The pet king of the city

Chapter 089 attacked (3rd)

The fire sea sword is that the old ancestors don't know how many disciples, talented, less than 10 martial arts. Unfortunately, his machine has not arrived, and resists the erosion of the years, and finally stops the top 8 peaks, and it cannot be further further.

Finally, I was allocated here, and guarded this secret treasure house.

"Go to you yourself!"

A man with a skin is black, and the man is calm and laughs: "You don't want to think about it in your head. I have sneached that the proliferation of the resource will make the ancestors. Now the most masters of the secrets are adjusted by the old ancestors. Going out, we are still going out, here is the same, but what is it going to tell the old ancestor? "

His situation is similar to the King of the Fire Hai.

They are all geniuses before the level of 9, and is also the old man of the treasure house.

"You are gallbladder when you go out to plunder resources, how do you want to share with us? Now, the opportunity is in front of you, and we will look at the world. At that time, the old ancestors didn't dare to take us. "


The fat man sitting in the middle suddenly took a shot, and the earthquake was closed. "The pet big world is not controversial, so many big can giants, you can explain everything."

This fat man is the big disciple of the fire sea, and the treasure house is a high-hand high-fire hero.

A magic repair is a level 9.

However, the Lao Zhu was taught him a secret, and 9 levels of war can be exploded at the time.

So he is the boss in the three people.

There is a prestige of a hammer sound.

King of Fire Shurai warns: "And the old ancestors have just given us people, and there are only three level 9 sitting in the town, the strength is big. We can't run again, otherwise certainly Will be criminalized by the ancestor. "

The two major prototypes of the Treasury Middle Achievements are all gloomy.

They all know what the people of the fire rumor is a virtue, dare to anger.

The blood of the fire does not seem to know that his own words are hurt and the gas is hurt, and continue to be cold. "Anyway, I don't care about you, but the ancestors told us to sit in the town, naturally there is what he mean. You can rest assured, The launch of the ancestor, I can pit the stupid giant, when I refine the giant, the old ancestors will further, give us a part of the world. "


The two major laws should be weak.

The emotional emperors of the fire sea, it seems to be very dissatisfied: "You have two locusts, seeing the benefits are diligent, if you have a little bit, you will tell you, as long as we can be guarded well Here, wait for the old ancestors to sweep the pet big world, don't say that it is the world of the district, even ... "


The heavenly top sudden exploded, a black pressure of a black pressure suddenly smashed.

Is a bloody giant hand.

One can break equal to 8-level large array as the eggshell, the degree of destruction is like a senior 9-level blood color giant hand.

The fire of the blood of the fire is not a thought of soil how to suddenly appear in the top of the sky.

Suddenly a shock, a secret treasure is broken.

The 8th level secret treasures only supported half a second under the bloody giant hand.

But this half a second is enough.

The bloody king of the fire is shifted.


The blood giant hand smashed the ground and even pressed the ground directly to 3 meters.

Splashing countless smoke, almost gives full of the whole valley.

The most horrible thing is that all three masters all the knowledge and induction are isolated.

"not good!"

The emotional business of the fire sea blood is not high, but the wisdom of fighting is not low.

The general shade, even if it is a psychedelic effect, it is impossible to isolate all the knowledge and induction.

The instinct, the blood of the fire is closed.

Because he thinks it is toxic.

Unfortunately, he is still late, a strong uncomfortable feeling stimulates all his bare skin, especially the face, almost a kind of impulse.

Sure enough, it is poison!

The first thing that the fire of the fire, the first thing I thought is to make a poison, but unfortunately it is still late.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the bloody king, if the body quickly lost, the right hand fadeped, followed by a line of mysterious difficulties, tearing open the hindrance of the smoke, with a steady killing direct fire sea Blood king's heart.

What is the strongest here is the strongest here, and it is a born old monster.

Between life and death, he suppressed the crazy unusual feeling, and gathered the strength of the child in hand, a punch.

This punch is equal to the peak of a 9-level giant.

The wind is violent, like the Star Tsunami.

The power of the mountains.

I actually give all the smoke in front of the fist.

a little!

Fist in your finger.

The blood of the fire is a generous color change, not the trick.

On the contrary, this trick does not have any power, his fist is like hitting cotton, completely unstoped, and the power of the peak effort is turning his mouth and then let him spray.

Sword light flashes!

This sword has no signs, as if there is general.

It is the strange sword, but it is simply cutting the body of the fire, and there is no recovery, and the straight arm is also cut by the sword.

Fire sea blood is not moving.

Accurately, he can't move anymore.

"Fire Sea Blood!"

The two major laws and laws only saw the sword light, she didn't know what happened, all sent madly flying in the past.

The previous black face male is most direct, and the horizon-level peak power is shocking with the violent wind, and the horrific man is only a little bit of punch than the peak of the blood of the blood.

Forbidden martial arts!

And at least equal to the 9-level ban!

It is estimated that Chen Lie did not expect.

One of the stupids of a master, actually mastering a killing martial arts with a level 9 banned curse.

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