There are eight door locks outside the outside, once there is a giant attacking the memorial, this 9-level killing is also enough to drink a pot.

The slightly weak giant is in the hidden arrangement of Chen Lie in the tragic.

"It's time to see guys who don't trust the disciples of the old ancestors."

The martial arts giant of the Wu Shen World, the body is the best container.

They will put all the most baby things, hidden in the world of the body.

The higher the level, the greater the inner world.

The body of Chen Lie is not letting the body of the ancestors of the ancestors.

"it is good!"

"It is a giant of Wu Shen World."

Chen Lie saw the corpse of the ocean old ancestors, and found that the inner world in the inside was a small world, and many times more than his paradise secretly, even more than the earth, and There is a relatively perfect rule system inside.

This is Chen Lie can't think of it.

Single, it is a big wealth.


Chen Lie has a fuff.

of course.

The world is still very primitive, and there is no soul, only pure Xuanyin.

If you want to transform, you need to do the kung fu is not a star half.

However, this is not difficult to fall Chen Lie.

Now the three big worlds are fighting, all things that require long-term effects have a decline in the cost of improving the fighting power in the short term.

This is a great advantage for the paradise who is good at processing and making a variety of battles.

Basically a hundred years of celebrations are the kind of heat every day.


There is too little living in the paradise.

Even if the gods, Abao they have no overtime, and they can't pay the demand for terror.


Chen Lie said to Luoji: "Luo Ji, those captive you can choose, all of the things that can refine things, wounded from slavery, all don't waste."

"Yes it is."

Luo Ji is incomparable.

Although Luo Xue did not follow.

She wants to continue to protect the green bust.

But Luoji is very satisfied.

For Luo Xue, this sister, even for the entire green duple, she has done enough.

And helping her all the completed is Chen Lie.

So now Loji does not dare to mention any extravagance, just want to do your own job.

"The workload is a bit big, you can find someone else."

"Oh, you can make Sunday assist."

"Robots are best at cumbersome and repeated work."

Chen Lie gave a reminder.

Luo Ji is respectful.

Chen Lie posted a series of things, as for how important resources were handled, he did not think.

Because he was attracted by the practice of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors.

"Yuan spirit into the dream method, you can put your own Wu Dao Yuanling into other worlds, like the dream of dreams, even if the martial arts Yuanling is annihilated, but the damage to the body is not very big."

"This is a high-cost foreign world exploration means."

"Wu Shen World in order to develop other worlds, even such auxiliary skills are developed."

"It is a big world inheriting hundreds of millions of years."

Chen Lie saw it.

Relatively speaking.

The basic and thin-winged world, can communicate with the means of the opposition, all have a strong strength to do it.

If there is such a strength at the Three-Beding Union, it is estimated that there is no need to send so many trials into the exploration.

Let a big energy, even the giants divide a soul, in this regard, in this regard.

Even if it is lost, it is just a soul.

Will not hurt.

This thing is easy to use, if you take it to the system notary auction, you can use it as a permanent financial source.

After all, everyone must learn, pay once, and may not teach others under the notarization of the system.

Long doing long.

However, Chen Lie is not so stupid.

This kind of thing, give you enough interest first, and share it.

Moreover, now the three big worlds in the war, who want to swallow each other, and who has time to explore in such a critical situation.

Even the three-border business alliance that has always been unwilling, but has to interrupted the exploration of the unknown world.

"First, I will master this skill."

"Then according to the previous ideas, use a variety of local origin to replace the guidelines, the fastest speed condenses around the sky."

Chen Lie is determined, and immediately opened 10 times the comprehension.

There is enough heaven or earth, the time is said to be 10 times time flow rate, even hundreds of times, thousands of times have no problem.

Before, Chen Lie was decisively integrated with the temporary house and the park.

There is a refining taste.

This is just a simple thing to come to the captain.

Although there are other secrets in the half of the hell shadow, it seems that all the specific plunder is cultivated, so Chen Lie doesn't want to be more than a lot of greed, and the interest in the hands of the hand.

Chen Lie was again closed.

Other places in the paradise.

Just right, repair the :

On the front line.

"Why is it going?"

Ghosts and ask: "You don't know if there are countless people want to stay behind?"

"That is the behavior of the weak."

: "I just have a breakthrough, I need to show to consolidate my roots. The most critical is that I can't earn mers, I don't want to have a big zero head."

"Zero head is zero."

"The owner has just sent a number of 9-level blood of the dragon blood, enough for me to refine Jin."

Ghosts sigh: "You are still too proud."

"This is me."

The .

The memorial is Chen Lie to take the town, and it doesn't need this cumbersome.

It can completely let go of your hands and feet.

In fact.

prove: It is not much weaker than hegemony.

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