The pet king of the city

Chapter 142, one does not do it (3 more)

The knife only felt that the heart was cold, and then he saw a gun head that was stained with blood in his own mouth, blood flowing down with the gun.

This gun is directly irritated from behind.


The knife is straight to the ground straight, and never gone.

Chen Lie took a gun and looked straight to the wars of the other three.

At this time, the battle was obviously fallen. The young married man was extremely heavy, accompanied by the flow of blood, his state became more and more weak, the danger was heavy, and it was unhappy.

"No, I killed their brothers, things can't explain!"

Chen Lie's heart is started, and the eyes are getting colder and cold.

It is also four years of murderous men, but also he has been hit hard, and even half of the war will not play. It is basically a situation that is ten dead.

However, Chen Lie didn't have to choose, he killed two brothers, waiting until the mortar man was cooked by them, Chen Lie is absolutely the next goal.

I don't do it, I'm going to have a decision in an instant.

The four people who chased, the two knives were killed by Chen Lie to kill the gesture of Chen Lienan, and the leader is the master of the double sword. The remaining person is a sword, watching their tricks and weapons. Chen Lie knows that even if he faces it, it is also a little fierce.


The leader saw the partner successfully used the heavy sword to marry the man's defense. The double sword was in an instant dance. It can be so subtle moments, his breathing suddenly stops, and even the soul is also locked.

At the next moment, the leader saw a trajectory that was perfectly arbitrary.


The leader of the terrible battle can save him.

The attack suddenly stopped suddenly, changing the critical moment, and successfully launched Chen Lie at the last most critical moment.

I don't know how, Chen Lie's attack is too overbearing, as if to concentrate all the strength to a little, absolutely concentrated power points to lead the leader, with partners lose strategic re-matching advantages.

This is the result of Chen Lie.

The body is like a slave heavy sword from the string.

If you don't see any action, the sword has maintained the gesture of the Huang Queen, and his eyes are very powerful, but he has no ability to see anything.


Heavy sword hand down.

"who are you?"

Slightly has a leader of wheezing, he is still in the first time, but the means is so high.


Unfortunately, Chen Lie didn't pay attention, and the offense did not stop, and even accelerated the rhythm.

"I am a wonderful person ..."

There has been a morbid flush on the face of the leader, but he still insists in tenacious, hoping to exchange a short breath opportunity.

But Chen Lie method robot is generally not moving in words.

I saw his short gun with the body's rotation and pulling the past, the gun is built into the air, with the scorpion and blackening of the neck.

This shot has a sudden, simple trick, unexpected angle, combining it into a hike.

Sword blade mad dragon!

The leader also knows that this is the last life and death moment, no longer retains his own kill, double sword dance, countless swords, and the sword winds of the Sen Custle, the swords of Chen Lie, even their own body to expand.

This is obviously the rhythm of the anti-kill.


Chen Lie's gun suffered an accident in an instant, and the attack trajectory was biased, and there was no threat to the leader.


When the sword blade is willing to bring Chen Lie to the bones to swallow it, the head of the leader suddenly solidifies, and the sword blade is instantly collapsed.

The leader stupidly low, looked at the sword of the body, and finally fell to death.

It is the man who married the man.

This sinister guy seized the most critical opportunities, sneak attack, and ended this battle.

The mysterious man seems to use the whole body, the whole person is embarrassed to thank you: "Haimao can be lucky, the whole brother's life is rescued. Before you have a sin, please ask the brother to forgive, Hai There is a thick report in the future. "

Chen Lie did not answer, and the short gun came to the front of the man.

The married man has not perceived Chen Lie's abnormality, continuing his felection: "This time is really unlucky, the first time I hit such a bad thing, I really pay attention to it, I can't be too high. I said the brother, Your repair is not good, but the skill is not vague, if it gets the opportunity to fix it ... "

It's a daughter that is slow, and it's busy to struggle.

In the eyes, it is a faceless Chenie.

The heart of the married man is not tight, the dark is not bad.

However, he didn't have a problem, even two, and 30% of the war did not play. Don't say that it is Chen Lie who has been dealing with the day after the day. Even if the martial arts, a heavy martial art is not necessarily possible, where to dare Stick, quickly retreat.

Can marriage and men retreat, Chen Lie will follow up.

Anxious married man is busy explaining: "Brothers, before the sea is wrong, but no matter what you have a life for Hai, our Haijia is a well-known family in Quanzhou!"

"I swallow all the demon souls, I barely promoted three days, if I don't take it back, how to get my efforts to these days."

Chen Lie has finally spoken, but what is said to marry the man.

The married man wants to say to continue to explain, but Chen Lie's words are like crashing dams, and the source is inadvertently: "With the teachings of the past, I will never believe anyone, like you, this is the guy who attacked your heart. It is more impossible to trust. "

"and many more!"

The married man seems to hear the pronunciation of the king, and quickly shout.

"You used to be the world, not a family. This kind of identity, I can't let you ..."

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