The pet king of the city

Chapter 076 Chaos to Bao?

The earth shaking, the ground actually appeared a huge amount of all the grounds within hundreds of miles to cover the inserted graphs, which appeared to be composed of countless swords.

Of course, the more than 2,000 enemies are also included in it.

At the next moment, Chen Lie's head appeared in the top of the world.

And he flew out of the monster of the black light.


"What is it, chaos?!"

Everyone is awkward, even if there is no exception.

Chen Lie extended his pointer in countless perspective, countlessly scored voids with the strange sword with Jiuqi, and took the straight line to the four sides.

This is the inventory of the ancestors of the ocean.

Plus the 7th level of the 7th lectures left by the blood emperor, Chen Lie used the refining the heavens to integrate the gas in these swords, and enhance these swords as the sword of magnitude 8 killing. .

Because there is a nine gas, they can pollute the soul, erod the martial arts, very vicious.


The first is a man wearing a magnitude 8-stage war.

But after running, this will continue to do penetration.

This is also true of other nine swords.

There are no number of trajectories, countless blood roads.

It is such a simple run, whether it is the defense of Lingjia, the sniper, martial arts counter, all of which are all paper passers, and there is no one can stop the nine swords. second.

The ruthless Xiaosheng saw the soul of the soul, drink: "This is the killing of the 9th level, deprived of the power around the world in the way, all condensed in the sword. We all break through a direction, so that Have the opportunity!"

I have to say that ruthless Xiaosheng's eyes are too sharp, and they will see the mystery of it at a glance.

The sword map of the ancestral ancestors is not so powerful, and it is so powerful to rely on Chen Lie.

And match the nine swords.

Now the sword map is out, all the strength of all the heavens and the earth in the scope of the sword map is its power.

However, ruthless Xiaosheng said wrong, Chen Lie can only control the spirit of this world, can't control the power of the world here.

The reason is because Chen Lie is not a real level 9, repairing too low.

If he is a real level 9 existence, even the power of the world is likely to be plundered by him, as the core of strength, then the scene is more spectacular.


Chen Lie's new order came out, the nine secret swords began to harvest, suddenly left, gods did not, there was no smash.

Under such a harvest, a one-on-one name is started, and a new life is died in this.

"The thief first smashed the king!"

The ruthless Xiaoshuo took the crazy killing toward Chen Lie to kill.

But when he flew to half, he suddenly folded, and there was a cold light from him next time.


This is not martial arts, but swords.

Chen Lie collapsed the unwaffled slaughter, and the whole force attacked the ruthless little, the brilliant sword is like a flipped shadow, which is invincible. Even if it is strong, ruthless, it is also in this kind of anti-porous attack.

The speed of the nine sword is too horrible. It does not give him an opportunity to break out. Even if he wants to burn the blood, it is possible to be worn by the Jiu Hou cave.


Some people are crazy, burning the blood of the life, and the suffocation of the sky will fly the past.

There is a natural second, when a genius burned in the life, with the gathering posture hard to resist the nine swords, Chen Lie's nine swords did not restore the vertical and invincible, and suffered a fatal suppression everywhere.

Life and death!

The new sword is once again broke out, and the endless sword light actually fluctuated with a power similar to the martial arts and directly involved the enemy's heart.

But this power is not very strong. It is almost ignored by people at this level of Chen Lie, but when those people have come into contact with the new nine secrets of mysterious gods, they know how pits.

Wrong, even the grandfather is going to pit.

Overbearing strength, every sword seems to condense the vast world, hit the 8th-level war armor is no longer penetrating, but smashing; hitting the fist, the fist is directly explosive; hit the body, the body seems to be dotted The tomato of the firecracker, the moment is blown.

In short, it is no one.


Two almost one.

The strongest ruthless Xiaosheng in the inside has finally made an appearance role, and the way to burn the blood in the way. The picture of Chen Lie is, although the cost of spurting is paid, but his as a great encouragement. Everyone's fighting spirit.

But at a moment, everyone is desperate, because there is a nine sword to kill, the goal is not a ruthless little, but the nine secret swords that are imprisoned by ruthless Xiaosheng.

A squat, the strength of the Jiu Sword suddenly enhances a level.


Ruthless little saint is sprayed.

"This is impossible!"

The South Palace far away is full of trembling.

Although he believes that he would not be more than Chen Lianxun, he feels that Chen Lie is only a threat of genius, which is impossible to be the opponent from super organization.

However, ruthless holy is told him a truth:

He is still not worthy of Chen Lie's opponent.

And other dogs are watching.

They are the trials of the pet big world, but with the Nangong battle is a hill, even if there is so much and talents, they are far from the mood or arrival, even more than Chen Lie. It is worse than hesody, and the ghosts, etc.

If it is not their cultural time, and there is a good background, otherwise they have no qualifications to talk.


The so-called alliance collapses, completely defeat, and don't know who is running first, then other people who are lucky without death will rush out in all directions.

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