Music Beach invites the new singer Han Fei heavily?

This is big news.

"Han Fei!"

Gu Xiaoyu asked in surprise: "My God, isn't it that Han Fei is relatively low-key and doesn't like attending various large-scale events? Why did you come to a concert of this nature suddenly?"

Gu Xiaoyu likes Han Fei's songs very much, but only purely likes it, so he is half a fan of Han Fei.

"It seems that Huicheng has done a lot in order to play the travel card."

Ren Qing is smiling, but I don't know whether it is ironic or because he is happy to meet such a grand ceremony this time.

Chen Lie responded: "Even she is here, it seems we are lucky."


The old knife sighed: "Apart from his own concerts and the Spring Festival Gala, Han Fei has hardly participated in other major performances. Hey, you don’t know, my nephew stole the money from the family and ran away to listen to Han Fei’s concert. At that time, we were so scared that we almost advertised for help."

No wonder Lao Dao cares so much about Han Fei.

It turns out that there is such a story.

"I hope there will be no crowds this time."

Chen Lie didn't like the feeling of crowded people.

The first is insecurity, and the second is that it is difficult to avoid embarrassment in that situation.

And now he has not only two young and moving sister papers, but also three super cute and precious pets, so he must not intervene in such an occasion.

Everyone knew what Chen Lie was worried about, and they all looked at A Bao at the same time.

Finally turned into a sigh.

They only hope that it is not the peak tourist season and there are not too many people.

The old knife who drove was suddenly alert and felt that it was necessary to make some preparations.

So silent all the way.

Sun, beach, waves, coconut trees...

The simple collocation constitutes a beautiful resort.

Ren Qing stepped on the fine sand, feeling the light surge of the playful little waves.

The waves at this time are no longer as turbulent as yesterday. Today's weather seems to be much milder in order to welcome Chen Lie and the others.

Standing on a reef, Chen Lie quietly felt the reef, and there was a rushing sound when the sea was flowing.

This sound is very interesting, just like humming natural music, let Bailing listen carefully.

And Gu Xiaoyu was facing the cool sea breeze, and the fresh breath that entrained the sea.

At this moment, all the fatigue accumulated on the journey disappeared.

"I didn't expect Huicheng to have such a beautiful scenery."

Lao Dao stopped the car and walked over with a simple salute.


This is the scene where A Bao's strange cry broke the harmony.

It was the first time A Bao saw the sea.

It wants to stand with Chen Lie.

As a result, every time I moved forward, I was frightened by the rushing waves and ran back.

Such a cycle causes it to rush and scream.

The fierce tiger who was strolling saw A Bao's embarrassment, glanced disdainfully, and continued to feel the subtle touch from under his feet.

"Abao, don't come over."

Chen Lie went back.

He was afraid of Abao coming in disorder.

With its weight, once it falls into the water, it is very difficult to get it back.

"Wow, fat fat!"

A chubby figure flew over.

"Tuan Tuan, don't run!"

Then a figure in a swimsuit chased him.

The chubby figure is called Tuantuan, a very cute little girl.

She saw A Bao from a long distance, and ran over almost out of control, but was caught by her beautiful mother halfway through.

Struggling to no avail, Tuan Tuan pointed at A Bao excitedly and shouted: "Mom, Fatty! It's Fatty!"

"What fat!"

"No, it's really a panda!"

It's just that she was stunned now, looking at A Bao who was kicking the sand dumbly.

Tuan Tuan Ma, who was a little out of control, slowly came to A Bao under the pull of Tuantuan.


"Did you run out of the zoo?"

Tuantuan wanted to touch Abao, but was held by her mother, unable to get close, and could only ask a few meters away.


Chen Lie took the initiative to explain: "It's called A Bao, and we are here on vacation."

"On vacation?"

Tuan Tuan's mother asked, "Are you the staff of the zoo?"

Chen Lie shook his head and said, "No, A Bao is my personal pet. This is the police, and he can prove it. But I hope you don't stretch out, otherwise it attracts too many people, then we have to go back."

Chen Lie chose a deserted place specially, and also chose a location away from the crowd.

Unexpectedly, it was still noticed.

After Tuantuan's mother had a brief exchange with Lao Dao, she also remembered the Internet news she had seen before.

"So you are the pet brother."

Tuantuan's mother smiled and said: "The news is true. I thought it was fake news again."

Chen Lie gave a smile as a response.

This is A Bao is joking, playing beach ball with the fierce Jiaohu.

It's just that Abao is too clumsy. His ridiculously clumsy body is originally inflexible, and it looks even more funny in an environment like the beach.

Naturally, it was once again abused by fierce tigers.

Huo Jiaohu shot the beach ball to the left and waited for A Bao to run over with a silly walking method. Just before he touched him, Huo Jiaohu suddenly appeared and shot the beach ball to the right.

So back and forth, constantly teasing.

A Bao was played round and round.

"Abao is so pitiful."

Tuan Tuan looked at his mother aggrievedly and said: "Mom, can I help Abao?"

Tuantuan's mother looked at Chen Lie like asking for help.

"Go ahead."

"Just don't hurt them."

Chen Lie couldn't bear to refuse such a cute child, so he nodded and agreed.


Tuan Tuan broke away from his mother's control in an instant, bursting out at a speed beyond imagination.

A chubby figure rushed over and frightened the fierce Jiaohu.

The result is such a loss.

Tuantuan's finger points to the beach ball, which happens to be delivered to A Bao.

A Bao did not expect that the beach ball that he could not get with his best efforts would be delivered. He hugged him with joy, then stood upright and slid away quickly.


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