
"The bloodline of that silver leopard is extremely noble."

Jia Jiapi smiled and said without a smile: "Even if it is disabled, its temperament and blood are still there. After we catch it, it can be used as a propagule. At that time it will be our cash cow."

"No wonder Sister Jia will go out in person this time."

"Sister Jia deserves to be Sister Jia, she thinks differently from us."

That confidant can't just ask, flattering is her strong point.

Just an intelligence agent hurriedly ran from outside.

"Sister Jia!"

The intelligence agent almost said with an anxious crying expression: "A lot of security has come outside, and they have surrounded the beauty salon. I locked the door and won't let them in."

"damn it!"

"Did those idiots just have their tails?"

Jia Jia instinctively thought that the group of famous pet thieves were being followed.


Jia Jia made a decision before the intelligence agent came to inquire.

The confidant asked: "Where are those famous thieves?"

"Since they are so wasteful and bring law and order, let them do the last bit of sharing for us."

Jia Jia went back to the room without hesitation, took one thing away, and walked upstairs.

For her, the group of famous pet thieves have lost their use value now, so they should stay to help her block their guns and buy the last time for their safe evacuation.


A crisp cracking sound.

The police broke the door forcibly.

"You win this time."

"But not necessarily next time."

"I will go outside to hide for a while, and when the storm has subsided, I will change my identity and come back to play with you slowly."

"It's a pity that I have struggled in the industry for 4 full years!"

Jia Jia looked at the beauty salon that was lit up one by one, with unwillingness written in his eyes.

But she was very decisive, and took her confidant into the dark night.


The eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a huge searchlight, directly illuminating the dark streets like daylight.

Jia Jia and her confidant were stabbed so that they could only block the light with their hands.

"Jia Jia, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Old Dao stood behind the searchlight with a grin.


Jia Jia looked desperately at the policemen in front of him and asked, "How do you know that I have this escape route?"

"Do you think I need to explain to you?"

"Stop talking nonsense."

"take away!"

Old Dao declared: "There are more than 30 cases across the country, and the amount involved is no less than ten million. You are really capable! This time you go in, it is difficult to get out."

Jia Jia collapsed.

She didn't know how she thought about her perfect plan, and it all fell overnight.

"You almost ran away by her!"

Chen Lie, who received the news the next day, looked at Old Dao with weird eyes.

Old Dao said awkwardly: "How do we know that Jia Jia is so cunning, he rented the shop next door, and secretly opened a secret door."


Chen Lie spread his hands.

He knew that law and order were unreliable, but fortunately he had taken some precautions early.

This time it was Lao Dao's turn to look at Chen Lie with weird eyes: "I said Mr. Chen, why did you know in advance that Jia Jia has a secret escape route, so that I am ambushing in front of it?"

"Need to understand?"

Chen Lie handed Lao Dao a cup of tea.

The old knife ate it all in one bite.

Chen Lie sighed and said, "You are not tasting tea at all, but cattle drinking."

Old Dao smiled, did not answer, and waited quietly for Chen Lie's answer.

"The truth is very simple."

"In the information I gave you, it was noted that the store next door was also Jia Jia's property."

Chen Lie asked: "As long as you are more careful, you will wonder why a complete beauty salon must be rented out of the shop next door but not used. You know, this shop happens to be connected to the same wall with the beauty salon, and it is It happens to be the topmost layer."

"Yes, why doesn't she rent the next few floors, just that one?"

"Hey, such an obvious flaw, I didn't expect it."

When Chen Lie was so little, Lao Dao suddenly woke up, followed by a burst of shame and embarrassment that could not be concealed.

As a criminal police officer, this was originally his profession.

Instead, he asked others to wake him up.

"Well, Old Dao, you must come here to ask more than just this question."

"For such a problem, one phone call is enough."

Chen Lie poured a cup of tea for Lao Dao again, and asked, "Just tell me if you have anything."

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

"I still need your help."

The old knife involuntarily rubbed the difference in his hands, and said awkwardly: "This time I caught a lot of domestic first-class animal thieves. Whether it is the technology they master or the machines they made, they are all beyond our imagination."

Chen Lie nodded.

How can it be a general criminal gang that can make a remote hypnotic bomb specifically for pets?

"and so……"

The old knife said weakly: "We want to help you order a batch of strictly trained police dogs."


Instead, Chen Lie questioned: "This is sending me business. Good thing, why are you acting so embarrassed?"

"Because our requirements are a little special."

Old Dao still has that tone.

"Tell me."

Chen Lie was curious.

There is a special police dog training mechanism in the police force.

Even those large training bases may not be better than Pengcheng's police dog training mechanism.

Even the police force asked for help, and that matter was interesting.

Instead, the old knife explained: "Police dogs are used for many purposes, such as tracking, searching, identifying, searching for explosions, searching for drugs, guarding, patrolling, ambulance, fire fighting and riot prevention, etc. Because of Pengcheng’s economy and special location, the police dog team’s The role is also growing, and the demand is getting higher and higher."

Chen Lie nodded.

Xiao Hei is a super police dog, he naturally knows how powerful a police dog is.

Old Dao continued: "But after this time, we found that criminals have too many restraints, so we need smarter and more professional police dogs."

"It's reasonable."

Chen Lie was still confused.

"The problem is that we require police dogs to be smart enough..."

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