The pet king of the city

Chapter 149 The Most Amazing Singer in the World

Chen Lie sent over the audio set from the future live broadcast set, which is the equipment dedicated to Bailing.

This sound combination has a clearer sound line, and there is no slight noise.

The most important thing is that the audio can automatically optimize the background music according to Chen Lie's meaning, making the combination of songs and music more perfect.

So don't look at this sound combination without a cool appearance, but its music effects have completely exploded any music equipment in the world.

There is this blessing.

Coupled with Chen Lie's behind-the-scenes operations, Wen Lan couldn't even think about it.

It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish.

Chen Lie can donate money to save the orphanage.

But after this time?

But what about the donation?

The poor are still poor.

Therefore, only by directly giving the orphanage the ability to make money can the problem be solved from the root.

The simplest and most direct way to make the orphanage self-sufficient is to let the only teacher and the only adult of the orphanage, Wen Lan, display all his talents.


It is the simplest and most convenient way.

What Chen Lie did was to help Wen Lan lead this way, and by the way, he taught the disgusting concert organizer.

Everything seems to be performed according to Chen Lie's script.

It's just that some objections still came out:

"This girl sings well, but it doesn't suit my appetite."

"I'm here for the most amazing singer in the world, otherwise I would really protest."

These are not malicious protests.

It's just unhappy being cheated by advertisements.

But Chen Lie did not deceive.

After seeing that Wen Lan was obviously tired, he decisively signaled Wen Lan to rest and let him suppress the scene.

Chen Lie came to power.

It caused countless cheers in the live broadcast room.

The crowd in the food court was also in an uproar.

Because Chen Lie took Abao to the stage.


"The organizer actually invited the giant panda too!"

"Could it be that the most amazing singer in the world is the panda?"

"Idiot, can a panda sing?"

The discussion turned into noise.


As soon as the tiger roar came out, and it was still in the amplified version, it immediately stunned the noisy crowd.

It turned out that the fierce tiger has always been with Chen Lie.

It's just that A Bao's body is relatively large and attracts all eyes, making the fierce tiger like a kitten ignored.

"Everyone is finally quiet."

Chen Lie picked up the fierce tiger and greeted him actively: "Everyone, I am pet brother Chen Lie, an internet anchor who keeps pets. Of course, my pet is a little special."

The slight laughter drove away the confusion and shock just now.

"I said."

"Tonight, the world's most amazing singer will sing for everyone. Of course this is..."

Chen Lie paused deliberately, and after making everyone's heart tickled, he said evilly: "Of course it is true. How could I make a joke about this kind of thing."

Not waiting for the masses to react.

Chen Lie said directly: "I know that many fans from the live broadcast room know who the mysterious guest is, but there are quite a few people who don't know the only singer in the world."

Chen Lie raised the microphone high and shouted: "So, please tell them, who is the most amazing singer in the world?"


Everyone shouted.

Braun answered.

"Say a thousand words and a thousand words, it is better to have a song!"


Chen Lie gestured, and naughty and joyful music sounded:

"Curry Curry"

Episode from the TV series "Ode to Joy 2".

A divine comedy that can brainwash.

The perfect sound of nature and impeccable music will interpret the joy and liveliness from outside the island.

This relaxed, jumping voice made the audience happy.

The most interesting thing is that the thoughts of the audience accompanied the lyrics and walked into the beautiful Southeast Asia, as if you were on vacation. No matter what the bad mood, you are all beautiful at this moment.

The music ends.

The applause was thunderous.

"Awesome my lark."

"My God, is this still a bird?"

"The world's most amazing, it really deserves its reputation."

All unfamiliar listeners were surprised and admired again and again by the joyful singing.

And Wen Lan, who heard Bai Ling singing for the first time, was shocked to her boss.

As for the children, the eyes of Bai Ling were shining, just as they saw A Bao in the morning.

Opening with clear and elegant music.

The second song appears.

The fluent melody then brought everyone back to reality.

But the rhythm suddenly changed, and the heavy metal instrument blasted out with a magnificent momentum, blasting a noisy, violent and beautiful note into the depths of the soul with a torrent of power.

This music is in super sharp contrast with the joy before, and it directly strikes a sense of extraordinaryness into everyone's mind.

This is the charm of metal music.

It is also the charm of Braun.

This English song is called TheDawn, whose real name is Breaking Dawn, but because of the soundtrack of a game video, it was eventually called "Overture of the Dead" by Eastern players.

But no matter what the name, Braun sang a classic in metal music.

Impeccable interpretation.


Wen Lan, who was completely conquered, wrote the word "conquer" to Bai Ling on her face, eyes, and even her heart.

The two completely different styles are all performed impeccably.

What kind of state is this?

Facing the dumbfounded, unspeakable audience.

Chen Lie came out and smiled and asked, "I don't know, does this singer in my family please everyone?"


The whole audience spoke in unison.

The live broadcast room also lost the "satisfaction" word dominance.

Now if someone says they are not satisfied, they are guaranteed to be criticized by the population.

"Next, we will hand over the final time to Teacher Wen Lan."

Chen Lie abdicated to the virtuous.

But seeing Lan Wen's adoration that hasn't dissipated, I couldn't help but worry and asked: "Wen Lan, are you okay? Do you need to start a backup plan?"

Chen Lie thought that the next was the finale, and asked: "I remember the next classic. It is difficult to sing that feeling with a female voice. It just feels like the soul of the whole song. Do you have confidence?"

"No need to go there!"

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