"Have you two eaten?"

Chen Lie asked suddenly, and then asked and answered: "It shouldn't be. Seeing the oil on your face and your slightly anxious breathing rhythm, 80% came overnight."

"Mr. Chen looks at people in the slightest."

Wang Yishan looked at Chen Lie in surprise.

Originally, he didn't think highly of Chen Lie. He felt that at most he was a folk chef who had mastered certain cooking skills.

But now it seems that he somewhat underestimated Chen Lie.

Fatty An took the opportunity to say: "Mr. Chen, we are all Orientals, and we will not allow a JP countryman to be so rampant. So even if there is no invitation from Mr. Ghost Eye, we will come and have a look."

The words are very beautiful.

As for the amount of sincerity and sincerity in the words, it is unknown.

"In that case."

Chen Lie didn't answer Fatty An's topic, and asked, "Why don't you have a meal with me?"

"Can't ask for it."

"I was about to see Mr. Chen's cooking skills."

Wang Yishan's eyes brightened.

"It seems that we have to convince you. Why did you turn it around?"

Fatty An muttered a few words, and then he also supported: "Forget it, I also want to see that hand that claims to be able to turn corruption into magical cooking skills!"

Old Li smiled without saying a word.

He remained silent, acting as the best listener.



Chen Lie is naturally making pasta.

Not because his family biography is noodles, it is purely because the future competition with the Emperor of Ramen is just noodles, so Chen Lie will naturally not do anything else.

the same.

If Wang Yishan and Fatty An want to convince Chen Lie, they also have to use pasta.

"Using ready-made mechanical surface!"

When Wang Yishan saw Chen Lie cooking with the noodles he bought, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Like theirs.

Even the most basic dough must be made by yourself.

The noodles made by machines do not come on the table at all.

"Could it be that Mr. Chen is simply filling us up, instead of demonstrating to us?"

Fatty An became suspicious: "No, Mr. Chen is not such a stupid person, is there any mystery?"

Old Li ignored the suspicious Fatty An and continued to drink tea.


The more they watched, the more disappointed they became.

Because Chen Lie’s method is so ordinary, it is almost ordinary people cooking noodles at home.

"can not understand."

Wang Yishan sat back again.

The same goes for Fatty An.

"Drink tea!"

Mr. Li handed them a cup of tea each.

Wang Yishan took a sip without feeling it.

"Good tea."

But Fatty An is different.

With a net worth of 3 billion, he usually drinks top-quality tea, so he can taste the difference in this tea at once.

Wang Yishan regained his senses and took another bite, his eyes brightened.

"Use refreshments."

"Don't be so surprised, this is the standard configuration here for Xiao Lie."

Lao Li is still waiting for a good show.

Fatty An looked at the plate of pastry that was fried into golden brown, picked up a piece, and put it in his mouth.


The crisp sound instantly became the only melody here.

After Fatty An's expression was certain, he continued to eat with an extremely careful attitude.

a long time.

He showed a happy look.

"So strange?"

Wang Yishan ate a piece of suspicion, but ended up following Fatty An's footsteps.

The regained Fatty An sighed: "This spring roll has a thin and crispy skin, a soft filling and a special flavor. It is definitely a rare product."

"The skin is tender and filling, and the taste is delicious."

Wang Yishan sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Mr. Chen has fully deduced the essence of the spring rolls. There is nothing to say. The pastries of the state banquet for foreign presidents are nothing more than that."

"Such spring rolls, so fragrant tea."

"Mr. Chen's treatment of us makes us feel ashamed!"

Even Fatty Ann had to blush.

"I'm suddenly looking forward to Mr. Chen's noodles."

Wang Yishan put down his chopsticks respectfully and looked at the kitchen.

Fatty An also nodded and said: "Yes, spring rolls are also one of the noodle dishes. Even the unpopular spring rolls can be proficient in such a state, presumably Mr. Chen's noodles will be ingenious."

Pasta is a big category.

Any food made of flour can be called pasta.

In our daily life, noodles, steamed bread, fried dough sticks, biscuits, dumplings, buns, wontons, bread, cakes, etc. can all be classified as pasta.

There are so many types of noodles, even the emperor of Ramen can only dabble in one or two of them.

Otherwise, he is not the Emperor of Ramen, but the Emperor of Noodles.

"Wait a little longer."

Lao Li put down his teacup and asked, "Don't always talk about Xiao Lie, it's better to talk about you."

"What do we have to say?"

"Hasn't Mr. Li already investigated us clearly?"

Wang Yishan and Fatty An turned their attention back to Lao Li.

"The problem is that the old man is curious about you."

Old Li asked with a smile, "You must know that both of you are the top chefs in the country. It is disrespectful to you to ask you to come over to help the little-known home chef, Lie."

"Master's order, I will not violate or ask more."

Wang Yishan's answer accurately reflects his character of respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao.

Fatty An slyly replied, "I, half of it is to pay back the favor, and the other is to step on the face of the emperor of Ramen."


Since they were talking, Lao Li didn't bother to ask further.

Just at this time.

Chen Lie has cooked the noodles.

"Fortunately, I was prepared early, otherwise I will have to toss for a while."

Chen Lie carried two bowls of noodles and sent them to Wang Yishan and Fatty An.

"Please taste!"

Chen Liebi made a "please" gesture.

In the next moment, Chen Lie shouted: "You ghosts, don't come here, I have prepared enough for you, and I will cook it for you later."

Wang Yishan and Fatty An are still wondering.

As a result, Fatty An felt something rubbed around his waist and eyes.

Take a closer look.


A giant panda.

He had done Chen Lie's homework before coming, so he naturally knew that Chen Lie was not only a panda.

So I asked A Baolai, who was drooling, "Your name is A Bao, right?"

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