For her upcoming live broadcast career, Wen Lan chose a difficult challenge for her last song before the end of tonight.

She told Chen Lie her opinion.

"you sure?"

Chen Lie looked at Wen Lan seriously and said, "If you learn vocal music, you should know the difficulty of this song."

"Because it is difficult."

"Also because of its high profile."

"That's why I chose it."

Lan Wen is still the same, still so determined.

Of course, Wen Lan at this time was stubborn to Chen Lie.

"Come on!"

Chen Lie didn't say too much nonsense and directly expressed his support with actions.


"The finale is coming."

Chen Lie ceremoniously introduced: "It's exaggerated, it's a classic with a high degree of vocalization and no small difficulty. Eason Chan actually has a lot of difficult songs, and this one is definitely in the forefront of difficulty."

"I know, it's not that I didn't sing, let the teacher sing quickly. Then the teacher will look more and more seductive, and I hope she will play more."

"Where is the impatient upstairs, you must know this is Pet Brother's live broadcast room."

"But Wen Meizhi really has a temperament that people can't give up."

Chen Lie ignored these slightly targeted words and continued to give a brief introduction, and finally made the bottom line: "In view of the difficulty of this song, and our teacher Wen Lan is already very tired, so if you don’t sing Gao I hope everyone can understand."


"We are not people without IQ."

"In KTV, even karaoke ten songs, the throat will be uncomfortable, not to mention this kind of stressful live performance."

Many male fans obviously crooked their ass.

Chen Lie didn't bother to pay attention to so much, the effect he wanted was achieved, and the rest depends on Wen Lan's live performance.

Slightly compelling music sounded.

The audience, all the live broadcast rooms were quiet.

"If someone asks me, I will speak, but no one comes..."

"My mood is as if a bottle cover has been uncovered, but Juba is growing moss..."

The exaggeration portrays a kind of sadness, no wonder, and unwillingness.

And all this seems to be a true portrayal of Wen Lan.

The last part of the song is false, and it is true and false with personal characteristics. It is really not so easy to restore.

This is what Chen Lie is most worried about.

But he was surprised.

The more Wen Lan sang, the better, and the more evil he sang.

In the end, it turned out to be a pure evil singing, directly sending the whole song into a kind of evil music world, and at the same time, it also gave a shocking interpretation of the exaggerated essence.

"Blasted again."

Chen Lie squeezed his chin and said, "Is Wen Lan used to popping seeds?"


When Ren Qing saw the full screen of Rockets and 666, she knew that Wen Lan had used super-standard performance to lay the most solid foundation in the live broadcast industry.

But it is different from others' opinions.

Ren Qing looked at Wen Lan with sweat on his forehead and uneven breathing, as if looking at a gold mine to be excavated.

"Qingqing has committed an occupational disease."

Chen Lie saw Ren Qing in such a state, how could she not know what she was going to do.

But it doesn't matter.

Isn't this what Chen Lie also wants to help?

"This is the end of the outdoor live broadcast?"

"This is impossible!"

Chen Lie was rarely mischievous, but quickly cut the subject: "I still have to help Teacher Lan Wen deliver things, and I know that you are very curious about the orphanage where Teacher Lan Wen is located, so I wish I would visit."

"He who knows me, pet brother too!"

"My pet is a close man!"

"My pet is a warm man!"

Then the fans urged Chen Lie to visit the orphanage.

Many people have no impression of the orphanage and want to see it.

Chen Lie can both help and satisfy his wishes. It is very cost-effective to accomplish two tasks with one thing.

"Good weight!"

Chen Lie was shocked when he resisted the debris brought by Wen Lan.

He couldn't believe that Wen Lan, who didn't look very strong, ran back and forth with such a heavy object on his back every day.

You must know that these debris include worn-out solid wood guitars, cheap and bulky second-hand audio kits, and stool thermos, etc., which add up to at least 40 pounds.

"Not easy!"

Chen Lie felt Wen Lan's strength more and more.

Fortunately, the orphanage is not very far from Music Beach.

The fact that two children can sneak over safely can explain a lot.

After half an hour.

Chen Lie was broadcasting while walking.

Finally came to the legendary orphanage.

Where is this orphanage? It's a dangerous house.

This is an old-fashioned courtyard of southern standards, with only one floor, and there are still tiles with holes in it.

And the walls are not cement or masonry, but mud walls that are often seen half a century ago; the lime on the surface of the mud walls has been peeled off in large areas, and the naughty children have taken out many sand holes on the walls.

Looking at the big dilapidated wooden door, which is more symbolic than defensive, there are many places around it are covered with dried and dead moss, and some corners of the roof are still covered with various grasses.

If that's all there is to it.

But the problem is that the corners of the courtyard are filled with all kinds of recycled products, empty beer bottles and beverage cans, discarded paper and cardboard, etc. Chen Lie even smells a smell of stinky water. The recovered product was obviously fished out of dirty water.

Remembering that Wen Lan said before that the children are very good and would help make a little money, Chen Lie wanted to feel sour.

This kind of house is at least 50 years old.

If it weren't for the relatively remote location, it would occupy a large area, otherwise it would be useless.

"I'm going, is this someone living?"

"I remember there were many such houses when I was young, but now they are basically demolished."

"The money we donated before is fed to the dog."

"Fortunately, I haven't donated it to a certain club for many years."

The fans were shocked and angry.

With so many taxes and donations every year, even a small orphanage cannot be taken care of.

The most overwhelming thing is that this is still a developed coastal area, a large city with a population of no less than 5 million, and such a phenomenon still occurs. Then can't the poor and backward places be worse?

"Fortunately, I came here."

"Otherwise, I really can't see the back of society."

Chen Lie sighed.

He is not afraid to offend certain officials.

Anyway, these officials don't even want to be scornful, and why are they polite to them?

"Teacher, Xiaowu has a fever! Come and see him!"

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