The pet king of the city

Chapter 102 is dead

This miserable burly man saw Chen Lie, immediately shouted: "Go back! Fast! Be sure to talk to everyone, the Dark Parliament is in combination with major dark organizations, arrested many employed maids, adventurers For them! "

"This group of heart-hearted guys! They have no bottom line of people! I don't believe in one organization in their district, plus a group of 8-level peaks can resist the fire of the whole mercenary!"

The face is like this, and I walked into the ladder.

Although it may be the western evil, small flying insects, poisonous gas, stone statues, etc., but he will never retreat in order to send this news, even if you meet your brothers' ghosts.

On the other side.

A man lacked only a short Western man who helped him, there was no one sentence: "Elf, do you say that we have the opportunity to go out? We will only leave us, nor Know that the secret armed for those consortia is dead? "

The elf will drive back: "Those so-called superheroes are only the experimental items, I was so arrogant, I was not in the dark parliament. Rod, you don't care, we walk more A few steps, give a lot of time to Dear Robobi. As long as Robobi can go out, our sacrifice will not be in a billiary. "

Rod said painfully: "Hey, who can think of it, will the Dark Council will join them?"

"I really want to know."

A man came out and followed by two.

It is Chen Lie who, according to the score of the scouring, I actually got almost a full hidden Rod and Elf two people, and immediately lurked over and heard a lot of valuable news.

Rod is surprised: "Oriental! How did you come in?"

The elf is said: "Nature is what we attacked and let them drill the empty."

Chen Lie took the initiative to cut close to their topic, saying: "There are several ladders on the upper surface suddenly have a strong ghost and a lot of unknown attacks, resulting in many mercenaries to die. We have saved the people who punish the Knights, and have suffered some inexplicable sniper, It's hard to find you. "

"Since they are siped by the Dark Parliament, it is a friend."

Rod is very seen.

To know that they can cover their own breath, even the Dark Parliament, the killer organization can not find, but Chen Lie is precisely found, then proves that they have some people, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend. The principle, Rod didn't believe it.

The elf got Rhodes' signs, got down, whispered: "The credit of the Cavaliers is trustworthy."

Then Rod decisively asked: "You have to know what you will ask, we don't know if the Dark Parliament and the killer will come back to God?"

Chen Qi: "How big is this, what?"

Rod said: "Don't know how big, you have a glare, you will look down on it. There are a lot of caves and channels here. Some are the ancient temples themselves. Some are the ancient architectural relics. Some of them are some monsters. Come out of the nest. "

Elf interface: "What is the baby we don't know, but we know that there is a strong and terrible dead spirit, and there is also a very incredible double-headed glasses, there is an endless soul beetle, and there are many explanation that can not explain the terrible existence We have arrived in a place, there have many scorpion plants, people who die there will be dragged by plants into fertilizers and digest, and after about 100 seconds, those scorpions will be broken, flying out of the same as the deceased The dead spirit continues to hunt creatures. "

Chen Lie has heard his eyes, and the fire will not help it.

Chen Lie asked again: "What is going on? The Yuange Hall was found to have been many years now, so many mercenaries come in, how to practice this ladder is not going to explore?"

Rod smiled: "Not our exploration speed is slow, we underestimate it. At the beginning, in the second ladder, we will activate the second ladder defense, those hidden in the wall. The monsters will come out, we have died a lot of people. The third ladder is also almost the same, and many people are dead. "

To be here, Rodde sprayed the rays of hatred, hate: "But what we most can't think of, the first discovery here is actually combined with many killer organizations, in the entrance of the fourth ladder ambushed us For all unknown locations sent by each mercenary as a dialector to the fourth step, you also saw, including top mercenary, whether it is the secret team sent by the family, or the intensive national integrity They have become their embarrassment, all of them have been detained by them. "

Chen Lian asked: "How is the union of the Dark Parliament plus the combined combination of killer?"

Rod and A: "There were 15 levels of magnitude 8 and 52 levels, and there were 12 level 8 and at least 31 levels."

The fire will take a cool air and the dragonfly, and Chen Lie also heard the eyes flashes.

Chen Qian: "What is their ability?"

The elf said: "A lot, almost what you want to get. We have encountered a hand to encounter what you can instantly, our first master is broken on the spot after him, later Forced to surrender them. "

The guns are serious, and ask: "What about it later? Why didn't the entrance to seal it?"

The elf pointed at your face and said, "We are all sent to the unknown area and the luck and no death, each of which leaders yourself to the campsite at the entrance, and strive for a chance for the Robobi boss. Just Pass the secret to pass, even if the Dark Parliament and the killer tissue are strong ten times, it is impossible to stop our retaliation. "

Chen Lie praised: "It is very rough, but it is very practical."

Speaking here, Chen Lie is slightly viewed side

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