
"Ouch, I'm so laughing."

"I can't do it anymore, who will help me."

The weird scene of A Bao walking upright almost made Chen Lie smile.

Others were even more uncontrollable and laughed.

For all non-human species, walking upright will give people a sense of indecentness. Even the most human-like monkeys will have a lot of disharmony.

But Bao is different.

It's bloated, and its clumsiness has formed a kind of weirdness.

A stupid and cute person who just wants to laugh at it.

"Abao, wait for me."

Tuantuan chased up.

Fierce Jiaohu was also furious, and hurried to catch up.

The scene became noisy again, but it was full of joy.

"Little Bear?"

"No, it's a panda!"

A young couple walked over and saw A Bao running upright facing him. The young husband was immediately alert.

But when he saw that it was wombat hair, he was stunned.


His wife is not so restrained.

Unable to resist A Bao's temptation, he trot over.

"There are tigers!"

"do not go!"

The young husband saw the fierce tiger rushing towards Abao, thinking that the fierce tiger was going to attack his wife. For a moment, he lost his judgment in fright and rushed to the fierce tiger fiercely.


Chen Lie was shocked immediately.

Xunleibu broke out.

The ghostly speed allowed him to pass a distance of nearly 20 meters in just three seconds, blocking the young husband.

But the opponent couldn't stop.

Seeing that he was about to run into it, Chen Lie used the skill of Thunder's fist to push the young husband aside.

Puff through.

The young husband was caught off guard, didn't stand firm, fell and sat down.

But because it is a beach, he has nothing to do.


Seeing the outbreak of conflict, the young wife still has the mind to tease her cute pet.

"Are you OK?"

"Where did you hurt?"

Faced with the concern of his little wife, the young husband shook his head and said: "I'm fine, he seems to know martial arts."

The young husband is not a fool, and he has realized how mysterious Chen Lie's effort just now is.

That is definitely not something ordinary people can do.


Chen Lie picked up the angry tiger and confiscated the beach ball.

The fierce tiger is not afraid of humans.

In its eyes, human beings are too small and weak to give it a full punch.

In fact, Chen Lie was not worried about the injury of the fierce Jiaohu, but was worried that the fierce Jiaohu shot too hard and maimed that young husband.

You know that the fierce tiger two months ago was already able to kick the iron cage with one kick.

The food has been so good recently, it is two laps bigger than it was when it first came, and it is powerful enough to crush any police dog.

The fierce tiger in this state, with a full blow, let alone an ordinary human, even a giant man weighing 300 kilograms has to be kicked by the fierce tiger.

"Panda, tiger!"

"You are a pet brother!"

The young couple knew Chen Lie's identity.

But it is an afterthought.

Chen Lie didn't have time to pay attention to them.


A Bao was still reluctant, lying on Chen Lie, begging constantly.

"Stop playing, I'll find a venue for you to play later."

Chen Lie had already realized that more people had gathered and meant to leave.

The old knife is also clever, so he immediately collects his things and leans over.

As long as the situation turned out to be bad, he immediately covered Abao and the others.

"Abao, don't be sad."

Tuantuan pulled the corner of Chen Lie's clothes and said, "Uncle, please give the ball to Abao? Just play it again, just one shot."

Tuantuan's mother was also soft-hearted and pleaded: "Brother Pet, you can let them play for a few more minutes."

"It's not that I don't want to."

"But... you can look around for yourself..."

Chen Lie was too lazy to explain.

The farce of the young couple just now, especially the loud word "panda", attracted many people.

Seeing more and more people gathered, Tuantuan's mother had to sigh.

"It's really a panda! Is it a kidnapper?"

"He is a pet brother! The only Internet celebrity in the world who has privately raised pandas and tigers!"

"I heard about him in the news. He is very popular now. I didn't expect him to come to Huicheng."

Many people know the pet brother Chen Lie, so the scene did not make much noise.

If Chen Lie's reputation is a little weaker, it is estimated that this scene will have to explain his drool.

"Mommy Mommy, can I play with Pangda?"

"No way, baby, Pangda belongs to someone else."

"But why can that chubby sister?"

The other children also wanted to play with A Bao, but their attention was focused on Tuantuan next to A Bao.

These people are partly locals, partly fans of Han Fei after the new song, but more of them are family tourists who come together for vacation.

Although there were not many children at the scene, there were a dozen or so.

More than a dozen children are making trouble together, that scene...

In the end, the soft-hearted parents spoke to their children: "Brother Pet, do you know if you can let the children play with Abao? Just for a while, we won't make you embarrassed."


Chen Lie can't say anything.

Because the watery eyes of a dozen children looked at him.

Chen Lie suddenly felt tons of pressure.

The old knife is still good enough.

He took the initiative to stand up to fight thunder: "Everyone, the problem is that the more people gather nowadays, and if this continues, it will easily cause confusion."

"Our children are also inside. We help you maintain order."

"Yes, we also need to protect children."

The parents caught the breakthrough and pleaded hard.


Chen Lie couldn't resist such an offensive, so he could only agree with his nose.

"I knew it."

Lao Dao rolled his eyes immediately.

But he was an old driver, then took out his mobile phone and said proudly, "Fortunately, he was prepared."

He immediately dialed a number.

Then the beach became harmonious.

I have to say that current parents are very dedicated.

In order to protect their children, to protect Po and the fierce tiger, they used the fastest time to build a simple isolation barrier and a human wall, and in the middle is a temporary painted beach football field.

The children and pets are divided into two teams.

A Bao leads a team, a fierce Jiaohu leads a team...

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