The pet king of the city

Chapter 072 is mid-killing Chen Lie

I have a strong man to stand out, but I was stopped by the first Jinpao son, standing out and asked: "Wu Shen World Murong Jia Murkai sees the elements, I don't know why you block the enemy?"

Chen Lie said: "It seems that you are coming to us?"

Murong Kai was tight, but his impulse and strong man behind him said: "Mix, what is your identity, actually dare to talk to our young master?"


Chen Lie is empty, gives a slap in the face of the strong man.


Murongkai's face suddenly black, asked coldly: "Do you have to be too mad? Do you want to watch the owner, let alone you play or my brother!"

Chen Lie said casually: "I have a descendant with your martial arts world, this is nothing to talk. I am too lazy, or now you give me now, or I have played with me."

Murongkai's so-called brothers who were stupid after the lower body, "I didn't know the name of the surname, see if I have the qualifications to make our Murong family!"

Chen Lien is a sword, laughing: "To play, don't talk nonsense!"

"Park Chen Lie!"

Murongkai saw the shocking knife in Chen Lie, first in the first, and the next moment agreed.

And the arrogant man is also shrinking, swallowing the waterway: "He is the first pleasure of the first prize in the world with the 8th level, and the top of the 8th level! It's horrible, and I don't even say that the top 9 giants are realmated. "

At this time, suddenly a light group that can bloom in the starry sky is blown.

Chen Lie was wondering Murongkai, which was sent to the signal, was confused, whispered: "It seems that the preparation of Wu Shen's world is very sufficient, the original hostile zone is united."

Wushen World Because of the conflict of interest, the contradiction between the organization is even more distinct than the pet big world.


They will crazy enemies in order to compete for a small world, and even evolve into a mobacteria.

Murong Kai felt the alert of Chen Lie, and immediately returned to 100 meters away from other two people, and reminded: "Insistent in the 1 minute, our allies will come over."

"Sure enough, there are allies."

Chen Lie is curious, want to see the goods such as Murong, can all enjoys the level of the league.

In front of you, the lowest in the minimum, the highest number of mid-level, the highest Murongkai, even close to the post-level refinement, which is extremely rare genius in any world.

Needless to say, Murongkai matches the rules of the rules that they Murong's home, almost exert half of the 9th level, or even the level 9 skills are not surprising.

The 8-level monsters clearly felt deadly threats, and they didn't care about any enemies. They flew out in a nobody.

However, it is affairing that Chen Lie has not time to pay attention to him, Murongkai's heart is concentrated in Chen Lie, completely ignoring it, the culprit is ignored.

"Haha ..."

One person is driving the sword, and the expression is booming.

He went straight to Murongkai, came to Chen Lie to follow, take the initiative to introduce: "Wan Jianchain is ancient autumn, have seen the first day of the pet world!"

Chen Lie did not return, and looked straight to this is a bit inexplicable sword repair.

Yes, this person has attracted the mission of the soul to become a martial art, and become a standard Jian repair.

If Li Yifan can condense his soul into Wuhun, then he can become the superfluous existence of the pet big world.

The ancient Qianqiu said straight: "I have a coincidence last time, with the wine sword fairy, but there is no result, very regret. It is rare to meet you and call you, and our cultivation Almost, how can such a good condition missed? "


Chen Lie didn't expect that the cause is actually the wine Jocutine, the heart is abnormal.

In the past, Chen Lie was listed as a genius with the same level of the Jianxian, and the heart is very proud.

It can be accompanied by his experience, especially in the day and depth, he is increasingly incorporated by this honor, even a little resistance.

I didn't expect that now because of this honor, I have a very powerful enemy, which makes him not very comfortable.

"Not interested in."

Chen Lie has returned to it.

It is not that he is afraid of each other.

Even if this person is comparable to the wine Jockey, I have almost unbeaten.

Let Chen Lien are this person's attitude. It seems that Chen Lie should not fight.

Murongkai asked: "Ancient Qianqiu, say good guidance and defense? How do you claim?"

The ancient times will have a disdain: "I joined your so-called alliance, all in order to fight with him, there is no common language with you."

When the "Alliance", Chen Lie has also received the system's tips when the "League" suddenly stabbed.

This is a temporary anti-encirclement task, and the task reward is still very rich.

Unfortunately, simple merits have made Chen Lie lose their power, Chen Lie's reaction is a bit numb.


Murongkai was angry almost fire.

Although his cultivation is a little higher than the ancient autumn, he can see the sword of the ancient autumn, and ten courages do not dare to challenge.

I want to have a pride of 9 uncomfortable ancient autumn, and the result is a sword, and this scene can be deeply engraved in the eyes of Murong Kaifei.

"Murong family is Murong."

In the ancient autumn, I lost the three people in the ancient autumn, turned to Chen Lie, laughing: "This is not allowed to refuse! You know, after you have a member of the world's source, many people play you. The idea, this so-called alliance is to host the sky. "


Chen Lie's expression is very light.

The ancient monk is surprised: "Don't you be afraid?"

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