The pet king of the city

Chapter 070 Million Army

In fact.

prove: It is not much weaker than hegemony.

Therefore, the movement of the is very fast.

It explores where the front line is most dangerous, accept the system's delegation, act as a leader of a legion, with the army.

Halcy later.

Wu Shen Big World Military Region led millions of elite army, direct attack on the frontier defense line of pets.

Three days, the pet big world pet big world is full of falling in the edge of Wu Shen World, even a star of a star of the giant sitting, accompanied by the escape of the giant, there are many major successive deaths, ten sides of the star boundary The star empty is finally selected.

On the fourth day, the 9-level giant of the Iron Blood Leverage departed, leading the army of the pet big army.

Although this lineup only has a 9th level, but no one dares to look at this mysterious, never fully shot the giant.

And only Chen Lie knows that as long as the Tiansheng is out, there is no giant war basically end, because the Wushen World's ordinary giant is fundamentally can't resist the giant of the giant of the Bawa.

This is the first large-scale counterattack of the pet big world, which is to hit the hope of countless pets.

And I wanted Chen Lie who watched the battle, but I was so strong that everyone was strong, because everyone still needs his spirit.

Helpless Chen Lie can only gather together to use the system monitoring artifact to observe the battlefield.

The so-called monitoring artifact, nothing more than two expensive spirits, one when the eye, one when the receiver can achieve the effect of watching.

This kind of thing is not too far, the farther, the more unclear; and this thing is huge, and it is 10 minutes to stick to 10 minutes.

The two major legions began to confront.

The most funny thing is that actually played a very traditional fight.

"Hey, the other party actually dispatched one of the ten young masters of Wu Shen World, it is very domineering!"

"The sale is good, there is the wind of the ancient generals; and also understand the golden body rules of the Buddha, I am afraid that I can compare with half a level 9."

"Unfortunately, level 8 is level 8, a little bit a little bit. I feel that Jiao Jiao should have a stable."

Yes it is.

Head tiger got the front line.

The direct face is such a cruel war.

This is the case, with his war, the other party should not matter.

"How is he?"

When everyone saw the appearance, it was a great tiger, and immediately stupid eyes.

Although everyone knows that is Chen Lie, I also know that this guy's talent is high, it is a young generation in the world.

However, it doesn't have a record, you can only know some spider marts from the mouth of the park's internal person.

I don't know how to look at Chen Lie, but I can only get Chen Lie.

Chen Lie looked at Wu Shen's world, like the Tianstrian army, or the huge army of the sky, or the ground, instantly, I feel that the pet big world is too pediatric.

Although thousands of lineups of thousands of at least 7 levels are all floating in the half air, but they are not proportional to the number of people.

This is 100: 1 scene.

In order to welcome this thousands of people, people have dispatched 100,000 Wu Big World elite, and even the strongest army heads are coming, they can see their jealous of the pet big world.

It's just when the Tigers come out, many people in the military big army in the martial arts of Wu Shen, even have seen the scorpion of the embarrassing hidden hidden.

"Silly X game."

Chen Lie saw this kind of chopping scene similar to the Three Kingdoms, a little disdainful.

Not only disdain to people, but also disdain for this form of aortic.

Although there is a feeling of fighting in front of more than 100,000 people, it is really not suitable for him for Chen Lie to say that this is not suitable for him.

He either directly to slaughter, or directly sneak other places, so that this so-called army can't take care of it, it will never lead a group of people directly called.


However, Chen Lie also underestimated the stimulation of this two army against people.

Heju Hui actually abandoned the original intensive advantage, actually touched with others, let Chen Lie have seen big.

However, in this big awkward, Heji Hu is actually changing the gold body in the last key sacrifice to condense the other party.

This strike is derived from Chen Lie's life and death sword, as well as the peak of the peak.

After being smashed by the Heji Tiger, he became his proud, with no visual fleshy defense, directly attacking the horror effect of the soul, even if the highest in the 9th level, he had to retreat to the three houses.

This war made the , while Chen Lie is also happy.

It turned out that this kid has been playing show, and everything is just the last palm.

I have to say that the is too sinister, and his image is in an instant into all people's understanding.

The first battle frustrated, let the morale of Wu Shen World have dropped.

Wu Shen Big World Military Scrupine Pet Big World's Bottom, Temporary Mingjin, Pets and Wushen World's initial contact, and finally draw a break in the pet world.

It's just an unexpected bad news, let this joy suddenly become sad.

Jedi wizard is coming.

He carrying a heavy injury and coma, all the way to kill the life.

If it is not an Jedi elf, Chen Lie almost forgot the super genius who comprehend multiple rules, as early as the 7th epidermut of the Jedi Elf.

The Jedi Elf kills the paradise, and some people have blocked him, but the result is all crazy he hits him.

"Jedi Elf!"

Chen Lie is a stream. When the next moment, he came to the Jedi Elf, and he was banned in one hand.

"Save our military commander!"

Differently in the end of the words.

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