Chen Lie suddenly found that these Western evil spirits, the form is a bit wrong, with the desert in the impression, and the image image depicted in the outside is not very mix. After the fire will scatter a Western evil spirits, I also found that the evil spirits in front of the eyes are a bit strange, more like modern people, and some clothes are the same.

The guns showed: "Will it be the mercenary soul of death here?"

The fire will be surprised to point to the Western evil spirits that are entangled with the Balance giant snake, why: "Yes, his appearance is a bit like the sofice deputy team!"

The drama then pointed out the problem: "Ah, that is a famous master like [punishment knight], that is also a 7th master of the military community."

Chen Lie listened to them, and finally understood why this is always filled with smog and precipitates some inexplicable death.


Chen Lie used the improvement version of Thunder skills to kill a western evil.

They said, but the kung fu under the hand did not fall, and one of the Western evil spirits became Chen Lie's big tricks. He gradually fill the empty spiritualizer's body, and gradually put the energy of the Bai Ling cover.

But the western evil spirits are crazy, and there is no taste that will not give the big attack.

At this time, Chen Lie found that the subsequent Western evil spirits did not give up, and no longer retain anything, and the ghost improvement came over to the body energy, and the Thunder of the evil direction began to interpret.

Because Thunder Boxing is an evil breath, the color is not a deep ghost, which will make Chen Lie, like evil spirits.

Such a state is scareding that the fire will be and the actions in hand.

Before Chen Lie, I felt that the ghost version of Thunder Boxed too evil, it was easy to cause misunderstandings, so they did not actually play, I would rather use the enemy with combat power.

But now the Balance is obviously difficult to cope, and the fire will not be unlimited with the gun of the gun, so he can only fade in speed.


The ghost version of the thunder burst out of the wind.

The black big knife passed, there were two Western evil spirits that were killed in an instant.

Although these two Western evil spirits are just the evil spirits of the 6-level mercenary transformation, the body has a collapse, and it takes a lot of time to retry, but they can also be fragile and can kill a 7-level master without corresponding restraint.

The evils who can immunize most physical attacks today have encountered a sharp-changing Chen Lie, which can be dumped, and the body has just been diced by the unveiled Balance.

Now the spiritual instrument body and Bairging have been full, Chen Lie has no time and safety environment breakthrough to level 8, and can only instill the soul of the soul in Balance, making the Baili giant snake shape more and more real.

The Bailing is Chen Lie used many evil objects to combine the array of blood and blood.

Although it is just ordinary, its attack strength is not inferior with ordinary Level 7, otherwise he has been eliminated by Chen Lie.

It is unfortunately accompanied by the enemy, especially since the emergence of the temple, Chen Lie felt that the Bai Lian can't keep up with his own rhythm. You can eliminate it, and you will arrested it.

Nai He Bing is used to bully the general soul, and the ordinary evil spirits are really nothing to say, absolutely abuse artifacts.

If it is not the condition that the Balance should improve the quality, it is too harsh, not as easy as a hundred outslocks, otherwise Chen Lie will definitely improve it.

The abuse artifact continues to be sent.


"They retreated!"

The fog is gradually contracted, and the western evil is retreat with a strong unsatisfactory water.

Chen Lie did not laverse, and the Bailun continued to guard against everything around.

He is not allowed to have a magnitude 8 evil king, or even surpass the existence of the evil king level, everything has to be careful.

The fire will have exhausted situation and retreat to one side.

But at this time he found a strange situation, whispered: "No. We have encountered hard characters in the past, just a general evil spirits, how long these mercenaries are just dead. Is this powerful? "

"The principle is different."

Chen Lie said: "First, there must be artifacts, altars, etc. The time will be transformed in the life of the death. Second, the birth model of the Western evil spirits is related to the strength before, the stronger before, after death The dead spirit formed is also very powerful, and the evil spirits of the Orient, unless it is a ghost or special machine, otherwise it will start from the beginning. "

The fire will be depressed: "The West's death is too happy, and the East is in a disadvantage."

Chen Lie said: "Wrong, this transformation model is very limited, basically it is always transformed, or it is difficult to make progress, and it is difficult to make progress. And the re-cultivation of the East seems to be a pit, but It is reopensed a way to make it easier to practice, and the future is far. "


The fire will think of the evil king, and even think of the terrorism of the East, even the top.

Chen Lie felt that the Bairun has almost reached the limit. If you want to break through the past, you can only break through the essence of the array.

The ghost is not lacking, but he must look for more advanced materials, and if you can find a better spirit, you will be more perfect.

Moreover, hunting more advanced evil spirits, spending enough time to refine their soul, can also gradually increase the Balanced cover.


Chen Lie has such a kungfu, but he is better than renewing one.

"Take a break, start again!"

Chen Lie saw the time, vigilant: "I always feel that there is any uneasy thing to happen, we still have to go."

The fire will take the head and the gun.

So many masters, forces come in, and the result will only hit a few people. Others disappear, can this matter?

If there is Chen Lie, the fire will take the giant gun to retreat first.

After half an hour, they will continue to advance.

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