The pet king of the city

Chapter 141 Blood War

Chen Lie took a gun, sorry: "Ordinary string, ordinary blood trough, no device pattern and spiritual condensed, all are secular forging crafts! Waste! It is a waste!"

Although Chen Lie's instrument is not very high, it is definitely not a backeeper.

The three-order three-order material, which is rare in this stage, and if you personize Chen Lie to forge, at least 3-level spirit, you can get it more secure.

"Forget it, this is my own choice."

Chen Lie has no time.

He now only 12 points left, it is not possible to support the second heavy promotion after the day, and can not support the deeper understanding of [Sky).

He needs soul, a lot of, countless soul, with soul, can do anything, solve any crisis.

"Hao Hao, this time is very ample!"

The weapon has, and the poisonous Dan who is in the martial arts is also exchanged back to a lot of income.

Now Chen Lie has given the hard work of the child for a month, and it is equal to the free time to give him a month, enough for him to make the remaining 8 points.

If you are lucky, he can even hunt into the third-order spirit beast. At that time, he could comprehend a deeper [Sky).

The condemnion, as the name is the practice of punishing the old days.

The reason is nothing, because the sky can ignore the talent, as long as there is enough spiritual beast, you can practice, even if it is a waste, it is possible to become a generation of masters.

This kind of spiritual law that uses spiritual beasts, and even the monsters of the monsters, let Chen Lie's weigh the demon, which is easy to be misunderstood.

Since Chen Lie has chosen the "system" road, you have to go all the way to black, there is no room for retreat, and one more [Sky) is also a bite.

Shu saw Chen Lie gun out, asked: "Young master, recently the bloody battle, leading to the price line of the Ling Dan Lingner, and many people adventure into the Tianshui, the abnormal chaos, please also Young master must be careful. "

"I will be careful!"

Chen Lie has returned to a sentence, floating.


You can't increase the soul value, Chen Lie will do that unnecessary things.

If the murder can get a demon soul, Chen Lie is absolutely not mind to come to black.



The third degree enters the mountain.

The first gain is very rich, but that is purely luck.

The second time I put the bait was not so good, just attracted a few stupid first-order spirit beasts, gaining poor 12-point soul.

This time hardware facilities are more excellent, and the time available for the support is more abundant. Chen Lie has enough confidence to promote the three weeks, even four.

But he is really lost budget.

Even if there is a three-order demon blood temptation, even in the past ten days ago, it is only lucky to tempted to a pair of stupid green rabbit couples, and harvest.

"How is the spirit beast here!"

Chen Lie was even more dull, and it was not perpleted.

But he quickly wake up.

Such as Mu Shu reminded, the signs of the sky, the low-level spirit beasts were scared by humans, and they intermitted Chen Lie's income.




The connected abnormal sound is awkward, and Chen Lie's heart is suddenly vigilant.

Chen Lie didn't want to provoke too much right and wrong, instinctively selected the opposite direction.

Unfortunately, he is wrong, he doesn't want to provoke, but people want to marry him.

Just listen to a broken voice.

A figure quickly appeared in the end of the field.

This is a young man who is full of blood, at most 17, 18 years old.

However, the state of him is not very good, the blood of the shoulders is like, the Lingjia wearing, even there is a lot of damage, and the face is pale, and it is obviously dangerous.

"Brothers, you finally came."

This man saw Chen Lie, when it revealed the color of surprises, greeted loudly.

Chen Lie is a little bit, and then I will know that I have been pit.

Sure enough, the team who chased men appeared.

And there are four people in foot, every one is at least triple, and the first one is more than the high day.

When these four people saw Chen Lie, as well as listening to the cheers of young men, instinct.


That leader is just a little bit, and then the two will be divided into Chen Lie.


For such an innocent disaster, Chen Lie is anger in addition to anger.

Unfortunately, this enemy does not give him an opportunity to explain. The enemy's blood knife has been killed, and the blade of the knife is smashing, and the body is shaking.

At this time, Chen Lie's fists set a singular blood, red and blue, which is extremely immeased, this is exactly the unique phenomenon of [Sky].

I saw Chen Lie to thoroughly piercing a trajectory of almost no way in the void. Actually, the prophetic is divorted with two knives, and the sharp gun tips run through the past.


Directly lane.

Perhaps it is too strong for Chen Lie. The guns are all sent directly from the past and fond into the depths of the jungle.


Chen Lie's body wiped away from the two knives. The empty hand grabbed it, and the rifle passed by the irritation was accompanied by him, and the tail was not different. After the remaining one of the turns, the wind is not coming.

A blood fierce spray.

Suddenly, the knife who has been hurt knows that this is the last life and death moment, actually takes the opportunity to leap forward, want to get from his chasing by Chen Lie.

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.


The knife only felt that the heart was cold, and then he saw a gun head that was stained with blood in his own mouth, blood flowing down with the gun.

This gun is directly irritated from behind.

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