The pet king of the city

Chapter 185: Absolute Crush

The old chefs are all well-known chefs, and ask them to make a gourmet meal individually, with the time accurate to 1 second, which is barely ok.

But asking them to grill so many beef skewers while keeping the time accurate to within 1 second would not be difficult, but a fantasy, because they can't even be accurate to 5 seconds.

"Mr. Chen has great talent!"

"This time there is a real possibility of a miracle!"

After the spectacle chef sighed, he was relaxed and ready to take another bite.

"and many more!"

The old chef snatched the beef skewers right before the beef entrance.

"what are you doing?"

Eyes chef furious.

"Look carefully!"

The old chef picked up his own beef skewers for comparison.

Not only that, he also took the beef skewers in the hands of the chef of the five-star hotel.

Compare them all.

The old chef carefully read it several times, and finally said excitedly: "Look, look carefully at the cutting skill of beef, do you see anything?"

All well-known chefs carefully distinguished, the result is again:


Collect cold breath.

Because all the beef is cut completely and uniformly, as if cut by a machine, each cut is the same neat, and each piece is the same size, no difference.


Old chefs look at me, I look at you.

In the end, the old chef said: "Such sword skills may not be able to be polished after 30 years of hard training."

"I am afraid."

"Mr. Chen is not an ordinary chef."

The glasses chef looked at Chen Lie's eyes, both admired and helpless.

Even well-known chefs marveled like this.

Not to mention those ordinary referees with ordinary judgment.

Chen Lie's Qixiang is very delicious, and the taste is so refreshing that it explodes. I want to eat it after eating it. I can't stop the mouth when my stomach is going to burst.

After such a comparison, the result is obvious.

Those referees who had eaten Japanese special veal steak suddenly felt that Saburo Tobe was simply expensive to eat. Compared with Chen Lie's side, it was nothing short of a big deal.

In this atmosphere, the final selection was made.

"Please choose from 25 referee teams."

"Which side you support, please stand in front of that side's workbench."

"If you don't line up, you give up."

As the host, the food city owner will naturally stand out.


25 referees.

A total of 21 people stood on Chen Lie's side.

The other three did not line up, only one Japanese tourist was standing by Tobe Saburo.

The result is very obvious.

Chen Lie's roadside barbecue defeated the world's top Kobe beef.

"This is impossible!"

"How could I lose! This is not true! You must be cheating!"

Tobe Saburo stared at the results of the poll in a daze, his expression changed from a daze out of control to a crazy clamor.

But he didn't see it. Even his own subordinates were drooling at Chen Lie's barbecue.

If they didn't consider their identity, otherwise they would have tasted it.

"Do you want to shame?"

Chen Lie walked slowly to Tobe Saburo, sneered.

Tobe Saburo scolded out of control: "You must have cheated! That's right, the referees are all you Orientals, so you are partial!"

"I will never admit defeat!"

Tobe Saburo kept shaking his head, a little crazy.

"You can't help it if you don't admit defeat."

"Right bet the contract is here."

Chen Lie raised the signed contract, deliberately stimulating: "Speaking of the contract, I have to thank you in advance for your generosity, after all, it is three million dollars."


Tobe Saburo was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and he collapsed on the ground.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know where you learned your cooking skills?"

"Brother Pet, I often watch your live broadcast, can you..."

When Chen Lie walked out of the specially isolated venue, reporters swarmed in.

But Chen Lie humbly said a few times, and then got into the background.


The pressure is suddenly light.

Chen Lie breathed a sigh of relief.

There was applause.

Everyone backstage applauded Chen Lie's miraculous performance.

"Alie, you are amazing."

Ren Qing flew over and rushed into Chen Lie's arms.

Fortunately, Chen Lie's pace is steady enough to withstand Ren Qing's impact.

The trousers came out for a moment of movement.

It's Abao.

This guy was pouting his mouth, one finger was put into his mouth, and the other hand was pointing at Chen Lie's workbench just now.

Obviously, it also wants to eat barbecue.


"This time you have made great contributions and must be rewarded."

Chen Lie generously touched A Bao's head.

Old Li joked: "This time you are alone. What does it have to do with A Bao."

"Old Li doesn't understand."

Chen Lie didn't want to explain too much.

Lao Li is not a entangled person.

The topic stopped like this.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Mr. Chen!"

The owner of the food city hurried back and called to Chen Lie who was about to leave.

"what's up?"

Chen Lie's impression of this guy is not very good.

It wasn't that he did something evil, it was just that he was unhappy with his attitude.

The owner of the Food City is a human being.

He obviously felt Chen Lie's disgust, but he still politely came over to invite him: "Mr. Chen, you must be famous in the food world in your battle today. I wonder if I can show my face and stay as a judge?"

"Not interested in."

Chen Lie replied: "I have said everything that I should do."

But Abao pulled Chen Lie again.

It wanted to eat the barbecue just now, and even wanted to eat the jelly money that Chen Lie had eaten before.

Chen Lie knelt down and asked, "Do you really want to eat?"

A Bao couldn't help nodding.

"OK then."

"We can make arrangements right away."

As soon as Chen Lie got up, the restaurant owner seized the opportunity to say: "We promise to provide extreme convenience to Mr. Chen, and to give Abao all the food he wants to eat."

Abao immediately slobbered.

It seems that the food city owner has grasped A Bao's weakness.

"It's better to let Abao be a judge."

Old Li said evilly: "I really want to see the scene at the Music Beach Hotel."

Chen Lie was taken aback for a moment, and then followed with a wicked smile.

He didn't expect it.

Old Li, who looks kind and kind, has such a dark-bellied side.

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