The pet king of the city

Chapter 186 The Emperor's Tongue Dislike

At the five-star hotel in Huicheng Music Beach, Ah Bao was picking and choosing the food carefully prepared by the chefs. The scene made the chefs embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Li suggested that Abao should be a food judge.

It seems that he also lacks the goodwill of the owner of this gourmet city.

In this atmosphere, the restaurant owner walked into the super giant pit of Abao ecstatically.


"I will do it now!"

Chen Lie returned to the main hall under Abao's "urging".

And Bao took the position of judge.

"A giant panda as a judge? Oh my goodness, is this world crazy?"

"Don't giant pandas eat bamboo? What should I do if I eat it badly?"

"This food city is also true. For hype, you can't use such a cute panda to toss you?"

When the tourists saw A Bao, they were immediately confused.

Because of the status of a national treasure, the first thing tourists think of is Abao's body, not anything else.

"Please rest assured, everyone."

"It is now the most famous internet celebrity panda, A Bao."

"If you have cared about A Bao, you know that A Bao only likes to eat delicious things, not meat and vegetables."

The restaurant owner obviously didn't expect such a scene.

But he was able to afford such a big food city, he naturally had some skills, and quickly found an excuse to explain, and finally rounded the scene.


"We presented the most exquisite food to our specially invited judges."

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the owner of the food city urged the chefs to work.

As for the judges around Abao, they are regarded as transparent by the restaurant owner.

And Chen Lie re-entered the rhythm of grilling beef before.

"Please taste."

A chef who made anchovy prawns brought his proud masterpiece to A Bao.

"Yes, it's pretty delicate."

"The prawn meat is white and the tail is bright red and resembles a phoenix tail. The color is very gorgeous, but I don't know how it tastes."

A well-known female gourmet in Pengcheng didn’t want to be completely transparent, and she angered her sense of existence: “It’s not bad. It’s made from the finest fresh shrimp. The shrimp tastes extremely tender. If I’m not mistaken, you still cook it with duck fat. To make it more delicious, don't you?"

"Your Excellency, good taste."

The phoenix prawn chef exclaimed: “Cooking with duck oil is a secret recipe passed down by my family. I don’t want you to try it out at once.”

"Such a high praise, it seems to have to give it a try. Oh, yes, it's more authentic than the last time I ate, this delicacy can be a signature."

"I thought it was flattering. I didn't expect the taste to be so good. No wonder you are so confident and dared to be the first to perform."

The other two gourmets and gluttons all ate so much, as if saying that a little bit less would suffer.

"Let me try."

The old chef who had performed before tasted it and praised: "Yes, this craft alone is enough to support a restaurant's signature."

"Thank you for your appreciation of the experts."

The anchovy chef was very proud and looked at A Bao.

A Bao is now the core.

But at this time, A Bao's appetite does not seem to be very good.

The restaurant owner asked quietly: "Do you need us to help Abao break the shrimp shells?"

"Maybe not."

Old Li used a very strange phrase to answer.

The owner of the Food City sounds baffled.

Ren Qing alone is enough to take care of Abao.

Ren Qing and the waiter want a basin of water and tissues.

At the same time, he said to Abao, "Abao, now is the time for you to perform. You have to respond whether you want it or not. It can't be the same as before."

Po washes his hands helplessly, then wipes them clean.

"Giant pandas also talk about hygiene in the same way, and I now finally believe that they are raised at home."

"You are so suspicious? Forget it, I can't communicate with you."

"Niuniu, do you think giant pandas love to be clean?"

"Mummy, Niuniu will also talk about hygiene in the future, and will never be compared to giant pandas."

Tourists look fresh, and some parents seize the opportunity to educate their children.

The scene was pleasant.

It's just that the anchovy chef is not happy anymore.

A Bao reluctantly brought the phoenix prawns to him, sniffed it, and then, without eating or talking, he directly pushed it to the female gourmet who had been complimented just now.

"Abao, what are you doing?"

The female gourmet doesn't understand.

A Bao pointed to the anchovy chef and then to the female gourmet.

The female gourmet still doesn't understand.

But the anchovy chef vaguely guessed a little, and his face turned dark.

The female gourmet looked at Ren Qing and asked, "Beauty, you must know what it means. Can you explain it to me?"

Ren Qing questioned: "Are you sure you want to listen?"

The female gourmet nodded very firmly.

"Then you choose yourself."

Ren Qing sorted out his thoughts and said, "A Bao means that since you think the prawns are so good, then I will give them all for you."

The female gourmet is not a fool, and her face suddenly becomes gloomy.


"I didn't expect A Bao to be so poisonous."

"Wrong, this is not a poisonous tongue, but an emperor's tongue. Pet brother mentioned it by chance in the live broadcast before."

"Yes, I remember that Pet Brother said at the time that Abao is difficult to raise because it recognized Pet Brother's food. Looking back now, Pet Brother at that time was suggesting that his cooking skills were very good."

Some fans who watched the live broadcast burst into noise.

This makes the faces of female gourmets, prawn chefs and gourmet city owners extremely ugly.

"Next, fast!"

The owner of the Food City hurriedly urged, hoping to reverse the situation.

But even the phoenix prawns, whose presentation and taste have reached a high level, have come back with a feather, and others can even imagine.

A Bao smelled it here and looked at it over there. Finally, he put his head directly on the judges' table and didn't judge at all.

The expression was just pasted two words to describe it:

Dislike it.

"Haha, I caught Emoji's new expression again!"

"The emperor tongue deserves to be the emperor tongue, it's too difficult to serve."

"No wonder Abao is only willing to talk to my pet brother."

Countless chefs in Food City wiped their sweat.

They dare not put their masterpieces on stage now, and at the same time, they are looking forward to someone breaking the deadlock...

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