The pet king of the city

Chapter 064 Pit Kill

"Do not worry."

"The old ancestors never ruined."

The old ancestors are clear.

a long time.

Luo Xue shouted: "We are here."


The ancestors who saw the ancestors of the ancestors were just endless stars.


Luo Xue saved with his own blood, and there was a stone source in front of him.

"It turns out that this is the last holy place in your family."

When the ancestors of the ancestors feel the energetic heavens and the earth, the heart is sighing his luck to explode. If you can't encounter others, you will send it directly to the door.

"Go in and see."

Looking at this hidden in the center of the endless star sky - the floating island of the distant, there is no space in the surrounding space, the ocean old ancestors are not mushrooms, directly driven Luo Xue will pass.

Just is the ancestors of the ancestors just came to floating island, they were shocked by the spirit of the spirit here.

"My Niang! So many world origins!"

Looking at it, like weeds average the heavens and earth, the ocean old ancestors surprised.

It is necessary to know that the heavens and origin are the 7th legends of the heaven and earth, and the legend is equal to 100 Silk Tiandi's origin. It also has the effect of Giant Pei for 9 giants.

For the sorrowful injury, there is countless, purely relying on the Yuanyin and the Knife Wudi's fragile flavor of the ancestors, it is a consolidation of the foundation and enters higher-level treasures.

So many days of origin is simply a big championship.

But the old ancestors did not worry, then he was again search again, and the result continued to surprise.

Usually rare heaven and earth origin, can be seen everywhere, like wild fruit.

Some places with a lot of aura, such as what is the gangquan, the growing heavenly source grass is more advanced, and there are even a lot of precious and very 8-level murderer.

When the ancestors of theoyant, the entire floating island is carefully searching for one, and starts to harvest.

Although he did not scratch the devastating harvest, he left a lot of seeds.

But those mature all have not fallen, and they have made things in his capsule.

Sketchy, single harvesting is at least 9-level materials.

"Too lucky."

After the joy of harvesting, the old ancestors began to think about why luck is so good.

In such a remote place, the great giants can't be found.

And the giant below, looking for such a small floating island in the vast star sea, it is simply in the sky.

Original, no human interference environment, has created abundant resources here.

And this is just a horn of the iceberg in the pet.

At this moment, the ancestors of theoyant ancestors know why know why know the pet world is so Nanchang, but why there are so many people who are willing to attack the pets, and even sneak over.

It turned out to be a little luck once, there will be an unsuccessful resource for life.

"Forget it, it's been half a month, just take a break here."

The ancestors are sitting on the ground, ready to be calm.

But when he will let Luo Xue in the next moment, he really closes to practice.

very quiet.

Originally, according to the normal development, the ancestors of theoyant ancestors will take a break in the United States and then return to the Yinki.

But the world is not necessarily satisfactory.

The sky suddenly flashed a blood color.

Concealed the heart of the blind, breaking the rest of the ancestors of theoyant.

Electric flash thunder, wind tsunami.

The terrible Xinghai Storm is directly overridden, and the half of the floating island is gave.

Although the cultural age of the ancestors is not afraid of such a star sea storm, he always has a disturbing, it seems that there is always something happening.

His premonition is correct.

The heart is tide, the crisis is insensitive, and when a shock, the thunder is penetrating.

A horrible to let him suffocate the power of the suffocation.

This is the strength of giants.

No, it also matches the power of this Star Sea.

This combined power is strong to the heart of the ancestral ancestors.

"Is this the top giant?"

"My God, what is this luck?"

The old ancestors played crazy shouts from the bottom of the heart.


The power of the sky is like the Thunder.


In the case of a sudden defense, the ancestors of theoyant ancestors have been bombarded.

His care facility is also broken.

The Wushen World cultivation is itself, so the magic treasure type is relatively small.

At least there is so much in the Xian Xia system.

Their combat is full.

Chen Lie appeared.

Luoxue has already disappeared.

The ancestral old ancestors are tightened and asked: "The giant of the pet world? I understand, all of this is a trap, so many resources are bait! Haha, a big hand, we have inherited more than 3,000 years Kwaizong can't take such a hand, and it is just a bait here. "

Chen Lie said that there is no expression: "Theoyant old ancestors, you have no chance, self-cut!"

"Haha ..."

The ancestors suddenly laughed suddenly without signs, asked in vulgarity, homerson: "Do you think that you will eat me?"

Chen Lian asked: "There is no life in the magic weapon, the peak state has passed, the heavens and the origin is not refining, only pure spirits, there is no place to use, is you still possible?"

"is it?"

The eyes of the ancestors of the ancestors have changed, and the blood is infinitely expanded. It actually forms a weird light ball to protect it.

At the next moment, the body of the ancestors of the ancestors rolled up, while the blood and blood of the declined was reborn with the speed visible to the naked eye.


Chen Lie is the most straightforward, and immediately take it.


The blood of the ancestral ancestors actually has super terrible defense.

As a result, Chen Lie used much power, it was a lot of strength, almost shocked him to vomit blood.

Not only Chen Lie, even the world of the world is also shaking.

Chen Lie was a bit surprised.

"To die ..."

The word "" of the ancestors of the oantomantumes has not yet shouting.

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