The pet king of the city

Chapter 084 Dark Parliament

I don't want to ask at this time, "I remember your ability to special, and the legendary combination of the legend is very similar, talk to us."

Hell Double Star directly replied: "We are twins, while awakening the same abilities, the training is also the same, but we don't know how our powers will be classified. Our abilities are very like energy. Because we do induct a force, you can't disclose it in vitro; and our abilities are also a bit like power system, because the power outbreaks our physical fitness is fully improved, like power. "

Chen Lie said: "Their abilities are a bit like, you directly understand that internal power is. Just because they are twins, the internal force can be complementary, it is simply a born combination."

"I know what I have, I am not bad before I am dead."

"Why do we have different color?"

Hell Double Star said a sentence.

Chen Lie said: "Maybe because your character is different."

In fact, their physique is different, as well as the mood of abilities, this leads to the birth of different colors but the same amount of internal force.

"Okay, then kill it!"

"We have no other doubts."

Hell Double Star is completely recognized.

The fire will see Chen Lie to prepare, suddenly the gods move, ask: "Mr. Chen, can you let them give us."

Chen Lian urged: "Study?"

The fire will take back: "Yes, if their power characteristics are studied, how to make the internal force gathering skills, changing the universal array, which has great improvements to our war. "

Chen Lie asked: "It is very reasonable, but it is not very right. How do you guarantee that they will not interfere with us, even anti-fire?"

The fire will ask: "What is the magic of Mr. Chen?"

Chen Lie shook his head.

He has many ways.

But he is not obligated to help the wind mercenary.

Who told them to cover the secrets here.

The fire will expose the color of disappointment, and the gunnifier will not say: "Hey, unfortunately. If we can bring back the country, we have at least ten ways to let them obey."

Chen Lie said: "If you have enough chips, I may be all you."


The fire will take out all things, appointed by Chen Lie.

The same is true for the big gun, red dagger and others.


"These can."

Chen Lie selected a pass.

The fire asked excitedly: "What do you do?"

Chen Lie fake clothes, actually extracted from their things, and then entered into and out of a small bottle.

This is the poison that is accidentally collected when they are just entering the desert.

This poison is poisonous, which is what they used to prevent measures.

The results were given to Buddha by Chen Lie.

"This is a poison."

"Take a controller, a little large material."

Chen Lie reminded.

The fire will be excited to pick up the hand, ask: "Is this with antidote?"

Chen Lie took a head: "Although there is an antidote, it is still not configured."

The fire will be proud: "If you have it, you will be handled later."

Chen Lie reminded: "Explosive is very expensive."

The fire will ask: "Don't expensive more than two levels of power, and a set of expensive 8th secret surgery?"


Chen Lie no longer stops, even take the initiative to check the damage of the car.

Things are quickly determined.

The fire will force hell double star to take the drug and let them obey. although

Don't know if they will honest, but at least the surface is very well.

Before Chen Lie didn't get on, the vehicle was destroyed seriously.

Even if it is open, it is also damaged.

After a few hours of repairing a few hours, many parts were unloaded from the previously destroyed off-road vehicles before they were reluctant to continue.

Fortunately, the number of teams is not much, and now, it is more resource that is robbing, causing a little crowd in the car.

"Dark Parliament!"

"There is also this goal."

"Even the 8th level representing this world limit is also willing to be a dog's dog, it seems that this world is more mysterious than I imagined, maybe I don't know the small world."

"Things are more and more interesting."

Chen Liang's mouth is open.




Chen Lie has been closed.

This time is not passive, but active.

Because the pet big world fell several giants.

Original top-level power is already a pet world of igniting elbows, becoming more tense.

Even if these giants fall, it is a 5-fold price of chaos and Wu Shen World.

But the situation in which pet big world is less and more obvious.

no way.

The pet big world is just a technology world. It has opened a face in more than 300 years, and finally promoted the world after being swallowed in a large number of small and medium-sized worlds.

But this is a ridiculous world with a chaotic world who has a large world of the world, and the Wanjie is more tens of millions of Wushen World.

The most crucial is the martial arts of Wu Zhen World, and there is a military giant.

The bodies behind them will also be reused.

For example, the martial arts giant, after they killed, the inner world in the body will be plundered, and another military giant is born.

Therefore, as long as the martial arts giants are not broken, the number of giants in the Wu God world will not decrease.

This is the foundation of things.

Therefore, the system has made new adjustments.

"The system improves the reward."

"Not only the cultivation system of Wu Shen World is not only opened, but even the 9-level system items that have not been purchased can also be exchanged with simple merits, do not want the fan value and other materials."

"It seems that I have to take the initiative."

Many of Chen Lie requires 9 system items to assist.

He killed several martial arts giants, and ...

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