The pet king of the city

Chapter 115: Another Mysterious Guest

"Even if the passenger flow is reduced by half, but a few days ago, there was a daily turnover of about 10, why is there a sharp drop in today?"

Chen Lie's face was dark and ugly.

He can understand some irreversible facts, but he cannot accept the fact that sales have dropped sharply.

After all, this is related to the third Super Pet Lottery.

"Boss, I'm all incompetent, don't fire me!"

Liu Yifeng had never seen such a dark-faced scene of Chen Lie, and he was panicked.

Although she has just been here for a month, she has already realized the superiority of working here.

Not only can I learn a lot, I can play with cute animals every day, I can eat delicious meals every day, and my monthly income and basic salary are even higher than those of college graduates. Little bit.

Every time she heard the excitement from her mother and praised her pride, she vowed to take good care of her job.

"Who said I am going to fire you."

Chen Lie asked without a temper: "Tell me, why is the passenger flow reduced by half, but only 100% of sales remain?"

"I do not know either."

"I'm obviously very enthusiastic, so my lips are dry."

Liu Yifeng replied anxiously: "That's because those guests always ask irrelevant things."

Chen Lie asked: "What are they asking?"

Liu Yifeng replied: "Some asked us how to train our pets, some directly asked us whether we used any special food to feed our pets, while the rest asked Abao and Jiaojiao, and some even thought of the back alley here. Visit them."


Chen Lie thought about it for a moment and knew part of the reason.

Those who ask about training and secret recipes probably come from somewhere else to steal the teacher.

As for looking for the fierce tiger and A Bao, such scenes are staged every day. The aunts and old men nearby are the most enthusiastic, and some parents even bring their children.

They basically want to treat this as a free zoo.

If it weren't for Abao, the places where they were going were the back alleys and warehouses, and they wouldn't let people in easily, otherwise they would have been messed up.

"Well, today shouldn't have anything to do with you."

"Besides, Bailing's affairs can be handed over to Qingqing, and I will take care of it tomorrow."

Chen Lie wanted to see the faces of some people.

"Alie, the live broadcast time is coming."

Ren Qing saw Chen Lie's busy look and asked, "Why don't you ask for leave today, let's take a break, you will have enough today."

"No need to."

"Although it's a bit tired, it's not too tired to ask for leave."

Chen Lie knew that Ren Qing cared about him, but he still rejected his kindness.

Just now.

Old Li called.

This was a very brief call. Mr. Li only said two sentences, one sentence "It has returned to normal" and the other sentence "to have tea together when I have time."

It's so simple, but it contains a wealth of information.

"Not bad."

"After a bad news, a good news was compensated."

Chen Lie, who was in a better mood, began to clean up the room.

His live broadcast background is very simple and has been criticized many times.

But he does not intend to change.

Because this is where he lives, his style.

Finished packing.

The live broadcast time has come.


Suddenly there was a thunder.

Chen Lie appeared.

Fans give subtitles immediately:

"There was a loud noise in the sky, and Brother Pet appeared loudly."

"Very second form of playing mode."

"How many years of useless terrier, pet brother actually still uses it, it's old."

Chen Lie habitually ignored these subtitles and happily sold them off: "Today I found a mysterious guest again, don't you look forward to it?"

"I will wipe it, won't it? The mysterious guest last time was a giant panda. What are you going to come this time?"

"If you can be a mysterious guest of my pet brother, it is definitely a national protected animal, and it is not a national treasure to be embarrassed to speak out."

"Where is the national treasure so easy to find, I suspect that it is a popular star who came to guest."

"That's right, now the popularity of Pet Brother is so high, look, now it has broken one million online, those popular front lines obviously have no such appeal."

Chen Lie's words aroused a lot of expectations.

The queen drove up and said: "Pet brother, any guests are fine, gifts will never be stingy."

It’s okay to put the rocket and say: "Brother Pet, if you can find another national treasure-level animal as a pet, I will give you 1,000 rockets!"

The old Wang of Greentown sighed: "The two big local tyrants upstairs are so bold, then I can't be stingy. At least 100 rockets express condolences."

The words of the three big tyrants are all brought out with rockets.

For a while, the whole live broadcast room was in an uproar.

With just the three of them, 300 rockets are all right.

I don't know how many anchors who watched secretly are almost crazy with envy.

"Then I would like to thank everyone for the gifts in advance."

"With a good news incident."

Chen Lie warned evilly: "After my unremitting efforts, our mysterious guest promised to sing a song for our fans."

"Sing, that's human."

"Not a new national treasure, express disappointment."

"My pet's live broadcast room is finally becoming popular. Otherwise, I'm afraid that my pet will be demonized someday!"

"The awesome man upstairs is a novel or a screenwriter?"

The topic is crooked.

And Chen Lie also started today's live broadcast in this happy atmosphere.

The routine pet training scenes, as well as pet performance scenes, still make fans watch with gusto.

Many fans said that if it is not too far away, they really want to go to the super pet shop to select pets.

Of course, they habitually slander the pet brother.

The queen drove to represent the vast number of female fans and asked: "Brother Pet, why don't you support express delivery? Now the express delivery industry is very developed, and the delivery of living things abounds."

The queen just missed the word "old thinking" when she arrived.

"Didn't I explain it?"

"Forget it, I will explain it again."

"Current express delivery is very developed, but it is only for dead objects. Live express delivery has too many defects, especially pet express delivery, and the injury rate remains high."

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