The pet king of the city

Chapter 116: Sensational Effect

Chen Lie has explained why he refuses pet express delivery many times, and he is helpless, but he can only solve it patiently: "To put it simply, the express delivery is very developed now, but it is only for the dead. There are too many flaws and loopholes in express delivery, especially pet express delivery, where the injury rate remains high, and the compensation issue is even more entangled, and some even cause lawsuits."

Speaking of this, Chen Lie gave out the data very seriously: "Pet express delivery, even the best professional express delivery, takes one day and one night from south to north, and the turnover in the middle is even more torture. Think about it, a cute little one. Animals are locked in vehicles with poor air circulation, without eating or drinking, and traveling long distances for a day and night. What will it be like?"

"People can't stand it anymore, let alone those little animals."

"Brother Pet has explained it many times, you are really annoying."

"Brother Pet is purely to protect pets, don't you women think about Brother Pet?"

Many people began to denounce those annoying female fans.

This time.

Female fans also have no privileges.

Chen Lie said: "Although I like to make money, I prefer small animals and don't want to see them suffer."

Speaking of last, Chen Lie added: “If you encounter reliable and highly professional pet couriers in the future, you may be able to accept long-distance orders.”

"Brother Pet, I'm sorry, we are giving you a headache."

"We should not be so selfish."

No girl fans began to blame themselves.

There are some no-brainers who want to make trouble, but are quickly suppressed by a considerable number of housing management.

Those who are particularly disgusting are even sealed forever.

As one of Shark Live, Chen Lie has many hidden privileged functions.

For example, Chen Lie has an independent channel where only those local tyrants can leave messages and chat.

But he never opened this channel.

Fans are the foundation of everything, and he is not so stupid to make fans feel that he is treated differently.

"These are small things."

"That mysterious guest has already felt everyone's enthusiasm."

Seeing that Ren Qing gave himself a thumbs up secretly, Chen Lie understood it, and immediately cut into the topic: "Now the mysterious guest is ready, but before it comes, why not let me give you two warm-up songs? Welcome? Do not?"

"No no no!"

The full screen made Chen Lie unable to laugh.

While watching the live broadcast, Ren Qing, Xiao Yu and Liu Yifeng laughed so much that their stomach hurts.

"Brother Pet, stop making trouble."

"Brother Pet's voice can kill pigs. Everyone should wear earplugs."

"Just your voice, you won't be able to sing after a few years of practice, so let's honestly bring your cute pet."

"No pet brother, just mysterious guests!"

After Chen Lie beat you up, he gritted his teeth and said: "If this is the case, then invite our mysterious guests!"


Chen Lie yelled, then crossed his right hand.

Braun immediately flew to the back of his hand.


"Big Brother Pet has made another breakthrough in his mastery of beasts, and even birds can't escape the clutches."

"Wait, won't the mysterious guest be such a bird?"

"This bird is beautiful, but how do you sing it? Even the smartest parrot in the world can't sing a complete song, right?"

Amidst doubts, the music rang.

Chen Lie made a silent gesture at the same time, then stepped aside and listened quietly.

Seeing Chen Lie's concentration, everyone stopped silly.

"Let the evening breeze gently blow the sunset..."

When the sound of heaven came out, the audience was shocked like a bolt from the blue.

"I'm going! Damn it!"

"Pure Cantonese song!"

"This voice is absolutely perfect!"

But only a few fans spoke, and the others were listening.

"I'm used to thinking about her every evening..."

This extremely lyrical voice, combined with ultra-high standards of future sound, produces a sublimation effect.

None of Chen Lie's millions of online fans spoke, and they all listened to this heart-stringing soul song like a fascination.

Until the singing.

Millions of online fans still have no one to speak.

Although Chen Lie had heard it many times, it was still a combined performance with a live broadcast suit, and the appeal was completely beyond his imagination.

After a short while.

Chen Lie returned to the computer and asked, "How about the performance of the mysterious guest?"

"999, because 666 overturned!"

"My pet brother must be a monster!"

"This kind of singing voice, this kind of sound of nature, I'm intoxicated, don't wake me up."

"I just told my mother that a bird was singing a Cantonese song, and my mother told me to learn not to sleep!"

"Brother Pet, ask for song audio, I want a single loop! I want to brainwash!"

"Same request!"

"I want a single loop too!"


In short, the live broadcast room just exploded.

The sensation of the scene was not inferior to the scene when A Bao appeared.

"After the live broadcast ends, I will quickly make the audio of the song."

"But our mysterious guest needs a rest."

"We still..."

Before Chen Lie finished speaking, he was roughly interrupted by the surging emotions of the fans:

"No pet brother, just birds!"

"Sing again!"

"Sing again!"

This time not only ordinary fans are making trouble, but the queen is also making trouble when they arrive.

It's just that they had a fierce quarrel, so they chanted slogans directly on the Rockets, and Chen Lie continued on if they refused.

"I really want to see your hands tired after brushing."

Chen Lie sighed in his heart and had to say: "Everyone, Bailing is just a bird, and its lung capacity is not as exaggerated as a human. It has already taken a lot of effort to practice this song today, so please be considerate."


"One more song!"

Many local tyrants began to bargain.


Chen Lie could only let Bailing come again.

This time the effect is still the same.

Do not.

Braun sang better.

It seems to bring the sound of nature to its extreme, singing a kind of poignant softness, and directly sings fans of ungirls with red eyes.

"Well, are you satisfied?"

Chen Lie was afraid of rebirth, and immediately let Bailing go back to rest.


The full screen could not affect Chen Lie.

On the contrary, this is part of Chen Lie's plan.

So he announced his plan to sing overnight and watched the fans' response...

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