The pet king of the city

Chapter 096 is how exciting

Assassin's decision is decided, even if Chen Lie is so fast, but still caught people.

The guns looked at the assassin that disappeared in the air, "I asked:" What is this? Is it a legendary stealth? "

"Not a stealth."

Chen Lie recovered a comprehensive knowledge, sigh: "If it is stealth, I am fled, I am unable to enclose. He is a rare customs, but it is not the kind of odd person who can drive the wind, but will be The wind is integrated into the body, and the speed can also be used with the wind to cover up the point of 'wind. "

The fire will sigh: "Sure enough, only the world is so wonderful. First, our hell is a double star, followed by the sandwin, plus the current assassin, if it is 3 months ago, I am estimated how I died me and the gun Do not know at all."

The gun of the guns: "If this time does not die, I will definitely share the experience to everyone, and then ask the superior to establish a exclusive virtual robber room."

Chen Lie deliberately asked: "What is a virtual fighting room? Will it be a movie?"

Although Chen Lie did a lot of trials in the past period.

It is probably known that this world's scientific and technological level is approximately the global level, even more than 5 to 10 years than the geosid level.

It is possible to have a virtual system in 10 years behind the earth, what is the rhythm?

The dragon insulation: "Well, it is almost meaningful, but the East is in this regard, the funds need to be put into money, it is estimated that it is difficult to apply."

Chen Lie nodded.

There are a lot of pet big worlds in this regard.

For example, Chen Lie is now.

Even just 7 levels of spiritual facilities.

But he can also build the simplest virtual system.

It is not that he is too strong, but his means is very high.

He only needs to build a magic, let people go in will encounter a wide range of enemies.

Because the magic effect is far more real than the three-dimensional projection effect of any country today, plus a certain pain in the inside, so the cultivation effect is more excellent, basically staying at home, you can cultivate your family into a hundred War master.

In fact, this imperative is not Chen Lie original, in the pet big world, such a magic is only entry assessment, trial of the trial.

Slightly high-level organizations, the family can come out.

And the martial art of the sky, the family can even get someone to go in, you can live in the terrorist fiction of a lifetime.

However, it is necessary to stabilize the aura, and a lot of spiritual materials.

Although Chen Lie mastered many technologies, this world is too special, and lacks corresponding materials, and the magic is probably difficult to build.

The fire will apparently see a little greasy,

He and the gun of the gun of the gun, decisively represented: "Mr. Chen, if you can build it, I think the whole martial arts industry will be grateful."

Chen Lie laughed, he didn't intend to put this publication.

But now it is not discussing this, they still have more important things.

Chen Lie officially made into the ancient gods of the ancient temple, looked at the architecture of Cui Wei, especially the fighters, demon, sacrifices, monsters, etc., Chen Lien's heart returned to calm.


Chen Lie heard the sound of the battle, immediately rushed over, the result is that two people are fighting with a group of stone statues.

Really resurrected!

He worried that these stone statues have problems before, and now they have appeared.

However, when I look at it, Chen Lie thinks that these stone statues are a bit weird, how to say it, that is, there is no exit, but it is a little bit of hard, like it is temporary.


A stone image is not visible to the machine gun, a punch, a gunman to fly, directly hit the hard wall and become a meat.

The fire will be slightly smashed: "It is a bit similar to the previous Shawang, but the dullness is destructive."

The gunnifier refers to a person who is a leisurely, saying: "I doubt that his abilities are similar to the Sandwang."

Chen Lie has seen the past, and it is the cold, and even the alert and killing of him.

Needless to say, this guy is not a good, things may not be able to solve peace, unless Chen Lie can show the thorough suppression of the other party, let the other party dare not move.

But for such a person, it seems that there is no need to waste too much power.

Because Hell Double Star said with Chen Lie, the temple on the surface is as large as the underground city, but actually a multi-layer structure.

In lay down, there is a large amount of underground space in the range of about 10 meters below the ground, where there is a large number of ancient library, and it is also the land of killing.


Seeing Chen Lie appeared, the monsters did not waste time, the empty hand summoned a lot of stones, and then paved the four-person team of the enemy.

The small team is also an ordinary team. A level 7 level 6, there is no powerful life-saving ability, and it is smashed in a time.

It is the difference in this time, the huge stone statue is a punch, and the result is three level 6.


This is the only way to choose the 7th level.

Interestingly, this 7-level abilities ran to Chen Lie, seeking help: "Save me, I can give you all my friends."

Chen Lie did not answer, be alert to the monsters.

The fire will be hurt by one hand, and the number 7 of the arm is still disabled.

In order to avoid being sneak attack, the dagger of the gunnifier is on the neck of each other.

Level 7 abilities self-introduction: "I am an [Nanhai] Mercenger, the strength of the mercenary, the power of the powerful tea guess. As long as you can keep me, I am willing to give you all the people, return You guidance. "

The tea guess did not choose, he could only gamble Chen Lie, they greedily or so good.

In such a place, the face does not recognize that people are almost ordinary, the most horrible is that almost no one feels wrong, and it is reasonable.

Chen Qi: "Who is he?"

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