The pet king of the city

Chapter 157 Queen Bee Honey

"The problem is that we require police dogs to be smart enough to tell what is perfume and what is irritating gas."

"And you have to be professional enough to continue to perform tasks in the event of interference."

Lao Dao felt embarrassed at the end.

Because he said that this type of police dog is definitely the world's top police dog.

Such a police dog can be trained occasionally. I want to train it in batches. Two words:


For example, drug detection dogs at the airport.

Nowadays, drug dealers are very insidious, and they always put some perfume on drugs, and even more obscene, they accidentally put perfume on other innocent travelers or salute them to confuse the judgment of drug detection dogs.

Those who are more vicious will use a special chemical gas that has little impact on humans but is equivalent to poison gas to drug detection dogs, secretly torturing drug detection dogs.

So now even if it is a police dog, it has to be upgraded, otherwise it will be played to death every minute.

"a bit difficult."

Chen Lie nodded unexpectedly and said, "As long as the conditions are right, it is worth a try."

He figured it out.

Because he found that if this matter is used well, he can brush up the number of tasks in a small amount.

And with proper operation, the growth rate of the number of tasks is definitely not worse than the peak days before.

The most important thing is that it is difficult for the earth to train the world's top police dogs, but it is not difficult for Chen Lie, who has countless training experiences in the future.

Such an opportunity should not be missed.

Old Dao asked excitedly, "Mr. Chen, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I am a joke?"

Instead, Chen Lie looked at Old Dao discontentedly.

"That is not what i mean."

"I'm so excited."

Lao Dao didn't know how to describe his gratitude.

This time, he just came to ask about his attitude, and did not intend Chen Lie to agree.

"The police dogs in the police force have been finalized. It is difficult for me to turn them into police dogs that meet your requirements."

Chen Lie took the opportunity to make a request: "So I have the final say on what dog to use as a police dog, how to train it, and what price. You only have the last priority."

"This one……"

Old Dao reluctantly agreed: "Well, who told us to ask too much."

"Then it's settled."


"We are waiting for your good news."

Lao Dao and Chen Lie agreed, and then left.

The famous serial theft case that caused a sensation in the East was solved, and the old knife who personally arrested Jia Jia was very popular. Not only did the media want to interview him, but many branches invited him to pass on experience.

After this time, even if Lao Dao didn't get promoted, he was still famous.

In short, Lao Dao is busy now.

"This time it was handled simply."

"But thanks to my discovery."

Chen Lie waved his hand and a bee that had been lurking nearby flew away.

In fact, this time it was not Chen Lie's foresight, but that Jia Jia was too unlucky.

After Chen Lie got the news from Jia Jia, he originally placed his hopes on the security.

But in order to test the ability of the spy bee that just got it, the spy bee was sent to Jia Jia's pet grooming salon for a round like a game, and the secret door was noticed.

There was this unexpected discovery.

Chen Lie made such an amazing reminder.

"It's over."

"It feels so good that no one is thinking about it."

Chen Lie felt very relaxed.

According to Lao Dao, that Jia Jia hasn't been out for ten years.

For ten years, the day lilies were cold.

Even if she has the courage, she is too capable, but Chen Lie, who has such power in less than three months, how terrifying would it be to develop for more than ten years?

How could Chen Lie at that time be afraid of her?

As for the other members of that criminal group, they will face national hunts under the anger of many rich people.

It's no longer a climate.

"But this time it's kind of that."

At the same time, Chen Lie was also thankful that he did not send out all the information yesterday.

You need to know the details of when Jia Jia went abroad and when he entered the hotel.

Such detailed information is terrifying, what others will look at.

Fortunately, Chen Lie kept his heart, otherwise Lao Dao would have more confusion and more problems today.

How did Chen Lie explain at that time?

"Alie Alie!"

Ren Qing ran over in panic, pointed to the depths of the bamboo forest, and said, "There is a honeycomb there. We have seen a lot of bees. Let's call an expert to deal with it!"

"Why deal with it?"

Chen Lie was stunned.

"That's a bee!"

"What should I do if I stung someone? What if I stung Abao and Jiaojiao?"

It turned out that Ren Qing was worried about this.

"do not worry."

As Chen Lie said, he walked over and even climbed closer to the hive.

"do not!"

"Be careful of being stung!"

Ren Qing screamed and attracted both Gu Xiaoyu and Liu Yifeng.

But although all the bees were flustered, none of them stung Chen Lie.

As a result, Chen Lie took a cup of fresh royal honey from the hive and jumped down easily.

"How is this going?"

Ren Qing was so startled that he didn't know how to describe it, and asked stupidly, "Why don't they sting you?"

"I raised this!"

Chen Lie happily changed the subject: "Unlucky today, I got a glass of queen honey, I will make some honey juice for everyone."

"Long live!"

"There is a new juice today!"

Beauty is the second life of a woman.

And since they heard that fruit juice can help beauty, the three women's demand for fruit juice has greatly increased, and even A Bao refused to ask for it.

"Let me see what materials are there."

"Ah, there are not enough apples, but a lot of lemons."

"Just make lemon juice."

Chen Lie sifted through and decided to do something simple.

The lemons he picked today are not very sour, but they have a lot of juice.

After squeezing out the lemon juice, Chen Lie used a little trick to mix in just the right amount of royal honey to make this new product.

"Please taste."

Chen Lie gave no one a drink, even pets.

He used all the queen honey and made a lot of it.

Ren Qing took a sip quietly.

Then there was only one feeling in her mind...

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