The pet king of the city

Chapter 071 Renewable

"Save our military commander!"

Differently in the end of the words.

Chen Lie did not think about the Jedi Elf, he fed a 7-level Ling Dan, and then he fed a more advanced renewal of Ling Dan.

Then I gave the teacher to the teacher who came down to treat it, I would want to leave.

Because the wing is also a person who went to sell intelligence to Wu Shen.

Such goods are naturally cleaned by the system.

Even a spray is also tossing.

Although things are irresponsible, vultures they are, but they are the warfare of Wings, so the system will give them the opportunity to make up.

Playing from the beginning, they are active in front.

It is better to be allocated in typing.

The leader in their mouth is.

They forcibly use the transfer, report the latest news.


Refining peaks come in time, see Chen Lie to leave, asked excited: "Boss, where are you going?"

Chen Lie said: "Of course, it is going to save and hege."

"The owner, this time is obviously the giant battle!"

I don't like the magical spirit that I will join in the fun, remind you: "Even with many big cards, there are also huge stars in the town nearby, there are life-threatening, and the boss can't save the situation?"

Chen Lie averaging: "Don't talk nonsense, at least I have to save the tyrant!"

The magic spirit is speechless.

The refining and other people said together: "Let's go with you!"

The magic spirit is also nod.

Chen Lie said: "I have been to the front line, I will go to open the road first, then you will then send the past according to my atmosphere," "

"it is good!"

"Be careful!"

Everyone nodded and worship their strongest weapons in the first time.


Chen Lie took a breath, sacrificed the golden body, summoned the world's exquisite Pagoda, the eyes of the eyes, and the giant permission was directly used, and the torn space was drilled in.

Next moment, I went to the edge of the pet.

Here, Chen Lie's body created.

Even the World Linglong Pagoda that is swallowed into Xuanhuang Erqi also has certain weaknesses.

This is the price of long-distance transmission.

However, these did not let Chen Lie are too distressed.

As long as there is enough world source, it is afraid that it is nothing to harm.

The heart feels.

Chen Lie was once again transient, and he came to the hegemony of the hunting.

"In all, you first take this Dan!"

Chen Lie took care of the precious creation to re-placed Dan.

Hypochemically, the name is to treat the internal serious injury, can reshape the bones, and the magnification of the Yulin Easy.

This 8-level best panoramic achievement is excellent, even being used to enhance the body talent of the military, is the best panacea for major super organizations, basically no market.

Although Chen Lie has been able to relieve 7 Level 7 Ling Dan, the success rate is not mentioned.

The difficulty is almost the same as ordinary 9-class fantasia, and the creation of the preciousness is more resistant to re-plastic Dan, but it is not Chen Lie, nor is the teacher to fall.

However, he spent a lot of consideration, asking for three people in the Three-Beding Commercial Alliance, sacrificed nearly 10 materials for nearly 10 materials, and the value was very worthless.

Such a baby is used to reshape the flesh of the tyrant, completely no problem, or even say it is extravagant.

However, Chen Lie has other ideas.

He felt that the gas sea was broken, and the task of this source was defeated once. Even if it can be repaired back, his physical quality will be a lot more inferior to the same kind.

However, it doesn't matter, it is not directly dead, and everything still has room for recovery.

And this time this time, it has been changing, it is to be broken, and you can go to the route of the martial arts, and this is the best match:

Making the gold!

As the town garden of the paradise, the level of its level is completely exceeded by the current ability of the tyrant, and the practice that needs to spend is absolutely unimaginable.

The most critical point, "the creation of the gold" is a human cultivation, and it is an unknown number.

"I can only look at luck!"

Chen Lie infused the whole exercise of "Hydrochemical".

As for what results, you can only see the luck under the tyrant.

It is not Chen Lian, and you must not spend more and do it by means of the system.

It is mainly to withstand too many skills that go to withstand their limit, and they don't know what impacts and variables will be caused to hegemony.

For yourself, I am in typing, Chen Lie is still the point.


Suddenly a roar interrupted Chen Lie's thoughts.

Originally wants to give the tyrants, but now it is estimated.

Look at the source, Chen Lie's brow is lax, why: "This seems to be an anger of a 8-level monster. Listen to his voice, I am afraid it is 8th, or even peak, you can make 8-level monster stimulation In this case, the enemy's cultivation is probably the same realm. "

"Forget it."

Chen Lie is interested in the past, but I think about it, it is better to be less than a matter.

But he doesn't want to provoke, but others want to provoke him.

The monster actually fled toward Chen Lie, followed by three unknown martial arts masters.

"Adults will me!"

"I am the giant battle of the rivers and lakes!"

The monsters suddenly stood, and they looked at Chen Lie to look forward to the eyes.

It does not dare to act rash.

I am afraid to stimulate Chen Lie.

Although Chen Lie is not very high, but the instinct of the monster can make him feel that there will be several times a few times before the body.

And the three unknown masters were also discouraged, and they looked at Chen Lie in a turtle.

Chen Lie's breath, looks like a warrior.

But the warfare behind him is obviously the army of the secret of this secret.

This makes both parties among a strange struggle.

I have a strong man to stand out, but I was stopped by the first Jinpao son, standing out and asked: "Wu Shen World Murong Jia Murkai sees the elements, I don't know why you block the enemy?"

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