The pet king of the city

Chapter 068 Shadow Light

Chen Lie a large-scale transient, and then appeared in front of the shadow.

Shadow light.

A rule that is cured by the giant is condensed, can shuttle the star sea, the super communication means of the information.

Because this avoids the monitoring of the system, it is very popular among the underground market.

And this is a specialty of hell shadows.

After all, the hell shadow of the year is powerful, collecting a lot of materials that can be met, refining the light of the shadow to become a telecommunications means.

"How do you feel disappear?"

A shadow killer that escaped from the big search, sent himself to the intelligence of the intended collection.

As a result, the sensing of the light of the shadow disappeared.

"Is it mistaken on the battlefield?"

"Forget it, come again, go!"

After the shadow light thoughts, with the legacy of the shadow killer, it is broken.

At the moment, a big hand suddenly appeared in front of the shadow light, directly grabbing the shadow light.

"Good harvest!"

Chen Lie smiled and looked at the shadow of the shadow. He didn't have a vendance.

Shadow killer instantly lost the sensing of the shadow light.

If it is a coincidence once, then?

But he doesn't have to answer.

Because Chen Lie has appeared in him.

Seeing Chen Lie, the shadow killer face is turned, asking questions: "Who are you?"

Chen Lie lane: "You don't need to know who I am, just answer my words!"

The shadow killer roared and asked: "Do you know who I am?"

"Don't know!"

Chen Lie took a bomb, put the special refined nine stunned into the shadow killer's body, then said: "You are very proud, come, we can play a game."

There are more difficulties in the face of shadow killers.

He already felt the body, and the soul was eroded by the nine.

I have to lose myself.

Chen Lie took out a bottle and asked: "When I ask you, you only need to answer, if you don't cooperate, I will let you experience what is called life is not as good as death."

"Mix ... ah ..."

The shadow killer just wants to open it.

This is really painful, it is simply in the heart, let him almost bite your own.

Chen Lie continued to add, and the shadow killer continued to screame.

Torture lasted for ten minutes, Chen Lie saw the shadow killer is going to turn white eyes, this will stop to praise: "Good tolerance, people who have been tortured, rarely support half of the half column."

When I said, Chen Lie took out a new medicine and said: "This is a combination of poison, and it will have double effect with the pharmaceutical combination just. And not only pain, it will itch, itch, you caught the skin, tear The point of my meat. "

The shadow killer hit a sprite, no longer turned over, pleading: "Please don't get me again, you ask me to answer."

"This is awkward!"

Chen Lie is not a devil, achieving the purpose to accelerate the process: "I ask you, what kind of person you chase is a shadow of hell? Why can you live freely?"

The shadow killer will reply immediately: "Our hell shadow has a long time in the pet big world, and the heritage is not a general super organization. We are ... ah ..."

Chen Lie directly added him.

This time, the torture is like Chen Lie, the shadow killer is painful and itchy, crazy grabbed the body, a claw is a skin and flesh, but he has no feeling.

a long time.

The shadow killer stops being tortured.

Chen Lie said: "Do you still have to play?"

The shadow killer saw Chen Lie to take the third bottle of medicine. He almost hesitely dared to continue to play, immediately replied: "We can escape the system monitoring, because we not only have the inheritance of the pet world, There are inheritances of chaotic worlds and Wu Shen Big World. Some of the inheritance clearly record many means of avoiding system monitoring. "

Chen Lie was a little bit, and then asked: "Listen to your tone, seems to have many people who have lurked, except for chaos, there are other means of deception system?"

The shadow killer does not dare to have a slightest delay, then take a reply: "Yes, we have a lot of people, even giants. It is because of our internal response, so the chaotic world and Wu Shen World can easily entered a pet. World. "


Chen Lie lamented, I am afraid that the super offers who have participated in the encirclement are also estimated that hell shadows are also hidden so deep.

However, Chen Lie also lost budget.

After all, the giant is still a giant.

The enemy hides and has a means of avoiding system monitoring, but it is not a trouble.

Obviously, hell shadows started to enter the room in order to retaliate.

"Hell shadow, really enough!"

Chen Yan sighed at the shadow killer, and he was a little dismissed.

Hell shadows lost so many giants, but also be eye-stayed by super offers, but still survived until now, this is how crazy bottom.

I am afraid that I have to be terrible than the Three-Bedian Business Alliance.

"You! What do you want to do?"

The shadow killer is obviously noticeable to Chen Lie's eyes, no retardation.


A blue knife flashed, and the shadow killer's head flew away from the body.

Chen Lie handled it around him, and even the things on all the values ​​of him were cut off, and then fired completely, destroying the deadline.

After processing everything, Chen Minfang will only go back.



Things of shadow killer.

It is a serious warning for Chen Lie.

A super organization that seems to be in the dark, but in the dark, but also maintains a strong vitality.

Go back to the memorial.

Chen Lie did not save, build a second one-time 9-level killing with a large number of resources.

This is very luxurious.

But the outside is guarded the eight-door lock, once there is a giant ...

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