The pet king of the city

Chapter 145 The Power of the Live Room


The old plastic door was violently pushed open.

"Teacher teacher!"

A girl who was about ten years old in her grade blushed and ran over and shouted, "Xiao Wu has a fever! He is so hot all over, come and see him!"

The little girl took Wen Lan's hand and dragged it in.

Wen Lan also ignored Chen Lie and Ren Qing and ran in directly.

Chen Lie and Ren Qing didn't talk nonsense, and ran in for the first time.

What caught the eye was that all the children did not sleep, all gathered on one bed.

"It's hot!"

"It's 40 degrees, ah, Xiao Wu has convulsions."

"No, something happened to Xiaowuhui like this!"

Wen Lan took out Xiaowu's thermometer and panicked immediately.

"Cool down physically first!"

"I will call 120!"

Chen Lie didn't mess around and made arrangements calmly.

"Go to the hospital?"

"But we..."

Lan Wen wants to cry now.

"Just woke up, we are here!"

Ren Qing came to Wen Lan's side, grabbed her and Xiaowu's hands, and nodded.

Lan Wen was moved to cry.

If it weren't for Chen Lie and Ren Qing tonight, she wouldn't know how she would end up.

I don't want to see a rocket with subtitles floating in the live broadcast room at this time: "Brother Pet, I am a doctor and live near the orphanage. I will come now!"

Chen Lie was overjoyed.

There are many talents hidden in the live broadcast room.

Then someone successively said:

"Brother Pet, I live nearby, I will drive you there, definitely faster than an ambulance!"

"Brother Pet, I am a doctor at Huicheng Hospital. Now I have ordered people to prepare. You can get treatment right away when you come."

Immediately afterwards, it was okay to let the Rockets speak: "Brother who extended a helping hand today, all the Rockets can ask me for reimbursement.

Immediately after it was all right, the Rockets added: "This is not to look down on you, but I think you have contributed, and it is more appropriate for me to be responsible for the money."

"Count me in."

The queen drove up and appeared.

"Count me too."

Greentown Pharaoh also stood up.

Other local tyrants have also expressed their willingness to admit these expenses.

"Thank you everyone."

"But I want to help now, please forgive me."

Chen Lie then fixed the scene and helped with the simplest physical cooling.

However, there are a lot of hidden powers in the live broadcast room.

Many people have made suggestions.

For example, a technical house told Chen Lie the easiest way to make ice.

"The orphanage doesn't have a refrigerator, but don't worry."

"The easiest way to make ice is to use saltpeter."

"There is saltpetre in the Chinese pharmacy, but if there is no Chinese pharmacy nearby, then look for the school. There must be saltpeter in the chemical laboratory in the school."

"If time is too late, scratch the surface of the corner of the earthen house. The white material contains a lot of nitrate. The orphanage house is the oldest house. I seemed to have seen it just now."

After reading these technical messages, Chen Lie decisively took the children out to scratch the walls.

After a little bit, put it around the small cup filled with water.

The ice came out soon.

With ice, the physical cooling effect is better.

Xiaowu quickly recovered his stability.

At this time, fans in the live broadcast room drove over, and Chen Lie quickly took the child to the hospital.

Tossing for midnight.

Finally passed the dangerous period.

If it is a child of ordinary people, even if the fever is 40 degrees, it will be fine as long as it is treated in time.

But the problem is that Xiao Wu is an orphan, obviously malnourished, and his body resistance is even weaker.

Fortunately, no other complications broke out, otherwise the consequences would be truly unimaginable.

the next day.

Chen Lie, who was busy in the middle of the night, still had no rest.

Because of the live broadcast last night, it caused a lot of responses.

Especially the scene of saving orphans on the spot and fans taking over firepower touched the hearts of many people.

Early this morning, the mainstream media were reporting on this matter.

Even the portal that had conflicts with Chen Lie before falsely praised Chen Lie and his fans for their charitable behavior.

Under the stimulus of this atmosphere, Chen Lie’s video of the conflict between Wen Lan and Music Beach received widespread attention for the first time.

You should know that Chen Lie's Weibo, WeChat public account, etc., although the number of fans has not reached the top.

But his fans are the freshest, they are all highly active fans.

Unlike some top bloggers, who have tens of millions of fans, the result is not even one-tenth of Chen Lie's activity.

Chen Lie’s video is almost equal to ten top bloggers promoting at the same time, and the fans do not have duplicates. The effect of promotion is amazing.

In a short time, it spread like a virus to most of the Internet world in the East.

Also, many variables have been generated due to this.

For example, Han Fei after the new song.

Just about to go to board the plane, she went south to Huicheng and was suddenly pulled down by her agent.

"Feifei, things have changed a little."

The agent who had known Han Fei for nearly five years looked at Han Fei helplessly.

Han Fei frowned and asked, "I think our asking price is too high and want to bargain?"

Han Fei is now a singer, but a newcomer.

But the value they offered to Huicheng was the top-notch value.

It was Han Fei who didn't want to go, and offered the price at will, but she didn't expect Music Beach to be so determined this time. She knew that it was a wild price, but she agreed.

So outrageous, it's no wonder Han Fei would be so suspicious.

"It's not that the other party repented."

"But, hey, I don't know how to explain it, you can see for yourself."

The agent played the video to Han Fei.

She just looked at Han Fei firmly, without speaking.

Although Han Fei was still not popular, the agent took a fancy to her potential and resolutely put all the future on her, taking her identity and status.

It can be said that Han Fei has the current achievements and the agent has made great contributions.

But the agent is very clever, he doesn't rely on pets or pets, everything is based on Han Fei's will.

Just like now.

She only gives advice, and the final ruling power lies with Han Fei.

"We are not going."

Han Fei looked angry and said: "The organizer is so interested, and the quality of the concert must be as low-end as theirs. Going there will only bring a negative impact on my image."

"This is tantamount to breaking the contract, to compensate for the damage..."

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