The pet king of the city

Chapter 083 Hell Double Stars (3nd)

The horn of blood bleeding, there is also a fire that is unbearable, just wants Chen Lie to be careful, and then the scene will almost fell to the chin:

The huge sand snake, the horror of the horrible, sand, was defeated by Chen Lie's blood color giant, and even the sandy abilities were also affected, and when the dodge was shocked, he hit a fierce waist.

It turns out that the quality of the Sandwar is not strong.

If it is a master of magnitude 8, such a shock will never be so miserable, it seems that the will of the Sassoon is not hurt, that is his body is relatively fragile.

"We sneak his body!"

The guns will say that the fire will say, and it has been judged instantly.

It can be at this time.

I have always concealed the red dagger in the sand. Suddenly flying out from the sand, holding a heavy machine gun in his hand, and is aligned with Chen Lie, it seems to want to sweep Chen Lie into a honeycomb.

This is the rhythm of rebel!


It can directly spray the fireworks directly to the heavy machine gun, but the goal is not Chen Lie, but Chen Lie has the top of the sand.


The sand actually screamed, and then the flesh and blood fragments splash.


Take a desperate destroyed knife with a woman.

The result is also simple, and when Chen Lie's eyes, there was a huge pit that had a deep-feet-called sand, and then it was a arm and a lot of blood.

"This is not dead?"

Chen Lie was not full.

The monarch flew over and wanted to rush to the root, but unfortunately, even the shadow can't catch it.

Chen Lie searched with a spirit of knowledge, and the result is the loss, sigh: "It is useless, the other party is very embarrassing, running similar to the soil."

The fire that is running will ask: "No, this world has such a statement?"

Chen Lie replied: "Not a giry, he can control the sand, do this is no problem. I just fell luck. After he screamed, he went to the place, but he would not choose sneak attack. I, the result was found and sneaked by the red dagger, and I left him one hand. "

The gunnille is regrettable: "But it was still ran by him."

Chen Lie said: "Forget it, he doesn't have a break in a year and a half. Of course, if he finds the patient's abilities, it is not a problem for us to revenge half a month later."

The red dagger came over to remind him: "We have to be careful, the Sand King is a snorkeling, the enemy can hire him and will be absolutely not ordinary people."

Chen Lie immediately remembered that he still had a captive, immediately ordered: "The gun, go there to bring two prisoners to me, I hope not to be out of the mouth."

The gun of the gun will start now, and the fire will follow the past, worry that the guns will kill a horse in the sanders.

Not almost two seriously injured numbers were dragged back.

The red dagger saw them, horrified: "Hell double star, the legendary twins killer! They have kill the glorious record of the 8th-level abilities, but the top 100 in the killer gold ranks."

Chen Lie did not find that these two mysterious people are really the same.

Hell double star painfully coughed with blood, but did not dare to have a slightest anger, only look at Chen Lie in desperate.

They are afraid, I have heard that there are countless heavy torture, but like Chen Lie to get the soul, let their soul are astronomical.

The most horrible thing is that this torture can combat several strong feelings with Chen Lie's mind, get pain, acid, itch and so on.

This is waiting for it, don't say it, I have never heard it.

They tasted it once, I really don't want to taste the second time.

Chen Qian said: "I don't care about your rankings, I don't care about what brilliant achievements, let's talk, all of you know everything."

The fire will not say.

Although Chen Lie has tried their task content, the fire will cover this.

Hell Double Star is in order to live, immediately replied: "The Dark Parliament urgently hired us in the past few days, promised to give us two [life flowers], ask us to clean the invaders of the designated range, and ask us to cooperate with the sand, so We agreed. "

"Flower of life?"

Chen Lian asked: "How do you entangled with the Dark Parliament?"

These two names make people feel very ideas.

The fire will immediately explain: "The flowers of life are a kind of god flower in the Western legend. After eating, you can eternal. But according to our survey, the flowers of life have the effect of prolonging life, but its greatest effect is saving people. You can restore half-time people in a short time. "

The gun of the gun is added: "There is a flower of life, it is equal to having a second life, and for a lot of mercenaries in the body, the killer is more meaningful. No one in history takes so valuable things. The reward chips, no wonder the king also accepted the employment. "

"Good gout."

Chen Lie nodded, feeling that the flowers of life and a few rare missionaries in the world.

If this is the same, it is just a different, and Chen Lie has earned it.

However, these are not Chen Lie's answer, ask: "How did you contact the Dark Parliament? Others, how did you find us?"

Hell double star decisively pointed to the wind mercenary, replied: "It is the Dark Parliament to contact us, and the contact party is very mysterious. If I have not guess, the dark parliament is the same as they, but what is the specific, that is not what we know . "

Vulcan is awkward.

Hell Double Star replied: "As for how to find you, that is because here, in addition to us, others are enemies."

Chen Lie said: "That is, we are unlucky."

Hell Double Star did not answer.

Chen Lie should have already asked, preparing to kill, and hell is dignified and low.

I don't want to ask at this time, "I remember your ability to special, and the legendary combination of the legend is very similar, talk to us."

"We are twins, while awakening the same abilities, the training is also the same, but we don't know how our powers are categorized now ..."

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