In the ancient temple in such a ridiculous place, the face does not recognize people almost homes, the most horrible is that almost no one feels wrong, and it is reasonable.

Chen Qi: "Who is he?"

Tea guess: "He is not a killer, nor mercenaries, I have never heard of him. We only know that he can control the stone, and even massacre, we can also slaughter. The third team passed. "

Chen Qi: "Why do he kill you?"

Tea is shrinking, it doesn't seem to answer.

The fire will not be nonsense, directly put the tea guess, ready to throw the stone monsters.

At this time, the control stone monster did not move, and vigilant looked at Chen Lie.

He feels that Chen Lie is very dangerous, but he will not give you something on the body, you can only look at the limelight.

"Don't! Give you!"

The tea guess did not think of the fire, and immediately took out a yellow golden gemstone from the body. Gem in myths, all people are robbing this. "

"Good harvest!"

Chen Lie saw the gemstone, and his eyes suddenly looked up.

murderous look!

Chen Lie's body suddenly tightened, and his eyes were locked.

Because the control stone geeks saw that he had an abilities, the stone giant's fist with four people and other four people.

This time is not a victory, but life and death.

For control stone giants, it is not as good as the value of this gemstone. Since Chen Lie has chosen as him, then he is naturally willing to be polite.

But Chen Lie is so easy to be hit.

This stone giant is burly, power is terrible, but then you have to fight people.

Chen Lie used his body and slipped it and also pushed tea to the side.

At the next moment, Chen Lie has begun to break out from the anti-virtual experience, and the wind is pushing, and the flying stone whispered to the stone geeks will be scattered by this wind.

However, Chen Lie did not have a happy, because he found too much in the real yuan consumed, and the power is not very good, no nonsense, his bone knife came out, the tiger emperor will be pentaful Kill it.


The body of the stone giant seems to be tofu is generally cut by a bone knife.

The control stone giant can see the face and turn it.

His escape is enough, and calling a lot of stones in the past, a short breath is blocked, blocking Chen Lie to kill.

"So simple?"

The tea appointed the collapsed stone giant.

To know that he has worked hard to hit a stone giant, and they used the team to do our thunder, and the stone giants just had a little damage, but they can be so unbearable in front of Chen Lie.

How is this orientant?

Chen Lie turned to the tea guess: "Well, I am very satisfied with your remuneration, but the wizard thing is not available. Do you point out what you have been to the place?"

The tea appointed the mouth of the mouth and nodded. The joy said: "Our team stayed here for 10 days, according to the traces left behind, only one person was successful. But we are still full, explore at least 10 halls, the results only found one, have not been able to have an eager to explore the next layer. "

Chen Lie said: "Take the topography to us."


The tea guess and immediately rushed to a dead team friend, solving his weapons and backpacks, took out a full book, and explained the point: "This is our record, you look here. When you regard this as a pyramid, the top of the ancient temple is the top of the pyramid, and let's go on the second ladder, there is a third step. As for the fourth step, I don't know. "

Chen Lie briefly saw the topographic map, nodded.

If the top of the ancient temple is just a hall, then there is a large hood below the hall, and the channel between the hood is also forming a maze-type layout, which is very insidious.

As for the third floor, because tea guess they haven't explored it, so they must not know, they must explore themselves themselves.

"Good habit."

Chen Lie hit the book, then checked the other gains, and finally put him away.

Chen Lie is not worried about his betrayal, they just purely transactions, there is no problem with anyone who owes owes.

What's more, there is a powerful abilities in the area, even if it is 7 levels, there is not much threat, don't say Chen Lie, even if the gun can also make a unresolved spike.

What is the end?

Naturally, it is impossible, Chen Lie continues to attack.

Because there is a map, they can easily enter the third layer directly with the former.

It is not Chen Lie to don't want these gems, but he feels that even the tea guess can explore the second floor so clear. The other team will definitely explore a thoroughness, naturally do not have to continue to waste time at this layer.

The third step.

Chen Weijie thought it was a layer of structure, but it was found that the ladder was properly described.

Take the second ladder, these halls are the same, but actually there is a difference in the difference, some are like the auditorium, some small bedrooms; some are only 5, 6 grades from the ancient temple But some are more than 10 meters from the ancients of the ancients.

The third step is similar to the second step, but it feels more rigorous. After at least Chen Lie, I feel that every hall is exactly the same, whether it is a scale or a furnish, or a engraving on the wall.

"I have been trapped."

The fire will check it, the expression is very regret.

The gun also commented: "Well, there should be some cumbersome fakes here, but it is obviously moved."

Chen Lie pointed to the dry blood on the ground said: "It is basically super antique to now, even if you have not found the mask, bring it back to these, it is enough to make up for their daily consumption, naturally will not waste."

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