"It learns how to bark a cat and a dog when it's okay. Recently, I don't know what wicked son has learned about the dirtier ones. They always bark from the chrysalis and chrysalis, making the old man and the thief embarrassed."

The old man who sells bamboo shoots almost gritted his teeth at the end.

This is when the old man saw Chen Lie’s surprise on his face, he replied unceremoniously: "Although I am old, I am not old and confused. I naturally know what that means."

"Maybe it was overheard by your big parrot when some people admired it."

Chen Lie guessed at random.


The old man laughed bitterly.

Chen Lie took a step back and aimed at the selected position.

The knife flashed.

A piece of bamboo appeared neatly cut.


"Mr. Chen's sword skills!"

The old man was surprised: "We have an old chef who has been there for more than 30 years. His sword skills are inferior to that of you."

"It's all the same."

Chen Lie didn't want to explain too much, so he simply perfunctory and quickly chopped off the remaining bamboo.

"Thank you, old man, goodbye."

"Thank you, the old man."

After a simple goodbye, Chen Lie quickly bought out the remaining materials.

Go back to the super pet shop.

In the expectations of Ren Qing and others, Chen Lie started busy cooking.

Not long.

They were taking care of their pets, and when they watched A Bao and Ren Qing frolicking on the grass, they smelled a scent of rice floating.

"What kind of rice cooks so fragrantly?"

"I have eaten so many rice, and this is the first time I smell such a fragrant rice fragrance."

If it was ordinary Fanxiang, Ren Qing and the others would never care so much, and even bother to pay attention.

After all, something to eat every day.

Ren Qing, who has the most sense of food, came to the kitchen and sniffed fiercely.


"It's different from what we usually eat."

Ren Qing's eyes were bright, and he exclaimed sincerely: "This rice fragrance has a fragrance of bamboo, but it's not the kind of fried bamboo shoots, it's fresh and natural."

"Washing hands, I'm almost done."

As soon as Chen Lie's words fell, the three women hurriedly washed their hands and took the dishes.

And Bao, who had a good time just now, also crowded over.

Even the silver leopard, who was rarely released, craned his neck and stared straight at the kitchen.

"Eating! Everyone start!"

Braun took the lead in occupying the best position.



The Blue Crown also obediently fell to Bai Ling.

"You guys!"

"Come on, come over and wash my hands obediently, I played so dirty just now."

"Don't be careless, you won't eat it unless you wash it."

Ren Qing had a motherly gesture, and ordered A Bao, Yan Jiaohu and others to wash their hands.

"What ingredients do you want?"

Chen Lie presented bamboo slips one by one.

Bamboo rice is a special delicacy that uses fragrant rice with meat, puts it in a fresh and sealed bamboo tube, adds an appropriate amount of water, and grills green bamboo over charcoal fire.

However, bamboo slips rice is not only grilled on charcoal, but also boiled and steamed.

Different cooking methods have different flavors.

"I want beef flavor!"

Gu Xiaoyu said cheerfully: "If I can, I will add a little bit of everything."

"I want beef flavor too."

Liu Yifeng didn't know the choice, so he followed the trend.

"Beef, yes."

Chen Lie sent a beef-flavored bamboo slip to Gu Xiaoyu and Liu Yifeng.

Bamboo rice has many flavors. Because of the different customs and hobbies in different places, it can be salty, spicy, or even sweet. Some like to add various barbecues and game dishes to grill together to make it taste unique.

Ren Qing asked, "I only want pure bamboo rice, nothing else."

Ren Qing only needs rice.

Because this is the essence of pure bamboo rice.

"As expected, he is a restaurant, he really knows how to eat."

Chen Lie smiled leisurely.

Bamboo Simplified Rice is not the more complicated the mixed materials, the more high-end the better.

"It's hot!"

Gu Xiaoyu broke the bamboo tube.

Even if it is hot, it can't stop her action.

But when the rice fragrant came to her face, and the strong beef aroma was mixed in it, she didn't feel hot anymore.

"Good smell!"


Gu Xiaoyu couldn't help but nodded, and refused to stop.

"The boss is amazing!"

Liu Yifeng's educational level is limited, so he can only praise Chen Lie directly.

Ren Qing also began to taste.

She took a bite gently, and the rice grains entered the mouth. The smell of bamboo made her feel refreshed, and she couldn't help closing her eyes.

a long time.

She had to admire: "This rice is soft and delicious, with the fragrance of bamboo and the fragrance of rice. This is not unique, but art."


"This is not my ideal bamboo slip rice."

Chen Lie was not satisfied.


Ren Qing was excited, and asked, "Do you know that even the chef in our house can't cook bamboo slips of your level."

"The real bamboo rice is much better than this."

"Because they use the new bamboo that grows naturally in the old forest deep in the mountains, relying on morning dew and mountain springs."

"The water for cooking rice is the sweetest spring water, and the rice used is ivory rice, or Thai jasmine rice, Indian basmati rice, these world-class fragrant rice."

"Plus the use of firewood in the mountains for baking, it can stimulate the aroma of rice to the greatest extent."

Chen Lie finally sighed: "The bamboo slips rice that comes out in this way is delicious in the world."

"Stop talking, I'm drooling because you said it."

Gu Xiaoyu looked at Chen Lie in pain.

"you win."

Ren Qing couldn't help shaking his head.

They all thought that the bamboo slip rice in front of them was the top delicacy, but they didn't expect that this was the little witch, and there was the original big witch on top.


A Bao actually carried the entire fruit basket and handed all the fruits to Chen Lie.

Chen Lie took a closer look.

It turned out that Abao ate it all.

"I wipe, you eat so fast, be careful of choking."

Chen Lie looked at A Bao, who was full of rice with a headache, and sighed: "A Bao, I have done a lot this time. I have prepared a lot of portions for you early to ensure that you are full."

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