Chen Lie did not expect that one of the stupids were not like a master, actually mastered a killing martial arts that had a level 9 banned curse.

At the same time, the sword of the fire sea swords behind:


This is also a level 9 martial arts.

It is said to be a senior giant to understand the scholars from the endless star sea.

Since the King of the fire sea sword, he has been secretly worked.

I spent nearly a thousand years of hardship, he finally mastered this door, and became the biggest base card for him.

The simple sword condenses the comprehension of the King of the Sword of the Sword of the Sword, represents the unremitted martial arts will of Jianwang.

The killing of the two major laws is not given to Chen Lie.

This is an advanced choice.

Either hard anti-black face is a punch, or you have to hit the romantic sword of the King of the Fire House.

No matter which sword, the result may represent death.

There is no wave of Chen Lie, which is facing life and death, there is no wave of waves. At this time, he has no victory, which actually accelerates in an impossible situation, instantly reaches the peak of speed.

The thunder burst of the latch is blended.

The next moment, he made the body with the disturbance of the inverse heaven and earth, so that the original front rushing body turned into the lower body and maintained a violent stage, but the upper half was distorted to the neighbor position of the body's angle ...

Red blood!

The sword is once again exploding. This almost substantized sword light is like a sword that extends out, and the tofu is cut in the black face and the sword of the fire sea sword. There is no hysterer.

"So fast!"

This is the last words of the black face male.


The fire sea sword is called back.

The battle is over.

Who can Mie Chen Lie?

I saw him in the smoke of the smoke of the Jiuqi, and stepped on the broken hands of the fire sea sword, and came to him.

The fire sea sword is frightened and asked: "Who are you?"

Chen Lie said: "You should be guessed."

The King of Fire House naturally remembers the first day of Chen Lie's pet big world.

no way.

30 years has the strength of the 9th giant.

Such a enchanting, no matter which world is all, it is paying attention.

Huahai sword king shook his head: "It is impossible! We investigate you, your combat power is the ordinary 9-level giant, it is impossible to kill the blood of the fire behind the secrets of the secrets!"

The King of the Sword of the Fire Sea will struggle, but this is futile, Chen Lie's eyes have been completely locked.

Chen Lie said: "Why is it impossible?"


The Sword King reminded the speed of Chen Lie, looked at Chen Lie to the treasure, recalling Chen Lie to look very ordinary but quickly, and asked in fear: "The magic weapon on your body, just now The speed and tricks are absolutely less than 9, otherwise it is impossible to force this point. "

"You know it is a bit too late."

Chen Lie's smile is a bit cold, so that the fire sea sword king can't help but hit it.

Red blood, it is 8th.

But winning is simply straight, purely winning speed.

But fusion of flashing Thunder steps, and then match the chaos of the nine quietness, and play unexpected killing.

According to the Music World, it is the 9th martial arts.

In order to assassinate this assassination, Chen Lie uses all the resources that can be used.

It's hard to do everything in an environment where you don't know the ghost.

It is convenient for him to conduct a final step.


The fire sea sword king will come down, pleading: "Mr. Chen, is our eyes do not know Taishan, please let you let go of your old man?"

Chen Lie said: "Yes, but you have to give me a reason not to kill you."

The King of the fire sea sword, replied: "I can surrender you, I am useful."

Chen Lie shook his head. It is clear that the character of the fire sea sword is not worthy of believing, and Chen Lie does not need to use it in the hand.

The fire sea swordsman said: "Oldness can be completely convinced, do a dog, and the old man know everything here, know how to open the treasure house."

"You are still in the moment ..."

Chen Yan sighs: "Don't you think that I am a fool, I don't know if the Huahai Holy Land can stand up to millions of years. Is it not only the ancestors of the fire sea, is there any other super zone?"

The face of the Fire Sea sword is full of white, and there is still some of the face of angry faces to be replaced by desperate death.

It's almost panicked, the fire sea sword Wang was immediately asked for Rao: "Mr. Chen, I am wrong, I beg you to give me the last chance! The Treasure of the fire sea is underground, I am also a small family, All can be given to you. "

Chen Lie invitation.


The fire sea sword king saw Chen Lie seemed to have no prevention, actually Jedi, the madman rushed to Chen Lie, want to pay with him.

But along with the sword light, the head flew out.

Chen Yan sighs: "Not only you, all core members in the Holy Land, is a little bit a bit of people who are a bit of position is my slaughter target. I missed it once, I won't be wrong again, for the enemy. It is necessary to cut the root, even if it is caused by innocentness, I still don't hesitate. "

Go to turn.

However, Chen Lie's goal is not to take over the wealth of this hand, but a commitment.

after all.

It can be so smoothly taking the treasure house in the top 8 best Bar, the sky is the bloody hand to the eye.

The sky is getting down.

Chen Lie had a posture, saying: "You can get a plunder, then go to me after you choose."

The sky is really asked: "What is the root of you in confused?"

The role of the sky is not only the one before.

If this is like this, Chen Lie can also do it, do not need to be true people.

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