The pet king of the city

Chapter 183: Unfair Game

"I am enough."

Chen Lie sneered and said, "Where can I help you when dealing with you!"


Tobe Saburo immediately became furious.

But he thought this was Chen Lie’s aggressive strategy, so he exercised restraint and said, “I hope you don’t regret it later, especially your three million dollars.”

"Ha ha……"

Now the contract has been signed.

Chen Lie no longer needs to talk nonsense with Saburo Hube.

Tobe Saburo asked: "Are you sure you want veal steak?"

"Isn't this what you are best at?"

Chen Lie's rhetorical question cut off Tobe Saburo's last hesitation and went straight to the workbench that had everything he needed.

There are many ways to prepare beef, while western food mainly focuses on roasting, grilling, frying, sautéing, sautéing, stewing, braising, and braising.

Saburo Tobe moved Japan with the fried calf ranking.

It is said that he once won a certain gourmet championship in the island country with this hand.

For Chen Lie, it doesn't matter more than anything.

But only by crushing the enemy's best skill can he completely defeat Saburo Tobe's pride and give him the best punishment.

Game start.

There is no master of ceremonies, no opening remarks, only the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two sides, and the notary team as the referee.

The so-called notary group is very representative.

10 media reporters, 5 foreign tourists, 5 oriental tourists, 5 well-known chefs in the industry.

Many of the media reporters were invited by Saburo Tobe. All five oriental tourists voted for him just now, and five well-known chefs in the industry must be responsible for their reputation.

So Saburo Tobe is not afraid of the so-called "Renhe".

On the contrary, it is Chen Lie to be afraid.

Looking at the scene, Old Li couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "I feel that the 25-person referee team is not very fair to Xiao Lie!"

Ren Qing is still confident: "I believe in Alie's cooking skills, that is not what you can imagine."


Lao Li does not have much confidence.


At this time, there was an uproar in the game venue.

Because Saburo Tobe sacrificed his first weapon:

Kobe beef.

Kobe beef is one of the top beef in the world.

It is basically a necessary material for the Japanese state banquet.

In the past, Kobe beef was never exported, and other countries could only use various methods to import or even breed it.In recent years, there have only been sporadic exports.

But many Kobe beef on the market are fake.

After all, the price of Kobe beef is very expensive. Ordinary Kobe beef costs more than 2,000 RMB per catty. What is the price of those restaurants outside?

As for the real premium Kobe beef, it can't even be satisfied in Japan, let alone export it.

And now.

The Kobe beef that Saburo Tobe brought out was not the top-notch, but it was not ordinary.

Just like that, it instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

A chef in the food city shook his head as he looked at it, "I use Kobe beef directly, what better pet brother!"

"That's right!"

The chef who lost to Saburo Tobe just now shook his head and sighed: "One shot is the winning beef worth nearly 10,000 yuan per kilogram, but the pet brother uses only ordinary beef. The two are not comparable."

Old Li seemed to see Chen Lie’s failure and smiled bitterly: "Hey, Xiao Lie is too self-righteous this time. This high-profile Tobe Saburo naturally has the confidence to win. 3 million US dollars, hey... although I don’t want to. Admit it, but the fact is the fact."

Old Li's words finally turned into a long sigh.

"Will not."

"Alie will not lose."

Ren Qing is still insisting.

Mr. Li asked: "Although the beef used by Lie is also a good material, a catty is only a few hundred smaller. Compared with the top beef of tens of thousands per kilogram, the gap is not as big as usual. You say, the material alone means grinding. What's the reason for Xiao Lie's opponent?"

Ren Qing wanted to refute, but couldn't find an excuse.

With such good materials, even if it is an average chef, it can still perform at a master level.

Not to mention that Saburo Tobe is a master himself.

"Hey, Mr. Chen is too impulsive this time."

"Saburo Tobe is clearly prepared."

Although the owner of the Food City has a helping hand, he is helpless.

At this moment.

Many people are the same as the restaurant owner. After seeing Saburo Tobe's materials, they felt that Chen Lie had no chance at all and lost.

However, it is not the same as others.

Chen Lie remained indifferent and continued to cut the beef seriously.

Looking at his quiet posture, it was as if he hadn't seen Saburo Tobe's masterpiece.

"Really Kobe beef? I heard that this stuff costs 10,000 yuan per kilo?"

"It's really Kobe beef, Ziz, I didn't expect that I, a little reporter, would also have the opportunity to taste such top-class food."

"It's so fragrant, it's rumored that Kobe beef is fragrant and not greasy, and melts in the mouth. It feels so wonderful that I can't stop it, and I want to eat it."

The 25-member referee team, without any sense of referee, walked to Saburo Tobe's workbench to line up.

They all want to try the first batch.

In order to eat this world-class beef, they all lined up in an orderly manner.

As for Chen Lie.

They were completely ignored.

"Quickly, the miscellaneous chef brings the ingredients, and the side dish chef keeps up!"

"And you, ready to serve to our respected referees."

The whole team.

Tobe Saburo is the core of everything.

Not only in charge of the most critical process, but also controlling the rhythm of other people, so that the whole team methodically proceed according to his plan.

This is his second weapon.

Relatively speaking, Chen Lie is much slower here.

He even just started making veal steak now.

"I wipe!"

Ren Qing stared at it and shook his head.

Old Li scolded mercilessly: "Tobe Saburo is too shameless. With such good materials, he used the whole team to bully Xiaolie. This game was unfair from the beginning."

The owner of the Food City embarrassed: "The top-notch ingredients and the tacit team can definitely make a state banquet-level food. This contrast is too sharp and it is a farce at all."

"good to eat!"

"It's so delicious!"

The farce has also begun.

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