The pet king of the city

Chapter 101, Life (3rd)

The situation in the ancient temple is too surprised. If there is Chen Lie, the fire will take the guns to retreat first.

So they stepped on it for half an hour and continued to advance.

This time they didn't have any delays, directly killing the fourth ladder.

Over the way, they found a lot of newly left items, some are replenish, some are gun explosives, some or even fresh meat blocks.

Located, they also saw some sings that were digested by black small flying worms, as well as dry bodies without life.

"It is being smoked to all lives!"

Chen Lie checked the corpse and continued to advance.

It is not necessary to say that it is the masterpiece of the Western evil spirits. It is estimated that there are many ways to come to the end of the black little flying insects.

Sure enough, Chen Lie hit a black small flying insect.

The result is not to mention that this group of flying worms is more exaggerated than the number of insects that have been encounter than before, and all become a nutrients of Chen Lie.

"The limit!"

Survive the twitching of this tens of thousands of strange small flescots, Chen Lie's cultivation is bursting, can't help but be alert: "If you swallow down, I don't want to explode, I have to force it in place. Promotion 8! I haven't prepared now, the environment is not safe, and it is only forced here to make a joke. "

"Is there a sacrifice?"

Chen Lie thought, and finally selected a negative.

Previously, I reinited the mission on the community, and it was matched with the result of accidental resources, Chen Lie made a good quality.

Only the size of the card is the bottom card, so you can't use it.

And he feels that there is a potential benefit that he is estimated here, so Chen Lie has never dare to mess with this topic.

Otherwise, with this capacity of this card, 10 times the soul, the ghost is not a problem.

I think that there may be a magnitude 8 top, or even half-step 9, and Chen Lie decisively stifles this idea.

All the way forward.

They have gathered a lot of materials, which are most replenished, and the remaining basics are disabled.

After all, it is not a powerful master, it is unique.

Relying on the firearm here is not very fragrant here, this kind of weapon is not natural.

Chen Lie did not add too much burden to himself, the abandonment.

But it doesn't waste it, for example, I found a gemstone in a collective unknown team, let Chen Lie are happy.

Although the fire will not know what the imperial giant gem is used.

But they didn't ask, I didn't have seen this thing, all as Chen Lie's private collection.

"Small gas supply!"

"Good insurance, this stone image suddenly moved! If it is not the darkness of Mr. Chen, I am now meat sauce!"

"Everyone is careful, the stone statue in the murals may become substantial to attack people."

"The death, these annoying small worms are really nausea!"

They opened up all the way, they did suffer a lot of dangers, and also know why so many teams inexplicably have a wonderful group.

God's wedge western evil, into the black little flying insect of the group, I don't know what to kill from the corner, plus the crimp of the stone in the wall, it is simply the master of the master.

If it is not Chen Lie's Balanced cover, even if the fire will have nine life, it is not dead, it is too terrible here.

"I finally arrived."

Chen Lie came to the ladder, quietly looked at it, and actually flew down and scared the fire.

"Come down."

The fire will not come and call the fire to save. Chen Lie's voice passed, and they didn't hear what they fight, and they went downstairs.

There is an empty eye, and there is no person.

The gun of the guns: "The burst knight lie to us?"

Previous burst knights said that the fourth step is blocked by the Dark Parliament, but it is entirely another matter.

Chen Lie said: "I didn't induce any vitality here, so I was bold. You see here, there is a signs of battle, but it will end, from footprints to the dark area in the dark area extends. "

A piece of open space in front of you, it is similar to the ancient temple, and it is also very black. It is not a scenario that is stationed.

The most horrible thing is to preside in Chen Lie, when they followed, there is no breath, and there is a little bit of people, which is more terrible than the Army of Wan Ma.

"How to do?"

The fire will instantly forget the initiative.

He is a top master in his hometown, the eye is over, even if the elite team is also the existence of the captain.

But come to the middle of the desert, his ability is tight, and only green leaves can be made under the light of Chen Lie.

Chen Lie took a look at the consequences: "We followed the past. If I have not guess, these footsteps should be the footprint of the Dark Parliament. According to the Dark Parliament, the time stay here, and the attitude towards others, the terrorist collection , Robbed a lot of ancient temple gem, we can't miss it. "

"it is good!"

The fire will know this is not good, but the support of the righteousness.

This is not greedy, but these ancient god gem has special effects.

Can effectively grow up Chen Lie's body.

This is a big body, not a dream.

If Chen Lie can collect enough quantity, the chance of promoting 9 levels in his body will be scary.

It can be said that every collection is collected, he promoted the chance of promoting a high point.

If you do other people, you will definitely fight.

Just when Chen Lie left the entrance, the original front-top squad came from a lifting leg, the blood, the foot was burned, and the burly man was burned.

"Go back! Be sure to report the Dark Parliament in the Dark Parliament! Go back! Be sure to organize people who have reported the Dark Parliament in all the big dark organizations, arrest many mercenaries, adventurers to explore the road ..."

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