"This is tantamount to breaking the contract, to compensate for the damage."

"Sister Feifei's appearance fee is very high."

A new assistant reminded weakly.

The breach of contract is tied to the appearance fee.

The higher the appearance fee, the more you can't break the contract.

"It is wise not to go."

"As for the breach of contract, the compensation is."

The agent also had the same idea as Han Fei.

The image of an artist is everything, otherwise no matter how good you sing, the fans won't buy it.

As long as the image is there, money can still be made, and there is no need to smear yourself for a sum of money.


"Suddenly there is a two-day holiday!"

Han Fei remembered that if she didn't go to the concert at Music Beach, she would have no plans for the next two days, which would be a two-day vacation.

She said excitedly: "I want to rest, this time I want to lie at home and get a good night sleep!"

"Thank you."

The agent felt guilty.

Although she has tried her best to help Han Fei push away various activities and entertainment, Han Fei is a high-level entertainer after all, and the show is still full, and she has not had a good night's sleep recently.

Watching Han Fei go back, the agent took the initiative to help Han Fei turn off his personal phone, and then went to notify the organizer of Music Beach.

There is no room for change.

Not only Han Fei reacted because of Chen Lie.

Shark live broadcasts too.


"This teacher Lan Wen can definitely become the singing pillar of our platform!"

President Hu of Shark Live said excitedly: "Quickly, sign her. If she is signed by another live broadcast company, you will automatically resign."

The previous cooperation between President Hu and Ren Qing resulted in a significant increase in President Hu’s shares, and Shark Live’s board of directors was in name only.

In addition, Chen Lie didn't care about the bad things inside the platform.

Therefore, President Hu can be said to be in power and contented.

Qin Tiancheng replied: "President, it's not that we don't want to sign a contract, but that teacher Wen Lan entrusted the matter to Ren Qing."

"It's her again."

President Hu got a headache when he thought of this smart and beautiful woman.

If Shark live broadcasts, who can make him jealous.

That is definitely Ren Qing.

President Hu couldn't help asking: "Well, what is Ren Qing's request this time."

Qin Tiancheng replied: "She said Teacher Lan Wen can start with a normal secondary contract, but special treatment must be given to promotion and gift sharing."


President Hu agreed without thinking.

Qin Tiancheng was stunned. He didn't expect President Hu to speak so well.

President Hu smiled and asked: "Now there is only Pet Brother on the platform. With so many promotion resources left, we naturally have to give us the seeds of potential. For you, besides Pet Brother, who has the potential to compete with Teacher Lan Wen on the platform? ratio?"

Qin Tiancheng thought hard and shook his head decisively.

Recently, a lot of newcomers have come to the platform. There are indeed a few who have considerable potential, but in the future, they will be at the first-line level. Compared with Wen Lan, who has the opportunity to get top-level contracts, it is really weak.

President Hu continued to ask: "As for gift sharing, it would be even simpler. Because of the particularity of Teacher Wen Lan, our support for her is equivalent to doing charity. I didn't intend to collect the sharing, but now it's just smooth sailing."

"That's it."

Qin Tiancheng suddenly came over.

"I can think of it, and so can Ren Qing."

"The reason why Ren Qing deliberately raised this is because he wants to give us a chance to be a good person and make a name for himself. In fact, we owe Ren Qing a face."

"Ren Qing is not a loss for this transaction."

"This woman is shrewd."

President Hu sighed, but he was more happy.

After all, he saw that Shark Live is gradually recovering from the peak.

In the orphanage.

No matter which room is very tidy.

For example, I am.

The old double-layer iron beds are neatly arranged, the quilts that are not very old are all neatly folded, and the children even their clothes are neatly folded on the corners of the bed and the wardrobe without doors.

Everything is so organized.

Poor children head home early.

It should now be said that orphans took charge earlier.

But now, the children are not inside, because they are all arguing with A Bao and Fierce Tiger.

A Bao looked dumbfounded.

It slept, and just got out of the car without walking a few steps, only to find a large group of children rushed over to surround it.

The most horrible thing is that these bear kids watched its eyes shining, touched it constantly, pinched its fat, as if to eat it.

The fierce tiger is clever.

Seeing a group of bear children rushing over, they flew up to the tile roof for the first time, looking down at a bunch of helpless children.

Although many children turned their attention to A Bao, there were others who used various things to lure the fierce tiger down.

But the fierce tiger is unmoved.

The scene is a bit joyous.

"Children, be careful."

Lan Wen looked impatiently and said, "Don't scare the giant panda Abao. If you scare him, he will leave soon, and he will never come to play with you again."

The children were electrocuted.

A Bao was finally relieved.

It rushed out of the group of children with the strongest force, came to Chen Lie, and barked strangely.

Not waiting for Chen Lie to respond.

A Bao took Chen Lie's hand, pointed at the children, and pointed at the place where he had been pinched, as if complaining of a lot of pain.


I don't know who laughed first.

As a result, all the children laughed.

This is their happiest day in years.

"Abao, this is my favorite ball. Here you are. Will you play with us?"

A boy with an inflexible left hand sent his favorite toy to A Bao.

"My slingshot is also for you."

"And my baby, don't you go?"

The children took out their favorite gifts one after another, hoping to keep Abao.

Po struggled, wanting to take it but not daring to take it.

"Go ahead."

"They will not bully you."

Chen Lie encouraged to open.

A Bao still believed Chen Lie's words and picked up the ball and played with the child again.

The joyous atmosphere is back.

And this time, it was not the previous nonsense, it was purely a children's game.

"Brother Pet, I really thank you this time, but the children's wishes are lost."

Wen Lan actually bowed to Chen Lie.

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