie has heard the name of "Xuanzang Secrets", but I didn't expect to say that the celebrity will be so awkward, actually take a self-cultivation of cultivation.

This is a more heart-driven heart like Luo Xue.

It is necessary to know that Luo Xue is a genius for a hundred years. In other tissue forces, it is definitely used as a baby to care, but in the yin, it is actually used as a refiner material. Chen Lie really can't think of this world why there is such a world? Cruelty.

If it is Chen Lie, I will rebellion.

Suddenly, Chen Lie is a bit pitiful.

In this case, I met such a master, it was a lot of misfortunes?

Luo Xue saw Chen Lie to return, asked: "How? Stimulated, is it afraid to talk?"

Chen Lie shook his head, but I can't find anything.

He is not the kind of grass, it is not a creature of the lower body activity.

Luo Xue's encounter is worthy of his poor, but he is really not easy to cooperate with this.

Luo Xue bite his teeth: "If I teach you" Xuanzong Secrets ", then give me myself to you, can you help me again. Just one thing, don't do anything else."

Chen Lie's expression is condensed, and he will be ignorant again.

Take a deep breath.

Chen Lie strongly pressed the feelings of the heart and asked: "Why do you send me such a big confidence in me?"

Luo Xue replied: "I don't believe the so-called luck, but I believe in your pride. As you are like you, even in the Wuhainese world is also famous, it will never easily promise promises, but once it will Trend is done. "

Chen Lie knows that genius is proud, but the root cause of genius proud is ambitious.

Whether it is considered by the name, still worry about the magic, the general genius is really like Luo Xue, will not easily make promises, promise is like owed to the debt, must be.

Chen Qian asked: "What do you tell me, what is your secrets of Luoji?"

Luo Xue gestured: "I can tell you, but you have to swear to your heart, you can't live up to me in the future."

"it is good."

Chen Lie nodded.



The star sea of ​​the freight party, the bloody nebula is filled.

The sky is vague.

This is a signal that has giant fallen in the world.

"Hey, the war began."

"There is a giant that has just begun, it is a destruction war between the three worlds."

Chen Lie looked at the feeling of being a little frustrated, and he didn't say other people.

The green duft is in the edge of the pet big world.

It belongs to the three regions.

The right war is in the edge of the pet big world.

So it is very clear and feels special.

"Hegesa, you can take a good weight."

Chen Lie can now be said to be a love, only to see yourself.

"Forget it, I still have a heavy responsibility, not to say distracted."

"Luo Xue, Luo Xue, I hope you can really bring the old ancestral pit of the yin."

"I have already put it properly, I also put it into a level 8 organization, I can't get it. If you fail, then you will wait until you are, no matter what person in Loy Ji."

Between speaking, Chen Lie entered the void.

the other side.

"Old ancestors!"

"Just in front."

Luo Xue took the founder of Yamanti, the martial arts giant cineroom of Wushen World, was crazy on the sea of ​​distant stars.

"How far is it?"

"The front is the edge of the battlefield of the two worlds! I have a good day now, I still don't want to go to the battlefield!"

The ancestors of theoyant ancestors are very impatient.

If you don't look at what you say, he will not endure such a journey.

"Just on the front."

"That is the last secret of our family, only the blood of our family can be opened."

Luo Xue deliberately asked: "But the old ancestors, why not let your disciples come over? You don't have to toss it?"

"The ancestors do things, don't worry!"

The ocean old ancestors have scared, and the heart also laughs: "So important things? How can someone else to work? This thing is a fatal temptation for any 9th level below. They are likely after they see it. Gyeing, even after an independent, so any disciples have believed. "

Even your own disciples are also suspected, this is the ancestors of theoyant.

It is also the style of Yamanti.

Luo Xue continued to deliberately stimulating: "The old ancestors, you promised me, must do it."

"Don't worry, the old ancestors never destroyed."

The old ancestors are clear.

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