"Does that matter for me?"

"I can smell the smell of rice all the way."

A familiar and slightly abrupt voice sounded.

It's boss Qi.

This guy who often doesn't have food.


"I did a lot today."

Chen Lie was not stingy either.


"I came here after eating, just joking just now."

Boss Qi asked: "Brother Chen, is it convenient to have a few words?"

"Let's go to the grass and chat."

Chen Lie invited Boss Qi to the animal paradise.

"Wow, I haven't been here for a while, this place has changed a lot."

Boss Qi sighed when he saw the back alleys and warehouses completely transformed into another world.

But he didn't forget his purpose. In order not to disturb Chen Lie's meal, he quickly entered the subject: "Brother Chen, the Cantonese Dog Competition is getting closer and closer. Are you ready?"

"Ready at all times."

Chen Lie didn't think any dog ​​could compare with Xiao Hei.

of course.

That's better than the appearance and pedigree competition, Xiao Hei will not participate.

"I can rest assured that."

Boss Qi secretly relieved.

Because he gave up the spot to Chen Lie, if Chen Lie gave up, then he would have lost an opportunity to become famous and make a fortune.After all, he is extremely confident in Chen Lie's pet taming ability, and always feels that this level of dog competition is a matter of grasping for him.

So I have to be more cautious.

Boss Qi hurried to the second question: "The second thing is about the association. Although I have been attacked by the Pengcheng Pet Association recently, the momentum of development continues."

"Good thing."

Chen Lie was a bit embarrassed now.

It was his idea to set up an association, but he then started to throw his hands away and threw everything to boss Qi.

Looking back now, I was really a bit immoral.

"Brother Chen helped everyone get rid of so many famous pets, and everyone has a lot of money."

Boss Qi said cheerfully: "Plus the pets he raised are more well-behaved than others, and they sell much better than others. Now the members of the association are holding back their energy and want to compete with the Pengcheng Pet Association. ."

"Not urgent."

"At least not in a hurry now."

Although Chen Lie didn't show up very much, he could change the pet market in Pengcheng by sharing a little skill and experience.

But now the association is in the initial stage.

Still accumulating.

Not in a hurry.

"The last question is what you call the problem of large-scale police dog breeding."

Boss Qi asked seriously: "Brother Chen, this matter is related to the future direction of the base. Are you sure there is a market?"

A breeding base.

If you want to focus on one kind of pet, it's not just talk about it.

From breeding to cultivating pets, the process alone takes half a year.

In half a year, once it fails, the breeding base will be hit hard. Not many breeding bases can afford to gamble.


Chen Lie replied decisively: "As long as the reserve police dog you raise meets my requirements, I can buy it all, so you don't have to worry about sales."

Large-scale police dog breeding.

It was his cooperation agreement with Laodao's police dog.

Chen Lie had agreed before, and naturally he had to be perfect.

And the police dog program also has great potential.

Let alone the nature of the police dog.

For the police force, a police dog is equal to a combat partner and a trustworthy comrade in arms. It is very easy to build relationships.

Basically, as long as Chen Lie is trained, they can quickly find a suitable owner.

And how big is the domestic police dog market?

Let's talk about Pengcheng if you are far away.

Airports, customs, railways, etc. all need the assistance of police dogs.

Coupled with the various criminal pressures that are too heavy to breathe, even thousands of police dogs can be digested by various departments of Pengcheng.

Even if Chen Lie gets a discount, only 300 police dogs.

That is also a terrible number.

Pengcheng alone has such a terrible digestive ability. What a terrifying potential market is that the whole country?

So he is willing to try.

It doesn't matter if he loses, after all, Chen Lie can afford to lose now.

"With your words, I can just let it go."

Boss Qi suddenly stood up and said: "I recently ran to most of Guangdong Province, and even ran a lot of police dog bases, and purchased a small number of high-quality police dogs that are in the growth stage. Come and see if you have time. "

Only the small police dog that is in the growth stage and has not been finalized can have the value of training and training.

"No need to be free."

"I'll go see it this afternoon."

Chen Lie was very concerned about this.

"Then I will be waiting for your ride."

Boss Qi left quickly.

It seems that he is really busy lately. Not only is he busy with food, but he continues to work without a sip of water.

Chen Lie admires Boss Qi's professionalism.

If not so.

Chen Lie would not just cooperate with Qi boss in so many pet breeding bases.

You must know that since his rise, many pet breeding bases have quietly contacted him, saying that they can provide pets of the same quality but at a lower price.

Some are even willing to trade at a cost price in order to earn the name Chen Lie.

But Chen Lie refused one by one.

In this world, good business is easy to find, but good and trustworthy business partners are hard to find.

Sometimes, it is not the enemy, but the business partner that pits oneself the most.

Chen Lie felt deeply about this.

Chen Lie returned to the kitchen.

"good to eat!"

"It's a rare folk delicacy."

Ren Qing and others were full and satisfied.

And A Bao even ate his stomach full and lay directly on the ground to load the corpse.

The other pets are not much better.

Bai Ling and Blue Crown can't even eat, the fierce Jiaohu is so full that he can only lie on his stomach, and Xiao Hei is still struggling whether to eat more beef.

"Fortunately, I saved a little for myself."

Chen Lie returned to the kitchen with a wry smile and re-made.

This is Ren Qing and they have cleaned up the table and went to the grass to rest, and the pets have also scattered.

Chen Lie is the only shop left.


The Silver Leopard called.

It is a restricted pet and naturally not qualified to share food.

Seeing Yin Leopard stretched his neck and looked at himself eagerly, Chen Lie couldn't help sighing.

"I seem to forget to treat your disability..."

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