"What kind of activity is that?"

The awakened chairman cursed: "Who is leading?"

no one knows.

The collective silence responded to the chairman's questioning.

"You trash!"

The chairman went downstairs with anger and rushed over as quickly as possible.

food court.

This is a round square.

In the middle of the square stands a not very high platform, originally used as the main exhibition platform for food competitions.

But now, he was rented out by Chen Lie.

There is no large-scale stage lighting, no noisy song and dance town, and the whole audience is dark.

"What the hell is it? It's so dark?"

"Did Brother Pet make a mistake?"

"You can't make a mistake, the Shark live broadcast has made a top announcement."

They are all fans who have heard the news, all standing in the dark in confusion.

Many of them came from several nearby cities specially for leave, and some even came from the north by plane, all because of the pet brother.

"I heard that the world's most magical singer will perform tonight."

"I also heard about it, so I brought my family here specially."

"Such an environment doesn't feel very reliable."

Those who say these things are all locals.

Many of them hadn't even heard the name Pet Brother. They were curious to join in the fun just after hearing the official propaganda.

but no matter.

They did bring a lot of popularity here.

It also weakened the heat of the concert in disguise.


A beam of light covers the middle of the main stage.

I don't know when, a very ordinary one appeared in the middle of the main stage, a stand with a microphone hanging on it, and Wen Lan was sitting on such a chair, planning to sing for everyone like this?

Many people showed incredible expressions.

But before the noise started, the music came out first.

The sound of this music is not very loud, but the tender musical notes have infected the hearts of all the people present, driving away the impetuousness in their hearts.

"not that simple".

Songs are like people, and people are like songs.

This song is a bit complicated.

It originally told the truth about love, but from a different perspective, it ruthlessly crushed the bitterness and romance that had been well covered up.

But the meaning behind the song is: just listen to what others say and make your own decision.

Lan Wen almost expressed his emotions hidden in the notes, almost real.

She sang a kind of unspeakable suffering, also sang a kind of mixed feelings, but finally gave a satisfactory answer.


Ren Qing looked at the group of children around him whose eyes were full of admiration, and couldn't help but exclaim.

"She is very careful."

"This song is matched with such an opening, instantly obliterating the simplicity here, and the artistic conception of the song can be perfectly matched with her life."

"This kind of perfect opening song can only be designed with heart."

Chen Lie was also impressed.

Today he did not broadcast live, and the protagonist is Wen Lan.

Although this is Lan Wen’s first live broadcast and her first concert, her current popularity is definitely top.

Less than 30 minutes after the broadcast, there were 500,000 subscribers and more than 300,000 online.

At this rate.

She will set a record in the live broadcast industry.

"Who is she?"

"She has at least the strength of a first-line singer, how could it suddenly come out?"

The chairman standing at the end of the crowd asked: "I just heard someone call her Teacher Wen, don't you tell me that she is the vagrant singer?"

The general manager wiped his sweat and nodded.


"You actually expelled the first-line singer for a nine-line singer who didn't know where to clean the toilet!"

"My God, I will definitely be laughed at tomorrow."

The chairman confided and said, "Find someone to sort out here, it's too messy here, understand?"

"not understand well."

The old knife appeared.

Lao Dao was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, directly showed the handcuffs, and invited: "These gentlemen, we suspect that you are maliciously making trouble, so come with us!"

"Do you know who I am?"

The chairman threatened: "I know the mayor very well, if you are..."


"You just recorded what you said."

Old Dao sarcastically said: "Besides, the action recorder is still on. Which mayor are you going to call?"

The chairman died instantly.

He is not a fool.

Now cooperate obediently, and you can quickly come out with some money.

If you drag that down, it's really bad.

"Huh, it's just a cutscene, I'll be back soon."

The chairman looked at Wen Lan in the middle viciously.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

Because what he said just now made Lao Dao very vigilant, he especially greeted other people and waited until tomorrow to be released, at least until the concert ended.

and so.

He didn't have time to spoil Wen Lan's concert.

And when he came out, there was only a completely failed concert and a scorched reputation.

Chen Lie and the others did not know that such an episode had happened.

The concert went smoothly.

The impassionedness of "I Believe" gives people a fierce and enterprising passion.

The poignant lingering of "Blue and White Porcelain" vividly interprets the retro style.

These songs are all personally selected by Wen Lan.

Every capital has a certain story.

And including Chen Lie, they are all listeners to the story.

However, some fans who listened to the live broadcast yesterday and listened to it today all noticed something strange.

"Do you think Wen Lan's voice is clearer than yesterday?"

"I thought it was my illusion?"

"At first, I thought Lan Wen was playing at a super level, but now after listening to so many songs, it doesn't make sense that they are all at a level.

This is, many people look at that simple sound system in unison.

"Don't you think it is very familiar? Pet brother Bailing, the voice will become more vivid during the live broadcast."

"Then there is only one explanation: Pet brother has a leg with Teacher Wen Lan."

"Upstairs funny!"

"Upstairs upstairs is funny!"

The curse caused the topic of the crooked building, and immediately more people who made trouble under various banners emerged.

But many people are right.

There is a problem with that set of speakers...

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