The pet king of the city

Chapter 075, you are a few

The loss of your son is attracted to a lot of people's idea, but he is not aware of him, laughing after a long time, laughing: "The original legendary pet big world is this like this, there is no slippery world! If He is all, then I am not the first day of the Wu God World? "

"Young master ..."

The bodyguard giant man thinks that the atmosphere is a bit wrong, only a slight reminder.

However, this noble son didn't conscious, actually said to Chen Lie: "Kid, see you so happy, as long as you put, all Lingbao is dedicated, and self-scrapped, I represent everyone Put you a horse. "

"You are a few!"

"Where is this guy who drilled out, actually wants to represent us?"

Others have expressed dissatisfaction, but there is also some people in the dark, seem to support this opinion.

The scene is a bit small confusion.

In a junior jungle on the side, the magnitude 8 of the glory of the aristocrats is standing on one side.

A dog asked: "Tian Ge, we can't go?"

The other battle is recommended: "Tian Ge, look at the top of the same world, we have helped it. If you let others know that Chen Lie is encircled, I am afraid that no one is willing to deal with us. "

This warfare is Chen Lie who has encountered gold.

Nangong war is coldly driven: "Laozi didn't have to remind you."

The golden dragonfly that is kindly reminded is already a veritable trialist.

But it is angry, but it is still tried to make a screaming: "What about the system task? If we are sitting at Chen Lie is killed, we are afraid that the system will not let us let us go?"

The breath of the South Palace is powerful, and the eyes are struggling.

Just as the trial is said, if Chen Lie is here, then they don't have to go back, go directly to the Wu Shen World or chaos, start from the beginning.

The South Palace was contemptuous and said: "Hey, this Chen Lie is a target that will be eradicated. We can wait until Chen Lie is done again. The enemy is in Ming, we are in the dark, some is the opportunity. Gold, don't think it is with others There is so much, then it is worth sending death. "


The golden dragonfly looked at the South Palace hated, and the head did not go back.

The killing of the South Palace battle, the cold voice warned: "Gold , look at the face of you in the past few years, give me back, I will do it. If you dare to get out of this wood, then we will later Life and death opponents. "

Golden Dragonfly replied: "I still don't care about your opponent! It's just that I have a biggest awkward! I should still have your kindness before, you don't want to be honest. The enemy is also good, you are friends, since then, I am a stranger! "

"it is good!"

The Nangong Watcorn looked at the golden dragonfly, and he had called him as a dead.

That takes the dog to play, I will be jealous of gold, and there is a lot of contradictions with gold.

Now I have a chance, I have a vicious light, and I asked: "Tian Ge, do we want?"

When it comes, he made a movement of the neck.

It is obvious to kill people.

"Not yet!"

The Nangong battle said coldly: "This guy is good, we can organize him, so we can't take us. Of course, others are not the same, he passed, almost almost kill."

" ..."

Everyone will laugh in a laugh.

And the golden dragonfly walked out of the woods, and the pen came to Chen Lie.

Chen Lie looked at the golden dragonfly, and I asked: "What are you coming to?"

Golden Dragonfly replied: "Although you have had contradictions, but the , the ghosts are the goals of my life, I can't sit like this."

Chen Lie has reliably replied: "Which eye is you seen?"

Gold .

Chen Qian asked: "If I said that they don't put them in my eyes. I only don't move, all of them are more than some enemies, I will be eternal, do you believe?"

Gold shook his head.

He knows that Chen Lie is very talented, there are countless base cards, but this time is different.

A lot of people in front of him is more than he cultivated, and the quantity is a absolute advantage.

Only one person in the other person came over, even if Chen Lie's body is iron, it can't resist how much nails.

"People are almost almost."

Chen Lie saw that people have already gathered more than 2,000 people, and smile suddenly bloomed.

He is ignorant by these more than 2000 people are all league people, but they want to come over and a cup is his enemies.

Even the enemy, that is talking about, and a network is most comfortable.

The golden dragonfly shocked: "What do you want to do?"

"Let you wake up."

Chen Lie has been proud to return, and all the revisions are released.

Level 9, this is indeed a surprise.

Everyone deeply remembers the day before, Chen Lie is the role of the 9th level.

Can you now?

This kind of improvement speed is too horrible?

If you give him a few years, don't you turn over?

Fortunately, he has to finish!

This is the sigh of everyone's heart.

At the moment, Chen Lie's cultivation suddenly raised a level, directly promoted to level 20, which made their eyes almost stunned.

A unique person is a great reminder: "It is not a blood of the life, it seems to take a mysterious tobao forced to improve!"

"The game starts now!"

Chen Lie's breath suddenly mentioned a limit, although it did not reach the peak state, but it was almost the same, so that these people were more horrible, why did Chen Lie did not be suppressed by their array.


The earth shaking, the ground actually appeared a huge amount of all the grounds within hundreds of miles to cover the inserted graphs, which appeared to be composed of countless swords.

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