"good to eat!"

"It's so delicious!"

The farce has also begun.

The first person to taste Japanese special veal steak made from Kobe beef shouted.

"The taste that melts in the mouth is unforgettable."

The second referee who had the special veal steak was also amazed.

"The fat and lean meat is evenly distributed and has a unique taste. No wonder it is called the Rolls Royce of beef."

"A well-deserved reputation!"

After a reporter tasted it, he also applauded publicly.

Ren Qing's face was pale when he saw it.

3 million, and it's still US dollars.

Even if Chen Lie makes money like stealing money, he can't stand the toss.

It's just that when she saw Chen Lie's Gu Jing Bubo expression, somehow her heart calmed down.

Those referees who have not yet been queued show expectation.

But a few are calmer.

An old chef watched the situation on the left and right, and couldn't help sighing: "Hey, I hoped that Mr. Chen could bring a miracle, but I didn't expect the gap to be so big."

Another old chef wearing glasses sighed: "Yes, I don't want the honor of oriental cuisine to be trampled on in front of us."

"Huh, it smells so good!"

The old chef suddenly smelled a strong, pungent aroma.

This spice is a combination of beef and spices, which is fresh and exciting.

The old chef searched along the smell.

It's not Chen Lie who else.

Chen Lie’s beef is not the type commonly seen in western restaurants, but the most common barbecue at street stalls.

Although it is simple, it is deliciously roasted.

This scent is so unique.

There is no need for other assistance at all, the taste can be diffused, and the entire game venue will soon be included.

At this time, not only the few respected old chefs, but also not only the so-called referees, but even the tourists who were not invited in were all attracted.

"For a $3 million gambling game, the masterpiece is just barbecue?"

"Is this TM kidding me?"

Many people do not believe Chen Lie.

In particular, the roadside stall style barbecue is actually going to beat the master-class cuisine that other high-end restaurants can't get.

But more and more people crowded to Chen Lie.

Even if they weren't referees, they couldn't help their desires and kept moving in.

It also includes other chefs from Food City.

"Mr. Chen, don't know when we can try?"

The old chef with an identity advantage came forward first.

"Please wait a minute."

Chen Lie stopped the regular circular motion and sent a slice of steak that was just right to the old chef.


The old chef made a very long nasal sound and exclaimed: "I have never smelled such fragrant barbecue beef. This taste alone can give 90 points, and the remaining 10 points are taste."

The old chef took his first bite in anticipation.

Even Saburo Tobe was quietly watching Chen Lie.


The old chef was surprised.

He then bit again, as if confirming.


He gobbled up the whole beef skewers clean.

"Mr. Chen, give me some more."

The old chef said excitedly: "I thought it would be difficult to keep the original taste of beef after grilling. I didn't expect that the beef you grilled was too old and too tough, and grilled just right."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Chen Lie then picked up two more and handed them all to the old chef.

"Old guy, divide me up and let me try if it's what you said."

The old chef with glasses saw that the old man wanted to take it alone, so he hurried over to snatch it.


Old friends for many years have nowhere.

Because it's so delicious.

"You don't even give this point!"

"Wait for yourself!"

Two old chefs who are well-known in the East just got into trouble.

The other well-known chefs stared at the old friend who had been in love for more than 30 years.

You should know that they are brothers, they started their own businesses together, and together they created a small restaurant into a food brand with several five-star hotels.

But today, it is incredible that the pair of brothers in distress are fighting for a bunch of beef skewers.

If you want to hire someone to act, that's fine.

Perhaps there are also human debts to pay attention to.

But at the same time, it would be difficult for them to act together and act so realistically.

Ever since.

The other well-known chefs leaned in.

Immediately afterwards, those who had to eat Kobe beef for a long time also moved immediately.

"The smell is exaggerated."

"I have never smelled such a stimulating beef skewers. If such a stall is placed near my house, I am afraid I will go bankrupt."

"This taste is too good, it's incredible."

The balance of public opinion began to shift.

The referee's position gradually turned back to justice.

The old chef, who has always occupied the best position, ate a lot, and sighed: "I haven't eaten so full for many years."

"This is indeed delicious on earth."

"It's strange, how did Mr. Chen do it?"

The spectacle chef looked at the materials on Chen Lie's desk in wonder, and muttered: "The materials he uses are all ordinary, nothing special. Why can they make so delicious?"

The old chef saw that Chen Lie had taken out the beef skewers from the brine, and he had an idea, and asked, "Could it be the problem with the brine?"


The spectacle chef is also a veteran, and he sees a subtlety: "He may first incorporate some sauce into the beef to make the beef more distinctive and tender and juicy."

The old chef added: "He controls the heat very well and stops when he forces the sauce out. In this way, his beef skewers are equal to the combination of two spices inside and outside, no wonder the fragrance is so refreshing. "

"More than that."

A five-star hotel chef next to him said: "Mr. Chen controls the heat very well, every piece is baked just right, and the time is almost accurate to within 1 second."


All the cooks took a cold breath.

They are all well-known chefs. Asking them to make a gourmet meal separately, with the time accurate to 1 second, which is barely okay.

But for them to grill so many beef skewers, it is definitely...

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