The pet king of the city

Chapter 140 Capture

Chen Lie said: "The bitterness is growing in the environment, which is more embarrassing in the environment, so that there is a very strong toxicity, which can refine a lot of poisonan, but this world is not a poison I have to do bad things. "

Saying a pass, the most important thing is the last sentence.

Uncle is confused, the head does not turn in a time.

Chen Lie said helplessly put the topic: "There is a kind of poison in this world, which is specifically used to capture the beast."

Uncle Shu eyes shouted, asked: "The young master should refine the poisonous Dan who caught the beast?"

Chen Lie did not continue this topic, carefully put Ulaanvy.

This bitter heartland is the biggest harvest of him twice into the Tianshui.

Let's not mention the value of the refining into poisonant, say that it is enough to reach the five-order spiritual material quality in exchange for a lot of wealth, buy a car's dead wood.

If it is not the knowledge of Chen Lie, I saw a poisonous gas spread in the edge of Tianshui. I suddenly remembered such a place to be the most suitable for painfulness, so adventure search, otherwise I can't gain such precious baby.

Shu Si thought, asked: "Young master, this poisonous Dan can help us grab the beast, then we don't have it? Why bother to change the wood, give the kids to cook the medicine soup? Just give old A servant is time to cultivate them. "

Chen Lie lane: "The problem is that I am the most lack of time now."

After experiencing the experience of the past, I know that the strength is small.

In the invisible, his crisis is far from the former world, and even the taste of "worry and worry".

Shu Dalen, a little alert: "With young master, you can hunt the thorns of the wild boar and the extraordinary identity of the four-order Dan teacher, it will definitely return to this home. As long as you return to this home, you can get the family's tried, With a large number of resources, we don't have to have so hard. "

"Be home?"

Chen Lie's mouth is touched, and it is lightly replied: "What is the same? Is it better to develop here?"

Uncle Moon asked: "Is the young master never intended to participate in the family's big ratio? I still want to be independent of Chen."

Chen Lie asked: "Do you think?"

Uncle Mu Instant is unable to refute.

Chen Lie did so many things, even concealed, tried to cultivate the class, is not independent?

No longer an impact of Chen?

I have to say, Chen Lie is deep, and the ambition is completely exceeded by the imagination of Mo, so that Mo Uncle seems to see a path from blood and fire.

"Go down!"

Chen Lien did not think about this topic, a bomb, a broken silver flew to some point on the map, and said that there was no expression: "Shu, the kids gave you. After a month, I want to They put this place out. "

"Seven Major!"

Shu saw that position, the expression was extremely unnatural, he replained: "Young master, you seem to be a bit strong. Although the July Malaysia is only the weakest thief around, but their boss has the same day. How can a poor child who have just trained a month can destroy them. "

Seven horses, it is said that because they grab the seven horses, they will be able to go to the wind.

Chen Lie ruthlessly replied: "This is my first test. If you can't get it, then they are doing the strongest civilians in Chi Shui Village."

"Yes, young master."

Uncle Mu clearly felt the determination of his own young master, only helplessness was helpless.

Chen Lie felt the helplessness of Mu, and there was an anger that was pressed down, but did not think so much.

I believe that after the future, Mush can understand his pain.

Everything is in Chen Lie's manipulation.




A crisp metal impact religious Chen Lie's mind.

My own tricks were repeatedly taken by Chen Lie, and Lin asked Long depressed, but also scared.

Although he doesn't know what is the practice of Chen Lie, every attack seems to absorb himself a little bit of interest, so that he is in danger, he is in the first time, playing his heartbeat.

"not like this!"

Lin Jielong's eyes suddenly cold.

The gas machine, Chen Lie's body is like a man.


Lin Jielong's attack was once again cut, but his knife was more violent, like a fan of violent rain, perfectly deduct the four violent combat power.


With a crisp sound, Lin asked the dragon's full knife was broken by Chen Lie, like a letter to the hand, and even retired a few steps, and the face was poured out of a pathogen.

"All right."

Chen Lie had a stopped action and said: "Test it over here, I am very satisfied with this gun."

Lin asked dragon is very satisfied, but it is secretly destroyed: "Can I be dissatisfied? This is the second-order baby I have forged! But I have self-sufficient, my most proud weapon is almost stabbed!"

Chen Lie seems to see the mind of Lin asked Long, throwing a gold value of the value of ten and two, said: "Don't undetect me, this is your reward and compensation."


Chen Lie's "read heart surgery" can stimulate Lin asked Long, and it must have an ability to fear.

However, the temptation of gold is not low, so that Lin Jilong has no other nonsense, and accepts it.

Ten two gold, the poorest place in Chi Shui Village represents the rich, and there is authority.

"So be it!"

Chen Lie closed his eyes like this, and Lin asked Long was spending, and went back to continue to forge other people.

Chen Lie took a gun, sorry: "Ordinary string, ordinary blood trough, no device pattern and spiritual condensed, all are secular forging crafts! Waste! It is a waste!"

Although Chen Lie's instrument is not very high, it is definitely not a backeeper.

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