Every time I consume it once, I will weaken one point, so Chen Lian is afraid that the hundred outslocks will not be able to cope with a more intense battle.


Chen Lie did not talk nonsense, and the summoned back will continue.

However, the winds and sand come.

This time is the real wind.

The situation is like a sandstorm!

"M, this time is a real windy! Find the car that can be used."

"We must open the range of sandstorms!"

"Otherwise we will be buried."

Sands are in front of them, and the hardest road is also in front of them, they can't waste any time.


"Some people in the wind!"

Chen Lie suddenly induced the abnormality of this sandstorm.

I yell, and then flew to the sand.


A knife of Chen Lie actually opened the sand.

The two bodies fall from the sandstorm.

But the two equivalent of the 7-level trial person, who had made prevention before suffering before the attack, so just fell crazy to escape.


Chen Lie's speed is full.

Although the speed of two abilities is extremely fast.

But faster, even if you are 7-level agility, the Thunder pace will be accompanied by Chen Lie to improve the speed, and the same level is not his opponent.

In no 1 minute, Chen Lie blocked the other party.

The mystery of the sniper is very similar, and the expression is the same.

They all look at Chen Lie.

Chen Lie asked while asking them: "Give you the last chance to explain everything. Otherwise, I will let you survive can't die."


"I have never seen you so arrogant!"

Both people have been driving, and the abilities are fully liberated.

Their ability is very strange, actually with a halo effect, and echoes each other.

Different halo seems to represent specific abilities.

And their gratin is almost instantly, and they can see each other, and they can see them from strong organization.


Chen Lie did not consider some strength.

His surface is scored 6th, but the truly war has reached 7, and is not ordinary level 7.

If he all will definitely rush.

But he needs a living, can't continue to be entangled, and naturally goes away.

And the two mysterious people regret it soon, but they didn't regret it.


Chen Lie's first move is still the previous knife, simple and pure, no pure knife with what rule.

But even without any rules, its power is also enough to kill average level 7.

Level 7 is strong than the 7th level of 7-level Wu Xiu.

What can't be thought is that the two are hard, and the two teamed up, and the abilities aggravate, making their strengths have improved a level.

Originally, only ordinary 7th, it is actually not a 7-level peak.

The combined fist in the counterattack also defeated Chen Lie's knife, which was completely unexpected to Chen Lie.

"Not bad!"

Chen Lie only needs their secrets, and they can be ignored, because they can't win themselves anyway.


The wind appeared.

Chen Lie evmitted the wind.

Under Chen Lie's interpretation, the destructive force instantly broke into the extreme.

This is divided according to the level of this world, and Chen Lie is at least 8 levels.


The two will join hands again, and they can't support it, and they are directly opened by explosive airflow.

The battle is almost a breathing.

Chen Lie said, no matter how they evolved, there is no way.

Chen Lie flakes like the two people who flew to the front, and the simple buckle put them down and asked quickly: "Say, who let you come over?"

"Cough ..."

"You are dead!"

The two only understand the people, and they did not pay attention to Chen Lie.

Chen Lie also did not waste, and once again showed torture from the pet world: soul torture.

The soul begins to have tortured the convulsion.

But one is a mad convulsion, one is a conscious trembling.

After 1 minute, they no longer struggled because they were asked for mercy.

"I surrender."

"You have to know what, I said to you."

After introducing itself, they revealed: "We are just baits, the real killer is the sand king! He is the 8-level possible person who can manipulate the gravel, now it is estimated that you have cleaned your companion!"


Chen Lie did not have nonsense, and the two people were pressed down with a heavy manner.

They must not move now, even if they are suffering from a venom, there is no resistance.


Chen Lie quickly returned to the team.

At this time, the mad wind mercenary is being swallowed by the winds and is completely surrounded by the surrounding sand.

Chen Lie should go to a huge, the super hammer consisting of sand is in the fire.

But the fire will be full of flames, actually use the flame to accelerate, and thousands of hidden hammers.

"damn it!"

The angry Chen Lie suddenly made a force, and the moment of dozens of meters was spanning, and the big fist that had been bloody was so hidden in the back.

A huge sand snake appeared.

This giant snake consisting of sand came out, with a sandy sand, he hit to Chen Lie.

At this time, the giant snake seems to live here, the sand, the wind is controlled by it, and the huge snake mouth has not killed it.

Such power, such an attack, excellent attacks than Chen Lie, even if it is also advanced goods in the art.

"Be careful!"


The horn of blood bleeding, there is also a fire that is unbearable, just wants Chen Lie to be careful, and then the scene will almost fell to the chin:

The huge sand snake, the horror of the horrible, sand, was defeated by Chen Lie's blood color giant, and even the sandy abilities were also affected, and when the dodge was shocked, he hit a fierce waist.

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