"I seem to forget to help you treat your disability."

Seeing Yinbao staring at him blankly, Chen Lie remembered his negligence towards it.

Since the last Lord Devouring incident, both Chen Lie and Ren Qing have deliberately ignored Yin Leopard.Sometimes, other pets would come out to rest and move around, but Ren Qing and others deliberately prevented it from coming out to breathe.

Unconsciously, the silver leopard was forgotten by others.

No one cares about its disability.

"Forget it, go play."

Chen Lie knows that the fierce tiger has trained it well recently.

It should not be the same as before.

The liberated Silver Leopard limped out of the cage and stretched heavily.

But it did not leave, but sat obediently next to Chen Lie.

"It seems you are greedy too."

"Give you."

Chen Lie gave a little bit to Yin Leopard.

The silver leopard has been coveting it for a long time, and he doesn't care about his image, so he can't eat it.

One person, one cat, just taste like this.

a long time.

The silver leopard ate very contentedly and kept licking his paws to clean up.

"Go and play."

Chen Lie must prepare for the live broadcast tonight.

Although the show has been prepared for a long time, some moderate details increase and decrease are very helpful to win popularity.

After all, I haven't broadcasted it for a few days.

You must come to a bright spot to quickly gather popularity.

However, although Yinbao envied everyone on the grass, he didn't mean to pass.


Fierce Jiaohu roared, attracting Chen Lie's attention.

Ren Qing and the others are also resting in this urban peach garden.

"what happened?"

Chen Lie looked at the fierce tiger who was staring, wondering.

A Bao came to look for the parents again.

It pointed to its ass, then pointed to the fierce tiger with a miserable expression.

Chen Lie asked, "Did Jiaojiao beat you again?"

A Bao couldn't help nodding.

Ren Qing smiled and said, "Sleeping Abao slept in Jiaojiao's position. You must know that the rock is Jiaojiao's special bed. Abao slept on it recklessly and was kicked off by Jiaojiao.

"Deserve it."

Chen Lie didn't understand why he had to get that stone by the door.

Later I understood.

That is the throne of the king, specially arranged for the fierce tiger.

Gu Xiaoyu came over to persuade and said, "Abao, there are so many bamboo gardens, so please find a place to rest at will."

A Bao looked at the direction of the rock reluctantly.

The rock is very cool, but it is in the shade. It feels cool and comfortable to sleep. It likes it very much.

But thinking of the fierce tiger's force, he had to move the target to another place.

It's just that A Bao accidentally saw the honeycomb over the bamboo forest and instantly moved his mind.

Not everyone can resist the charm of queen honey.

Not to mention that A Bao is a bear.

"In other words, what is it called here?"

Chen Lie suggested: "Yifeng calls this grassland, Qingqing calls this back alley and backyard, and Xiaoyu calls this bamboo forest. There is no uniform name, which is easy to confuse. It is better to choose a name that is easy to remember."

"Better have a plaque."

Ren Qing also opened his hands to outline the shape of the plaque.


Chen Lie thought for a while, and said, "This is a paradise built for animals, so let's call it a paradise."

"Also, easy to remember."

The girls expressed their support.

The name is thus confirmed.

"Go and play."

"From now on it will become a veritable animal paradise."

Chen Lie patted the silver leopard.

The silver leopard limped and walked slowly to a remote corner.

It can't play with anyone.

Originally, it had a good relationship with A Bao, but when A Bao sat there, his feelings were lost.

"This beautiful big cat is very lonely."

Ren Qing looked sad.


Chen Lie is thinking about these things.

"Abao, be careful."

At this moment, Ren Qing saw that A Bao was actually going to pick up honey and climbed high, so he called out immediately.

Xiao Hei raised his head warily.

Fierce Jiaohu looked at A Bao suspiciously.

The silver leopard who was resting next to him raised his head suspiciously and watched the clumsy movements of this silly panda who likes to make trouble and toss.

"Be careful!"

"Abao, be careful!"

Bailing actually added: "Honey remember to share!"

Ren Qing's originally nervous mood collapsed instantly.

A Bao heard that so many people noticed their "small movements", their hands stretched out more prominently, and their fat bodies deviated from the tree ring on the side.

If something went wrong, A Bao would have to be planted severely.

"not good."

Chen Lie saw that sometime, a solid wood for pets to bite and play with rolled under A Bao.

If Abao falls, he will knock on this log in all likelihood.

It was dangerous then.

Perhaps it is a good spirit.

A Bao was too greedy, his fingers were too short, and he wanted to get angry when he first touched the hive. As a result, he lost his balance and fell down.

The others are too late.

But the Silver Leopard stood up.

It used its body to withstand A Bao, and don't let A Bao's head hit the log on the ground.

But it overestimated its own power.

In other words, it underestimated A Bao's weight.

The silver leopard's slender body couldn't support Abao's tonnage at all, and the two pets fell together.

Fortunately, A Bao avoided the danger of his head falling to the ground. Sadly, the Silver Leopard became A Bao's mat.

"Silver Leopard!"

Everyone rushed over.

Chen Lie rushed the fastest, holding A Bao with both hands.

Then I saw the dizzy silver leopard.

Chen Lie picked up the silver leopard.

It was found that Yin Leopard was all right, but his eyes were out of focus. It may be that his head was concussed.

He didn't talk nonsense, and through pet medical identification and system cooperation, he gave Silver Leopard some guaranteed care.

Fortunately, the Silver Leopard was not really concussed, it was just a momentary oppression.

"Fortunately, it's all right."

"But... Abao!"

Ren Qing was angry, ready to teach A Bao.

A Bao, who was awake, showed the iconic inner character and ran frantically to Chen Lie's room.

How could the angry Ren Qing let it go easily and chased it directly.

Gu Xiaoyu and Liu Yifeng also went to help arrest the naughty A Bao.

Chen Lie looked at Yin Leopard.

"Fortunately to have you."

"You performed well this time. It's time to give you a little reward."

"In fact, I found the medicine for you in one shot."

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